Friday, August 8, 2008

Random's all bubbling up

Ok, so now camp is officially over.
one week of orientation
8 weeks of camp and
one week of mission's conference....
the camp is officially quiet now.
It's a nice feeling, but a little sad too. There is so many awesome things to see at camp, so many opportunities to see God at work in some amazing ways....every week we physically get to see lives change right before our eyes, as campers give up the fight and surrender to the call of Christ. Words can hardly describe it.
But there is a positive side to the peace and quiet.....a person can really only take so much chaos and then there needs to be peace and quiet. It's is the first day that it has been quiet here at camp.....i could use a few days of it ;)
At the same time the peace and quiet can be slightly intimidating. Now that the focus is no longer on the campers, the program, or the starts to slowly drift my way. And although I spend the entire summer in the spotlight (all part of the job as Program Director), I don't necessarily enjoy it during these times. Now that the chaos is over, things in my life start to surface....things that somehow got pushed to the side during the summer are starting to make their way back to the top now. Oh boy, right?
Well, of course I know it's not going to be fun to work through those surfacing issues....but I also know (from past experience) that nothing comes to me (good or bad, easy or difficult) that didn't first pass through the Father's hand. That helps....on a deeper level. But I have to admit, on a more surface level (the level where I have to still be a functioning person, deal with my children, take care of my husband, keep up with relationships, etc), I am struggling. Ugh....I hate to struggle there.
Regardless, I have many things to face during this time of peace and quiet.....but I am attempting to do it with confidence and diligence (a dear friend reminded me recently, of the importance of diligence).
"Whether, therefore, ye eat, or drink, or whatever you do (the easy and the difficult things), do all to the glory of God" (I Cor 10:31)
Even as I write this, I am encouraged by the fact that all of this ties into the books I'm reading (earlier blog....Piper and Tripp books). We miss out on so much when we don't focus on the glory of God and our joy in it.....I pray that I will have the right focus during this time of working through things. And more than that, I look forward to the way that God will be glorified through it all. Regardless of how I struggle, or where I struggle.....God will be glorified! Pray to that end!

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Hey Critty ~

I'm praying for you - you are an amazing mommy, wife, and woman! Just keep drawing your strength from Him first each day! Love you lots . . .