Well, I am finally able to 'exhale'....meaning, most of the boxes are unpacked, pictures are hung, and we are finally 'settled' in. Ahhh!
I do apologize for taking so long to get back here, but along with all the unpacking, we have also experienced lots of internet problems....which will probably be the story from here on out. But I will try to keep this updated when I can.
Our trip out was an adventure as usual....the Lord was good and we had no van trouble or major issues...but there was an incident at register 13 at a Walmart in Miissouri....Peter wasn't feeling well and didn't quite make it to the bathroom.....i'll leave out the details :)
But other than that, it was a nice trip out west. It was a little different this time, knowing that we were making it for a more permanent stay.....it was a little sadder to watch the mountains disappear and turn into the flatter lands of Indiana, then through the "Gateway to the West" in St Louis, on to the plains and cattle farms of Texas, and finally into the amazing desert scenes of New Mexico. By the time we got that far, the sad thoughts of home were being replaced with the excitement of our NEW home and the journey that spread out before us. Although I still miss WV and the sweet friends there, there is a cool kind of peace that comes with being exactly where the Lord wants you......it has made the transition much easier.
Since we have been here, we have had plenty of opportunities to "dig in and get our hands dirty". We have cooked and cleaned for work teams that have come to the camp....... helped with retreats and groups..... visited supporting churches....... see old friends, and make new ones....... and currently, in the middle of MANY projects to get ready for camp, which starts in less than TWO weeks! Wow!! It is fast approaching and we are excited for the busiest time of our year..... but it is not without some worry and concern. We are in desperate need of counselors and staff this year and if we do not get enough, it leaves us no choice but to turn away campers as a result. So please be in prayer for that need.....
And please be in prayer for the next week or so, not only while we prepare for the beginning of camp, but also as the Lord prepares the hearts of the campers that will be coming....that they will be in a place where they can hear and understand the Gospel that will be presented several times during the week of camp.
Although I can't list all the things from the past month that I am thankful for, I wanted to give a few......
.....a safe trip to our new home (294)
.....seeing the hard work my hubby did to prepare for us to come (295).....new carpet and paint (296)
.....the help of friends as we unloaded our 'stuff' (297)
.....the opportunity to show the movers kindness (298)
.....watching my kids "explore" their new surroundings (299)
.....the unexpected, freak snow storm that hit...6 1/2 inches....(300)
....the great team from Pennsylvania that came and accomplished SO much for the camp (301)
.....meeting one of our supporting churches (302)....and a great afternoon cookout with friends (303)
.....being reunited with our new "home" church (304)
.....good time of prayer with the staff here (305)
.....a great "welcome home" party for us (306)
.....dinner with a good friend on my birthday (307)
.....running again (308)
.....staying in touch with friends (309)
.....a beautiful afghan, made especially for me, received in the mail (310)
.....friends who stop by (311)
.....selling burritos at the post office with Rosie (312)
.....strawberry shortcake (313)
.....great commodore among staff here (314)
......Genesis, and the many lessons learned there (315)
.....my kids sunburned faces (316)
.....sledding in May (317)
.....the smell of horses drifting over to our house (318)
.....laughter among friends here(319)
....laughter among friends from home (320)
.....'guy' night for my husband (321)
.....MANY bonfires with the fam as we burn our moving boxes (322)
.....roasted marshmallows (323)
.....singing around the fire (324)
....the many projects that need to be done around camp, as it serves as a reminder of the growing ministry here! (325)
"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." Glad things are going well, and you are encouraged.
Glad to hear from you. I know you have been very busy. Tell all I said hello. I will pass the message on at church Sunday night. Roger and Angela are still in NC. Love Miss Louise
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