Friday, May 30, 2008

......a walk at dusk (326)
.....devos outside (327)
.....peace and quiet (328)
.....sweet worship music (329)
.....fellowship with friends (330)
.....a new day (331)
.....painting with hubby (332)
....hard work (333) (334)
....a trip to town by myself (335)
....a good book! (336) kids enjoying movie night at Grandpa Fred's (337)
....another beautiful sunset (338)
.....going to bed early!! (339)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well, I am finally able to 'exhale'....meaning, most of the boxes are unpacked, pictures are hung, and we are finally 'settled' in. Ahhh!
I do apologize for taking so long to get back here, but along with all the unpacking, we have also experienced lots of internet problems....which will probably be the story from here on out. But I will try to keep this updated when I can.

Our trip out was an adventure as usual....the Lord was good and we had no van trouble or major issues...but there was an incident at register 13 at a Walmart in Miissouri....Peter wasn't feeling well and didn't quite make it to the bathroom.....i'll leave out the details :)
But other than that, it was a nice trip out west. It was a little different this time, knowing that we were making it for a more permanent was a little sadder to watch the mountains disappear and turn into the flatter lands of Indiana, then through the "Gateway to the West" in St Louis, on to the plains and cattle farms of Texas, and finally into the amazing desert scenes of New Mexico. By the time we got that far, the sad thoughts of home were being replaced with the excitement of our NEW home and the journey that spread out before us. Although I still miss WV and the sweet friends there, there is a cool kind of peace that comes with being exactly where the Lord wants has made the transition much easier.

Since we have been here, we have had plenty of opportunities to "dig in and get our hands dirty". We have cooked and cleaned for work teams that have come to the camp....... helped with retreats and groups..... visited supporting churches....... see old friends, and make new ones....... and currently, in the middle of MANY projects to get ready for camp, which starts in less than TWO weeks! Wow!! It is fast approaching and we are excited for the busiest time of our year..... but it is not without some worry and concern. We are in desperate need of counselors and staff this year and if we do not get enough, it leaves us no choice but to turn away campers as a result. So please be in prayer for that need.....

And please be in prayer for the next week or so, not only while we prepare for the beginning of camp, but also as the Lord prepares the hearts of the campers that will be coming....that they will be in a place where they can hear and understand the Gospel that will be presented several times during the week of camp.

Although I can't list all the things from the past month that I am thankful for, I wanted to give a few......

.....a safe trip to our new home (294)
.....seeing the hard work my hubby did to prepare for us to come (295) carpet and paint (296)
.....the help of friends as we unloaded our 'stuff' (297)
.....the opportunity to show the movers kindness (298)
.....watching my kids "explore" their new surroundings (299)
.....the unexpected, freak snow storm that hit...6 1/2 inches....(300)
....the great team from Pennsylvania that came and accomplished SO much for the camp (301)
.....meeting one of our supporting churches (302)....and a great afternoon cookout with friends (303)
.....being reunited with our new "home" church (304)
.....good time of prayer with the staff here (305)
.....a great "welcome home" party for us (306)
.....dinner with a good friend on my birthday (307)
.....running again (308)
.....staying in touch with friends (309)
.....a beautiful afghan, made especially for me, received in the mail (310)
.....friends who stop by (311)
.....selling burritos at the post office with Rosie (312)
.....strawberry shortcake (313)
.....great commodore among staff here (314)
......Genesis, and the many lessons learned there (315) kids sunburned faces (316)
.....sledding in May (317)
.....the smell of horses drifting over to our house (318)
.....laughter among friends here(319)
....laughter among friends from home (320)
.....'guy' night for my husband (321)
.....MANY bonfires with the fam as we burn our moving boxes (322)
.....roasted marshmallows (323)
.....singing around the fire (324)
....the many projects that need to be done around camp, as it serves as a reminder of the growing ministry here! (325)


Sunday, May 11, 2008

I Live in New Mexico!!

I just love saying that....."I live in New Mexico"! I just keep saying it over and over....and i keep reminding everyone here of that fact....I'm sure they will tire of hearing me after the first week or so! But I think it will take much longer for me to tire of saying it! It is a good thing to be where the Lord has prepared....right now it's still a little "busy" with the whole unpacking of it all, but soon it will calm down into "camp" chaos....I can't wait!

I have more to share about the transition and 'stuff', but things are just too busy right now....give me a couple of days and i'll be back!

Thanks for your prayers so far :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

More old blogs....sorry, almost done transferring them over here!!

Clarity (APRIL 2007)

I often get the opportunity, in my ministry, to help people in the decision making process.....things come up and they need help trying to decide what to do......and often we end up praying for 'clarity'.
But recently I read an interesting perspective on the idea of 'clarity'......I wanted to share it:

"When the brilliant ethicist John Kavanaugh went to work for three months at 'the house of dying' in Calcutta, he was seeking a clear answer as to how best to spend the rest of his life. On the first morning there he met Mother Teresa. She asked, 'And what can I do for you?' Kavanaugh asked her to pray for him. 'What do you want me to pray for?' she asked. He voiced the request that he had borne thousands of miles from the United States: 'Pray that I have clarity.'
She said firmly, 'No, I will not do that.' When he asked her why, she said, 'Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of.' When Kavanaugh commented that she always seemed to have the clarity he longed for, she laughed and said, 'I have never had clarity; what I have always had is trust. So I will pray that you trust God.'
We ourselves have known and put our trust in God's love toward ourselves (1 John 4:16). Craving clarity, we attempt to eliminate the risk of trusting God. Fear of the unknown path stretching ahead of us destroys childlike trust in the Father's active goodness and unrestricted love.
We often presume that trust will dispel the confusion, illuminate the darkness, vanquish the uncertainty, and redeem the times. But the crowd of witnesses in Hebrews 11 testifies that this is not the case. Our trust does not bring final clarity on this earth. It does not still the chaos or dull the pain or provide a crutch. When all else is unclear, the heart of trust says, as Jesus did on the cross, 'Into your hands I commit my spirit' (luke 23:46)"

When Wallflowers Dance, Angela Thomas

(APRIL 2007)

An exerpt from the book Jesus the One and Only, by Beth Moore

She was elaborating on the beginning of Christ's ministry....being baptized in the Jordan by John the Baptist....

"I've written something that is strictly fiction. I was just reflecting on what might have been going through John's mind as Jesus approached him. These thoughts came to me. Perhaps they will help us to see these as very real people encountering the Son of God.

My tongue had been like a flame that day. The Word of God came to me in the desert like fire from heaven. If I hadn't preached it, it would have consumed me. I had no fear. No intimidation. God sent me to those Jordan waters, and I knew they'd come. No prearranged meeting. Just the wind of the Spirit wooing, drawing, then blowing away the debris of sin, preparing the way for the Deliverer. No matter who came to the shore to hear or to jeer. The message was immutable, 'Repent! For the kingdom of heaven is near!

The fruit of repentance pierced the wind with cries of confession and waves of grief. I hardly stepped out of those waters that day. My voice grew raspy and hoarse but never quiet. Boldness was the marrow in my bones. Funny how stunned we are when the future we prophesy suddenly becomes present. I had told them I was unworthy to loose His sandals and that I would only baptize with water for repentance. He would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. I spoke like an authority. Like an associate of the closest kind. Like someone who knew it all. I didn't.

I was just raising a repentant man from the waters when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye walk to the water's edge. As I think back, how those waters kept from parting that day, I'll never know. Numbers were gathered on the shore. Others were waist-deep in the water. Suddenly I became oblivious to all but the overpowering presence of the One. There he stood, looking straight at me, through me. Oh, it was Him all right! I had been preparing for Him all my life, and yet I was not ready. All I could do was look at Him and shake my head, 'No. Please, no! Not me. I have need to be baptized by You!'

Suddenly I was overcome by my own compulsion to flood the shore with waves of repentance, and He answered, 'Let it be for now. It is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.' So I consented, shaking all over. I placed my left hand on His back and my right hand on His chest. I felt the heartbeat of the Son of God. As if in slow motion, I leaned Him back into those waters, His weight submitting to my hands.

All of a sudden the Jordan chilled me to the bone. I raised Him from the waters, and He stood before me drenched in the river of promise. The water dripping from His beard seemed to drop like diamonds, proclaiming His endless perfections. He alone had no confessions to make that day. Only one was made over Him, the confession of His holiness enthroned in heaven. 'This is my Son whom I love and with Him I am well pleased.' The blessing of the Father fell like a dove from heaven. He walked out of those waters and into our lives, interrupting a fallen world with grace and truth. My name is John. I am the son of a simple man and woman. I baptized the Messiah that day."

Can you imagine? He had prepared all his life. When we set apart our lives unto Him, He will do wonders with us the likes of which we cannot imagine.


Please pray for the many children who God is already preparing to come to the camp this summer....


I am in the middle of my last day packing....the movers officially come tomorrow. The kids and I will leave the house tomorrow and let them do their work (Wes will stay behind to "supervise"). So after tomorrow, most of the stress will be over....Praise the Lord!!! It can't come quick enough!

And I have to admit, I'm struggling to find things to be thankful for because of the chaos that surrounds me right now....but I'm going to try! :)

......getting lots accomplished today (282)
.....little pain today (283)
.....a little 'alone' time with Baby Isaac (284)
.....hearing about my shortcomings from a friend (285)
.....a husband who helps with the laundry (286)
.....a friend who took my kids to the pond to feed the fish (287) kids rest time (288)
.....sunflower seeds (289)
....that the moving process is almost over (290)
....the comfort of God (291)
.....knowing that HE knows my heart, when others question it (292)
.....not having to cook dinner tonight!!! (293)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sweet Sunday

Today was our last Sunday at our wonderful home church.....I knew the day would come sooner or later. But the Lord was good and gave much grace as we said good bye to many friends. He has been so faithful to us over the years there.....we have experienced sweet ministry opportunities, made wonderful friends, been in lots of plays (Peter was a baby Jesus our first year there!), laughed lots at 8 bean dinners!!, grown spiritually under wonderful, biblical teaching and preaching, shopped for Thanksgiving baskets, enjoyed picnics, watched the church grow (in size and number), and been blessed with the so many other sweet memories. We will greatly miss our church family, but know that we will be re-united again soon, and that our partnership in ministry will keep us bonded together in the service of Christ.......
so my heart is full of thankfulness tonight.....

......a GREAT drama this morning (250)
.....the Carpenter family (251)
.....Angela on the piano (252)
......"How Firm a Foundation" (253)....especially vs 3 and 4 (254)
.....the voices of small children singing (255)
.....the prayers of friends (256)
.....the encouragement to keep blogging (257).....even when I don't think anyone even reads them!!! (258....thanks Ms. Louise!!!!)
.....watching my kids make new friends quickly (259)
.....celebrating a birthday (260)
.....watching my kids TOTALLY love bouncing around in those fun bouncy house thingys!! (261)
.....laughter with the Bucklands (262)
.....a few quiet, unplanned moments with a dear friend (263)
.....more packing accomplished (264)
......going to church twice in one day (265)
......hearing a young preacher (266) and fellowship with church friends (267)
.....saying good bye for real this time (268)
.....having friends to say good bye to!! (269)
.....laughter on the phone (that's YOU Ang!!!) (270)
.....the tender heart of my son as he had to say good bye to a good friend (271)
.....the opportunity to explain (again) our obedience (as a family) to the plan of God in our lives (272)
.....the lessons learned from relationships (273)....and the patience to wait on the Lord in them (274)
....answered prayer for a friend (275) of a friend's family (276)
.....knowing that the Lord already knows the future (277).....and that I dont' have to even think about it! (278)
.....forgiveness (279)
....mercy (280)
.....3 more mornings in wild wonderful west virginia!!! (281)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Outcome....

Well, I know in my last update on my 5K journey I said the race would not happen for me......I was delightfully wrong!!! I woke up Saturday morning with considerably less pain. I didn't get my hopes up, but by the time the race was about to begin, I was pretty sure I could run it. I knew that if I started it, I would finish it (I'm REALLY stubborn like that!). Long story short, I did end up finishing it.....slower than I would have liked, but finished nonetheless. It felt good and the real pain didn't set in until about an hour after the race....but I'm pretty sure it was worth it. It was good to accomplish the many goals tied up in this one event.
My friend Betsy did really well....she shaved almost 3 minutes off her time and finished in the top 200 (we think there were about 700+ runners).....yeah Betsy!! You are my hero!!
When I showed up at the race and actually decided to run, my main goals were to run the whole thing and not get beat by someone just "walking" the race! Thankfully those two small goals were accomplished ;)
But it was interesting to see all the different people in the race......there were some that I thought, "Man, they will probably win the whole thing".....some of them were walking within the first mile! And others I thought (shamefully), "I might be able to beat them"....some of them ended up beating Betsy!!! Good lesson: DON"T JUDGE!! The Lord humbled me when I barely got beat by a 70 year old man! I was amazed by him!! And at one point, I was behind a 9 year old little girl.....and then a dog passed me and I almost cried! Thankfully the dog had to take a 'potty' break so I ended up beating him, and the young girl puttered out and walked to the end!
But really, it was fun and it was so neat to see all the people and friends of survivors and those who lost their lives to breast cancer. And it was a privilege to run in memory of a dear friend....a mother, a wife, and a who struggled through the last days of her life.
I look forward to my next race....June 15th!
stay tuned!!!

The Day of......

I'm thankful for....

......less pain this morning (241)
.....good time with friends last night (242)
.....good food last night (243) traveling (244) day closer to full time ministry (245) least a couple hours of sleep (restless) (246)
.....5am giggles (thanks to Isaac!) (247)
.....the goodness of God (248)
.....His promises (249)

Friday, May 2, 2008

The 5K journey is over

Well, it's official.....pretty sure I pulled my groin.....long story short, I won't be able to run. I can still hope for a miraculous recovery, but it's not likely. I will probably end up joining the other 'walkers' in the race instead. And to be honest, if the race were today, I wouldn't be able to walk 3 miles.
Needless to say, I am pretty bummed. Words can't describe it.....I even ditched all my packing plans for today and just got out of the house. It didn't help. I know that I just need the tomorrow to come and go and it will be I am just being patient and not thinking too much about it (although I am constantly reminded of it as I make plans to leave tonight to travel to the race....ugh!).
There were many reasons I was going to run in the race.....some are trivial and only important to just being able to see a goal through to the end. Others were personal....and not being able to run brings some heartache. But I can only be confident that the Lord knows exactly what He wants me to do.....I'm not second guessing Him, just disappointed.
But, if you know me at all, I'm always planning for the next thing......I've already looked it up and there is another race in Albuquerque, NM next we will try again hopefully. I am told that the recovery time for this kind of injury could take I am not setting anything in stone yet.....just looking off into the distance longingly!!!
Thanks for following along with me as I have worked toward this goal......although the outcome isn't what I wanted apparently, it is what I needed.

It is good for me to try and find things to be thankful for today......

.......listening to my girls practice their piano....sweet sound (225)
......seeing my friends pregnant belly, as she is only a couple months away from giving birth (226) friend who works hard to make me laugh in the midst of disappointment (227) Isaac, when he smiles at me (228) cookie at the bank (229)
.....coming home to see my hubby playing on the trampoline with the kids (230)
.....their cries to be bounced higher (231).....and the laughter that comes as a result (232)
.....the gorgeous day the Lord gave today! (233)
.....sweet tea on a day like today (234)
.....the pile of laundry and the messy kitchen.....reminds me that I am needed (235)
.....the peace of God (236).....and the only safe place to let the hurts of my heart be seen (237)
.....the opportunity to get away from the chaos and clutter of my house for a night (238)
.....and a sweet hubby that allows me to do that (239)
.....knowing that I will be in my new home in less than a week!!!!!!!! (240)
Although the day is just beginning, I have several things to be grateful for.....

......more packing accomplished (213)
......unexpected visit from a friend (214)
......more provisions from the Lord (215)
......confidence in His will, despite my 'feelings' (216)
.....answered prayer (217)
.....the security of my Savior, despite the insecurities elsewhere (218)
.....knowing that my worth is found in Him, not in my accomplishments or failures (219)
.....laughter with friends (220)
.....the expectation of more laughter (221)
.....watching tv with hubby (222)
.....a new day (223)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My encouragement for today.....

".....Many, O Lord, my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are toward us; they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.
Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened; burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.
Then said I, Lo, I come; in the volume of the book it is written of me,
I delight to do thy will, O my God; yea, thy law is within my heart.".......
Psalm 40:5-8

One week and counting....

Well, the time is fast approaching for our departure to the 'wild west'.....this time next week we will be on the road! Hubby and I have been packing lots lately.....filling boxes with our belongings, knowing that it will only be a few days before we start pulling it back out again. The kids are getting excited as the days go by, too. There is talk of friends, finding lizards, go-carts and snack shop!! To be honest, i get a little excited about those things as well! :)

There has been much to be thankful for the past few days....I can't list them all but here are the highlights.....

.....a wonderfully sweet commissioning service (192)
.....many friends to share it with (193)
.....the forecast of rain (again) but the abundance of sunshine (again!) (194)
.....having friends to say good bye to (195)
.....the financial blessings (196)
.....boxes for packing....thanks M and C (197)
.....leftover cake...yum! (198)
.....continuing to work toward a goal (199)
.....the growth of a friendship (200)
.....watching friends go through difficult times with such grace and faith (201)
.....the patience of my Savior (202)
.....opportunities to minister, from miles away (203)
....good sleep (204)
.....dinner and fellowship with friends (205)
.....sharing our ministry (206)
.....HAVING a ministry (207) children's friends (208)
.....the protection of my nephew (209)
....being able to have a testimony in a dark world (210)
.....the fact that His mercies are new every morning (211)
.....this new morning (212)