I'm sitting at home tonight, listening to yet more rain pound on the tin roof on the back porch....seems like there have been more rainy days lately, and very little sun. So it was almost a shock to wake up to a beautiful day on Thursday...the sun almost seemed like a foreigner!! I had heard rumors that it might be a nice day, so in the back of my hopeful mind, I had decided that we would get outside if it did come to pass!
So, after a few "have to" things were done, we packed our lunches, plenty of water, loaded up into the van, and we headed out to a local state park.
We had a great time hiking through the trails, a little cave exploring, and a contest to see who could swing the highest (Mommy won!!). It was so nice to leave my "to do" at home, unplug myself from technology, and just spend time with the family....and take pictures of it all! And I'm glad I did...because the good weather was short-lived.....the rain has returned and there is talk of snow for tomorrow. Ah, this is but a season.....literally, a season.....winter is long here, but it does eventually pass. And the other 'seasons' of my life will pass too....the season of waiting, the season of bad health, the season of broken relationships, the season of disappointment.....they are not meant to stay and I was sweetly reminded of that when i caught a small glimpse of the season to come.
Thank you Lord for the reminder of the "things to come"!
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