Well, it's official.....camp has finally begun! We have started out the summer with a good sized week....123 campers! But praise the Lord, even better than that: enough staff to open all the cabins! Although we had a record number at orientation this year, we were lacking in guy staff....not enough counselors. Wes, Steve (our camp director) and even our sound guy (David) were going to have to step in and be counselors for the week.....but the Lord had other plans and sent 4 AWESOME guys( that have served here in the past) right at the last minute...literally! We called them (on Sunday afternoon, the day before camp) just to see if they thought they could do it, and sure enough, they got their stuff together, jumped into the car and drove all night to get here. That was a HUGE answer to prayer!
So, with a full staff and a nearly full camp, this place is busy and alive. The go-carts are running, the horses are back on the trial, and gun shots can be heard from the rifle range. I love the sounds of camp! There are lots of smiles on the faces of campers and that is always a good sign!
And it's always interesting to see how the new staff really react to the campers finally getting here....some surprise you...where they were a little quiet and reserved during orientation week, they step out of their shell and turn into the "fun" counselor. Then there are some that surprise you in a different way.....they end up not having the work ethic you thought they would, or you see them already distracted from the task at hand. We need MUCH prayer for our staff....they have an exhausting and stressful job....one that requires the strength, wisdom and endurance of the Lord on a day to day basis.....really, on a moment to moment basis. But I am confident that the Lord will bring about His individual will for each staff member here.....some will learn hard lessons about themselves and about God....others will flourish and grow leaps and bounds. This camp is just as much a ministry to the staff as it is to the campers. (I end up learning a few things myself!!)
Overall, it's been a great start....a few bumps in the road but nothing that (so far) has hindered the Gospel being preached, heard and received!
Please continue to pray for us out here!!!
The theme for the week: "God is good, all the time.....All the time, God is good!" GREAT reminder!!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A day of celebration!
Well, 12 years ago today, I was running around all flustered and nervous, about to walk down the aisle to marry my college sweetheart! Although some of it is a vague memory, there are parts that stand out clearly....
....deciding to dye my hair a "slightly red" the night before
....how it was raining that morning and we even picked up a woman hitch hiking on our way to the church
....getting my dress on and then immediately having to pee
....ALL of my bridesmaids helping me pee!!
....5 minutes before walking down the aisle, my "girls" and I sang (in pretty amazing harmony) "Going To The Chapel"
....my dad walking me down the aisle
....how nervous Wesley was
....my father in law giving the Gospel message very plainly and bluntly
....walking out of the church "married"!
....the great reception
....a punch fountain (that was fun!)
....being surrounded by great friends
....driving away in our little red (very decorated) car....twice! (one for the photo, one for real!)
....turning on the air conditioner in the car and TONS of rice blowing out! (for months after that too!)
It was an amazing day....and 'most' of the days afterwards have been great. Ha! We have had some tough times, but we have also had many more wonderful times, lots of laughs, and sweet memories. I am so blessed to have such an awesome family....and it all started 12 years ago, in a church down in south Georgia. Looking forward to 12 more...at least!!
....deciding to dye my hair a "slightly red" the night before
....how it was raining that morning and we even picked up a woman hitch hiking on our way to the church
....getting my dress on and then immediately having to pee
....ALL of my bridesmaids helping me pee!!
....5 minutes before walking down the aisle, my "girls" and I sang (in pretty amazing harmony) "Going To The Chapel"
....my dad walking me down the aisle
....how nervous Wesley was
....my father in law giving the Gospel message very plainly and bluntly
....walking out of the church "married"!
....the great reception
....a punch fountain (that was fun!)
....being surrounded by great friends
....driving away in our little red (very decorated) car....twice! (one for the photo, one for real!)
....turning on the air conditioner in the car and TONS of rice blowing out! (for months after that too!)
It was an amazing day....and 'most' of the days afterwards have been great. Ha! We have had some tough times, but we have also had many more wonderful times, lots of laughs, and sweet memories. I am so blessed to have such an awesome family....and it all started 12 years ago, in a church down in south Georgia. Looking forward to 12 more...at least!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Well, we are home from our camping trip and I'm tired....it was one of those trips where you are just as tired when you get home as you were when you left! And, to top it off, my hubby is sick (flu-like symptoms). But it was still a profitable trip....I could tell the staff really bonded and enjoyed themselves. I wish I could have 'bonded' more, but with my responsibilities and my 'needy' kids, there was only so much I could do. And I wish I could blame it all on my job and my kids, but there is a part of me that struggles with 'bonding'.....but i did what I could and hopefully it's a start.
So camp starts in less than 48 hours....the 'to do' list is still long but we will just get done what we can, and then focus on the task at hand.....give the Gospel and show them the love of Christ! I enjoy that WAY more than all the projects! I am motivated and ready to begin.....it's something that I spend so much time praying for and preparing for, that I'm really anxious for it to actually start. I know the rewards will be great....every summer I am amazed to see the hand of God at work in these young lives....I know I say it often but what a privilege to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.
Yet, although it's so rewarding, there are parts that are difficult, and I usually end up feeling the 'cost' of this ministry, especially in the summer. This will be my 9th summer working here (my 7th as program director) and I know how difficult it can be. I pretty much kiss my husband good bye on the first day of camp.....we pass each other a couple times a day, once or twice we share a meal together....I'm up early before him and then he is out late, usually coming home after I am in bed. And then there are my children. Although they are pretty self sufficient, they are still at the age where they need their Mom....and it's a daily battle for me, knowing I can't be there every time. They still want someone to hold them when they fall off their bike, help them with a craft, find a stamp when they want to mail a letter, tuck them in at night, etc.....in the summer I can't always do those things.....and it makes me sad everytime they tell me (afterwards) that they hurt themselves, but managed to crawl up and get a bandaid out of the cabinet themselves....or when I come in at night and they are already asleep, even though they said they wanted to me to come kiss them good night.....there is a price, and it goes further than even what I mentioned here. There are times of lonliness, issues rarely get resolved because of busyness, I lose touch with friends, etc....but in the end, I wouldn't trade it because the rewards always outweigh the sacrifices. That is something I am learning in other areas of my life as well....it's a slow process at times!!
So, if you think about it, pray for our staff as they are about to embark on a busy/stressful 8 weeks....there will be times of frustration (that camper that pees in his bunk for the 4th time that week), times of sadness (when a friend or peer says something hurtful), times of laughter (when Dino does the "dream skit", throwing his hair around like a girl), and there will also be times of great joy (praying with a child as they make the decision to trust in the love of Christ). There will be ups and downs....but I am praying that they will remember that God never changes. Something I need to remember too....
Well, I will try to keep things updated here as much as possible...I haven't been very faithful to this blog lately, and I'm not sure why I think I'll be able to do it during the busiest season of the year, but it doesn't hurt to try!
So camp starts in less than 48 hours....the 'to do' list is still long but we will just get done what we can, and then focus on the task at hand.....give the Gospel and show them the love of Christ! I enjoy that WAY more than all the projects! I am motivated and ready to begin.....it's something that I spend so much time praying for and preparing for, that I'm really anxious for it to actually start. I know the rewards will be great....every summer I am amazed to see the hand of God at work in these young lives....I know I say it often but what a privilege to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.
Yet, although it's so rewarding, there are parts that are difficult, and I usually end up feeling the 'cost' of this ministry, especially in the summer. This will be my 9th summer working here (my 7th as program director) and I know how difficult it can be. I pretty much kiss my husband good bye on the first day of camp.....we pass each other a couple times a day, once or twice we share a meal together....I'm up early before him and then he is out late, usually coming home after I am in bed. And then there are my children. Although they are pretty self sufficient, they are still at the age where they need their Mom....and it's a daily battle for me, knowing I can't be there every time. They still want someone to hold them when they fall off their bike, help them with a craft, find a stamp when they want to mail a letter, tuck them in at night, etc.....in the summer I can't always do those things.....and it makes me sad everytime they tell me (afterwards) that they hurt themselves, but managed to crawl up and get a bandaid out of the cabinet themselves....or when I come in at night and they are already asleep, even though they said they wanted to me to come kiss them good night.....there is a price, and it goes further than even what I mentioned here. There are times of lonliness, issues rarely get resolved because of busyness, I lose touch with friends, etc....but in the end, I wouldn't trade it because the rewards always outweigh the sacrifices. That is something I am learning in other areas of my life as well....it's a slow process at times!!
So, if you think about it, pray for our staff as they are about to embark on a busy/stressful 8 weeks....there will be times of frustration (that camper that pees in his bunk for the 4th time that week), times of sadness (when a friend or peer says something hurtful), times of laughter (when Dino does the "dream skit", throwing his hair around like a girl), and there will also be times of great joy (praying with a child as they make the decision to trust in the love of Christ). There will be ups and downs....but I am praying that they will remember that God never changes. Something I need to remember too....
Well, I will try to keep things updated here as much as possible...I haven't been very faithful to this blog lately, and I'm not sure why I think I'll be able to do it during the busiest season of the year, but it doesn't hurt to try!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Staff Campout

Blog (Wednesday)
Well, we made it….we are in beautiful, colorful Colorado. We take the staff camping every year before camp starts to get some rest and spend time together…..it’s one of my favorite parts of the summer! This year, there was some question if I would even go or not…..there are so many things still to do at the camp to get ready for Monday (the first day of camp), that I felt like I should stay back and work. I’m so glad I left the decision to my husband and he said we should just go….yay hubby!
So although it’s cold this morning, it’s so beautiful and awesome! We usually ‘seriously’ camp (out in the middle of nowhere, no bathrooms, no showers, etc), but this year, because of the threat of rain, we are staying in Cortez, CO at the Christian Discipleship Center (friends of our mission and somewhere I would LOVE to try to minister). They have a huge, beautiful GREEN lawn area where our staff pitched tents…..but hubby and I, and a couple other staff are staying inside, in the gym (where it’s warm!). But our adventurous daughters wanted to sleep in the tents with friends. I slept somewhat restlessly, waiting for them to come in and tell me they were scared or it was too cold….but surprisingly, they stayed out all night (they are STILL asleep, cuddled up together, I’m sure!).
Last night was great…..it was lazy and relaxing. Several staff played soccer….others passed the Frisbee around….others sat around in groups and chatted. The kids had lots of room to run around….they had a blast! I stretched out on the grass with some other ladies and we chatted and took pictures….I could have sat there for hours, but finally the sound of the guitar drew us over to the fire pit, and we spent time singing and sharing. And also, with great sadness, my dear friend Nanette shared with us that her sweet sister, who had been struggling with a brain tumor for some time, had finally passed away and was in the presence of the Lord. My heart went out to my dear friend….my beautiful, Godly, amazingly strong friend. We prayed together, we wept together, but then, in a wonderful way, we praised the Lord together. It was an amazing time of fellowship as she then shared with the rest of the staff her news…..there were tears, a time of prayer and then more singing and praising God. My heart is still in a state of praise this morning and I can’t wait to have my time in the Word and fellowship with my loving, sweet, all-knowing, perfect Savior.
And I’m looking forward to today also, because this weekend the staff have been challenged to reach out the people in the community….whatever community we are in at the time. For those that are new to ‘evangelism’, they were simply asked to just approach someone, converse with them, maybe share about the camp, find out something about them, etc…..now today, they are to move on to more…..they are to actually get to the point in the conversation where they can ask, “Do you have any spiritual beliefs?”. For many, when they were presented with that task, looked outright terrified. But after hearing about Nanette’s sister, after just hearing that someone had just passed into eternity within the hour and how different our reaction to that news would have been if she had NOT been a believer, I challenged them to approach people with that in mind…..to try to find boldness because of that. I know that even for myself it created a spirit of necessity, to get out there quickly and share the Gospel. I am looking forward to what today will bring. And tonight, when we sit around and discuss our “adventures”, that many will be able to say they experienced the strength and power of the Lord and maybe there will be stories of salvation and joy, too!
“This is the day that the Lord has made, we will be rejoice and be glad in it!”
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
We are well into our 2nd day of training and it's going well. There is good team spirit and there seems be a sweet unity. We are moving through our "day at camp" to give them an idea of what it's like...but it almost makes me laugh because once you add 150 campers to the mix, there is NOTHING that will prepare you for it! But we try!
It has been neat to get to know the staff.....really, what I am doing at this point is just observing them. I can see the "types" forming now.....the music types all sit around in the lodge with their guitars or on the piano......the athletic types are stretching out in the morning, ready for a nice long run.....then there are the worker types who are busy doing extra jobs......there are the prissy types (both girls and guys) who are spending most of their mornings in the bathroom in front of the mirror.....there are the tired types who are just laying around on the couches, watching everyone else.....mostly everyone has fallen into one of those groups. But it's good to see them come together in one common group.....a group of believers, committed to serving the Lord for the next couple of months. It's a neat thing to witness and to be a part of. I am so very privileged to have this ministry and be a part of something much bigger than myself. And it's so great to see God ALREADY at work here at the camp, even before a camper sets foot on the property.
I am already aware of some potential problems.....you see that too as you observe people. But I am not worried about that....God is already there, in the future, making preparations for it....preparing the situation AND preparing me! There is alot of "putting out fires" here at camp....it's a daily interruption for me....at least that is the way I used to see it. But now I see those moments as opportunities to minister to others, to depend on God, to seek Him, to watch Him work, to even love Him more. They are just part of the journey!
I'm looking forward to walk this road for the summer....if I keep myself focused on my Savior, keep my "self" under the control of the Holy Spirit, and continually draw closer to Him, then walking this road will eventually put me at a place that is closer to my Savior!!!
It has been neat to get to know the staff.....really, what I am doing at this point is just observing them. I can see the "types" forming now.....the music types all sit around in the lodge with their guitars or on the piano......the athletic types are stretching out in the morning, ready for a nice long run.....then there are the worker types who are busy doing extra jobs......there are the prissy types (both girls and guys) who are spending most of their mornings in the bathroom in front of the mirror.....there are the tired types who are just laying around on the couches, watching everyone else.....mostly everyone has fallen into one of those groups. But it's good to see them come together in one common group.....a group of believers, committed to serving the Lord for the next couple of months. It's a neat thing to witness and to be a part of. I am so very privileged to have this ministry and be a part of something much bigger than myself. And it's so great to see God ALREADY at work here at the camp, even before a camper sets foot on the property.
I am already aware of some potential problems.....you see that too as you observe people. But I am not worried about that....God is already there, in the future, making preparations for it....preparing the situation AND preparing me! There is alot of "putting out fires" here at camp....it's a daily interruption for me....at least that is the way I used to see it. But now I see those moments as opportunities to minister to others, to depend on God, to seek Him, to watch Him work, to even love Him more. They are just part of the journey!
I'm looking forward to walk this road for the summer....if I keep myself focused on my Savior, keep my "self" under the control of the Holy Spirit, and continually draw closer to Him, then walking this road will eventually put me at a place that is closer to my Savior!!!
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