Friday, June 20, 2008

The Fruit of the Spirit

As you leave the whole burden of your sin, and rest upon the atoning work of Christ, so leave the whole burden of your life and service and rest upon the present inworking of the Holy Spirit.

Give yourself up morning by morning, to be led by the Holy Spirit, and go forward praising and at rest, leaving Him to manage you and your day. Cultivate the habit, all through the day of joyfully depending upon and obeying Him, expecting Him to guide, to enlighten, to reprove, to teach, to use, to do in and with you, what He will.

Count upon His working, as a fact, altogether apart from sight or feeling. Only let us believe in and obey the Holy Spirit as the RULER of our lives, and cease from the burden of trying to manage ourselves, then shall the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, meekness, self-control, appear in us, as HE will, to the glory of God.

(BABR staff manual)


gina said...

glad you're blogging again!

Mommy said...

I think you are amazing. I know you are crazy busy and have 3 kids and a hubby. . . how do you find the time to blog more than me? I want to be like you when I grow up :-) Love you lots! Think of you all often.