Sunday, May 11, 2008

I Live in New Mexico!!

I just love saying that....."I live in New Mexico"! I just keep saying it over and over....and i keep reminding everyone here of that fact....I'm sure they will tire of hearing me after the first week or so! But I think it will take much longer for me to tire of saying it! It is a good thing to be where the Lord has prepared....right now it's still a little "busy" with the whole unpacking of it all, but soon it will calm down into "camp" chaos....I can't wait!

I have more to share about the transition and 'stuff', but things are just too busy right now....give me a couple of days and i'll be back!

Thanks for your prayers so far :)


lrichmond108 said...

So glad you made the trip ok. Waiting to hear more. Miss Louise

gina said...

Yay! Can't wait to hear about it...

Mommy said...

Critty!! Been thinking about you all a lot!! I'm so glad you made it safely and it's weird that you aren't here when I think about it. Too bad you didn't get to see Hilary and Obama here in WV yesterday. I mean, I did of course. (NOT). But we love you and miss you!

Summer said...

glad to hear that you are there. I hope your summer is a blast. Can't wait to hear what the Lord is going to do with you.