Well, I made it to the gym this am....after a late night last night, I really thought I would cave and just hit the snooze and sleep through my window of opportunity. I DID hit the snooze, but only once. Then I headed out in the rain to the gym. Once I'm there, I'm pretty good to get things accomplished.....I could tell it had been over a week since I ran....I had to walk 1/10 of a mile after I completed my first mile. It doesn't take long to lose the momentum! But I pushed through and got back to the place I left off...1.5 miles (actually, I ran 1.6 to make up for the walking I did earlier!). I am so glad I went and I feel inspired to keep going. And I'll be even more inspired because out of thin air I have 3 friends that want to work out together....and that is exactly what I need....accountability!! I am such a slacker if someone isn't there to kick me every now and then!
In other areas, my thoughts are getting busier and busier.....friends are in need, there is much family drama, and I have many things I am learning in my own personal life. The journey doesn't get put on hold, despite the circumstances around us, right? I am trusting that He knows best....I KNOW He knows best! ;)
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