Well, we just finished up our first week of camp.....what a ride!!
We started the summer short staffed, which was a little stressful a day before camp, but the Lord provided a wonderful workteam from Oklahoma to come alongside and fill in the gaps....praise the Lord! Because of them, we were able to open up six more cabins and we were at full capacity....this place was overflowing with kids!! It's a great feeling and an awesome sight!
For the most part, everything went smoothly....there was a stomach virus that made its way through the parts of the camp, but overall a very successful week. Many kids came to know the Lord....others made decisions to rededicate their lives to the Lord....and sadly, some walked away unchanged. But the seed was planted and in some cases, the walls are beginning to come down. Please be in prayer for all the children who were exposed to the Gospel this past week....many go back to difficult circumstances....their decision to follow Christ will most likely be met with opposition. It's the reality of this culture.
We (the mlekodajs) are resting today for the most part. Although we still have some responsibilities over the weekend, we are trying to guard our time and enjoy each other. I have missed my husband and children lots this week.....I usually leave before my kids get up and often get home as they are going to bed. Although we cross paths often during the day, it's not the same. I am trying to balance my camp responsibilities and my family.....it can be a juggling act, but I am trying to be wise with my time and energy. So far, the kids love 'camp life' and don't seem to mind the time away from our normal routine. For them, this week was full of horseback riding, losing teeth (the twins each lost one), riding bikes and catching lizards and horny toads.....they are in kid heaven!!!!
We look forward to another profitable week of camp....Monday registration will be here before we know it!
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