It's been a fairly productive week, despite some "obstacles". It feels so good to get things crossed off my list....I've actually been able to see my list physically shrinking! So there is that much to be thankful for :)
But I'm sure I can find other things to be thankful for.......
.....for a nice trip to Phoenix (792)
.....for time in warmer weather (793)
.....the possibility of feeling better soon (794)
.....watching my children work hard and see good results (795)
.....making plans for a visit with a faraway friend (796) packages in the mail from "moms" (797)
.....the opportunity to teach (798) blessings (799)
.....a long distance friend to "study" with (800)
.....accomplishments (801)
.....quiet early mornings (802)
.....upcoming Bible studies (803)
....a wonderful, Godly mechanic (804)
.....the most amazing full moon last night (805)
.... continuing education (806)
.... safety in many travels (807)
.... phone calls from WV (808)
....that my kids like to "snuggle" (809)
.... time alone at the barn, quietly cleaning (810)
.... the minor prophets (811)
....the faithfulness of God all through the ages (812)
.....His promises to ME (813)
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