"When once God the Holy Spirit applies the Law to the conscience, secret sins are dragged to light, little sins are magnified to their true size, and things apparently harmless become exceedingly sinful."
Charles Spurgeon
"We are also to preach the motive of repentance that men may not repent from mere fear of hell but they must repent of sin itself. The sinner must repent, not because of the punishment of sin, but because his is sin against a pardoning God, sin against a bleeding Savior, sin against a holy Law, sin against a tender gospel."
Charles Spurgeon
"It is joy-driven. He says, 'In his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.' It cannot be otherwise. Jesus came into the world with good news, not bad news.....He calls us to himself and to his Father. Therefore, he calls us to joy."
John Piper
"When we merely say that we are bad, the 'wrath' of God seem a barbarous doctrine; as soon as we perceive our badness, it appears inevitable, a mere corollary from God's goodness."
C.S. Lewis
"Never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he or she is the best and wisest in the whole world. There are lots of nice things you can do with sand; but do not try building a house on it."
C.S. Lewis
"The doctrine of the personality of the Holy Spirit is of the highest importance from the standpoint of worship. If the Holy Spirit is thought of as an impersonal influence or power, as so many do, then we rob Him of the worship that is His due, of the love that is His due, and of the faith and confidence and surrender and obedience and worship that are His due."
R.A. Torrey
"The word 'Abba' is of all words in all languages the most natural word for 'father'. I think this sweet word 'Abba' was chosen to show us that we are to be very natural with God, not stilted and formal. 'Abba' is not a word, somehow, but a babe's lisping. Oh, how near we are to God when we can use such speech!"
Charles Spurgeon
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
So I'm reading 2 really good books right now....."Don't Waste Your Life", by Piper and "Quest for More", by Tripp (i often read several books at one time....which usually leads to me having to go back and 're-read' them later!). But it's been interesting to see how similar these 2 books are...there messages are very much alike....therefore, I am assuming it is something God REALLY wanted me to get and focus on right now!
The message of the Piper book is pretty easy to guess.....basically, don't waste your life! He shares sad examples of people who have done that very thing...very eye opening. Piper has, through his own experience, the insight of other authors and Godly examples come to the conclusion that a life fully lived is one that 'fully displayed the glory of God' and 'to delight in that glory'. He says, "It was becoming clearer and clearer that if I wanted to come to the end of my life and not say, 'I've wasted it!', then I would need to press all the way in, and all the way up, to the ultimate purpose of God and join him in it. If my life was to have a single, all-satisfying, passion, it would have to be God's passion. And......God's passion was the display of his own glory and the delight of my heart." (pg 28).
How do we display His glory? I think he sums it up well...."to live our lives in a way that makes him (God) look more like the greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that he really is." (pg 32) I was convicted when he asked the question, (paraphrased) "What do you think about when you are faced with 'awesomeness'?" Like standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon or at the bottom of the magnificent Alps? Do I think about the insignificance of man (ME!) or the greatness of God? How do I handle the "glory of God"? It really made me stop and think....
and that same thinking continued as I started reading Tripp's book, Quest for More. The subtitle of the book sums it up well...."living for something bigger than you".
He starts off by saying, "There is woven inside each of us a desire for something more - a craving to be part of something bigger, greater, and more profound than our relatively meaningless day-by-day existence." (pg 14) And when we are part of that 'bigger thing', we find that it is what "yanks you out of bed in the morning, and sometimes the excitement of it all makes it hard to sleep. It makes all of the little things that you have to do every day seem more satisfying and more important because they are now connected to something more than self survival." And many of us have that 'bigger thing' in our lives, which is good....unless that thing is something other than God and his glory!
He uses the example of Adam and Eve...."they weren't placed in the garden for self survival and self satisfaction....likewise, we were meant to do more than make sure that all of our needs are fulfilled and all our desires are satisfied."(pg 16-17) He goes on to make the point, "...it is a functional human tragedy to live ONLY for those things (health, job, house, investments, family, friends, etc). It is a fundamental denial of your humanity to narrow the size of your life to the size of your own existence...." (pg 17) "it's a good thing to have purpose, but if your purpose isn't tied to glory, you have still denied your humanity." (pg 19)
He goes on to say much more....but that is just a taste of the perspective of this book...and the Piper book as well. I have been challenged to really grab a hold of my idea of purpose and to ask myself, "What is the big thing that I am living for right now?"......I'm ashamed to say that my answer is not, consistently, the glory of God....although there are thin moments of that purpose, but it is not always the theme of my life. Piper challenged me to come up with what I DO want my life to say.....and without analyzing it to death or trying to make it sound 'just right', I came up with.....'to make known the sacrifice of Christ, and to be an example of the joy found in the freedom and redemption that came as a result of that sacrifice'. And that through that, the glory of God would be easily seen and sought after.
I'm sure there is more I could add to that, but that is my heart today, at this moment.
I hope I get back here again to jot down some of the lessons learned as continue to read.....but if not, i highly recommend these 2 books!
Until then.....
The message of the Piper book is pretty easy to guess.....basically, don't waste your life! He shares sad examples of people who have done that very thing...very eye opening. Piper has, through his own experience, the insight of other authors and Godly examples come to the conclusion that a life fully lived is one that 'fully displayed the glory of God' and 'to delight in that glory'. He says, "It was becoming clearer and clearer that if I wanted to come to the end of my life and not say, 'I've wasted it!', then I would need to press all the way in, and all the way up, to the ultimate purpose of God and join him in it. If my life was to have a single, all-satisfying, passion, it would have to be God's passion. And......God's passion was the display of his own glory and the delight of my heart." (pg 28).
How do we display His glory? I think he sums it up well...."to live our lives in a way that makes him (God) look more like the greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that he really is." (pg 32) I was convicted when he asked the question, (paraphrased) "What do you think about when you are faced with 'awesomeness'?" Like standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon or at the bottom of the magnificent Alps? Do I think about the insignificance of man (ME!) or the greatness of God? How do I handle the "glory of God"? It really made me stop and think....
and that same thinking continued as I started reading Tripp's book, Quest for More. The subtitle of the book sums it up well...."living for something bigger than you".
He starts off by saying, "There is woven inside each of us a desire for something more - a craving to be part of something bigger, greater, and more profound than our relatively meaningless day-by-day existence." (pg 14) And when we are part of that 'bigger thing', we find that it is what "yanks you out of bed in the morning, and sometimes the excitement of it all makes it hard to sleep. It makes all of the little things that you have to do every day seem more satisfying and more important because they are now connected to something more than self survival." And many of us have that 'bigger thing' in our lives, which is good....unless that thing is something other than God and his glory!
He uses the example of Adam and Eve...."they weren't placed in the garden for self survival and self satisfaction....likewise, we were meant to do more than make sure that all of our needs are fulfilled and all our desires are satisfied."(pg 16-17) He goes on to make the point, "...it is a functional human tragedy to live ONLY for those things (health, job, house, investments, family, friends, etc). It is a fundamental denial of your humanity to narrow the size of your life to the size of your own existence...." (pg 17) "it's a good thing to have purpose, but if your purpose isn't tied to glory, you have still denied your humanity." (pg 19)
He goes on to say much more....but that is just a taste of the perspective of this book...and the Piper book as well. I have been challenged to really grab a hold of my idea of purpose and to ask myself, "What is the big thing that I am living for right now?"......I'm ashamed to say that my answer is not, consistently, the glory of God....although there are thin moments of that purpose, but it is not always the theme of my life. Piper challenged me to come up with what I DO want my life to say.....and without analyzing it to death or trying to make it sound 'just right', I came up with.....'to make known the sacrifice of Christ, and to be an example of the joy found in the freedom and redemption that came as a result of that sacrifice'. And that through that, the glory of God would be easily seen and sought after.
I'm sure there is more I could add to that, but that is my heart today, at this moment.
I hope I get back here again to jot down some of the lessons learned as continue to read.....but if not, i highly recommend these 2 books!
Until then.....
Monday, July 28, 2008
...... a great start to the last week of camp (551)
..... unity among the staff (552)
..... a great staff banquet (553)
...... good reading times (554)
..... difficulties that draw me closer to God (555)
..... sleeping in lots (556)
..... rain (557)
..... watching my oldest learn hard lessons (558)
.... a night of DDR with our awesome staff (559)
..... writing to supporters and sharing about the fruits of the ministry (560)
..... icee pops (561)
..... opportunities to encourage (562)
...... healing (563)
...... knowing God is sustaining me (564)
...... lack of sleep, but a chance to fellowship with my Savior (565)
...... finding out my friend has internet way out in the ocean :) (566)
..... unity among the staff (552)
..... a great staff banquet (553)
...... good reading times (554)
..... difficulties that draw me closer to God (555)
..... sleeping in lots (556)
..... rain (557)
..... watching my oldest learn hard lessons (558)
.... a night of DDR with our awesome staff (559)
..... writing to supporters and sharing about the fruits of the ministry (560)
..... icee pops (561)
..... opportunities to encourage (562)
...... healing (563)
...... knowing God is sustaining me (564)
...... lack of sleep, but a chance to fellowship with my Savior (565)
...... finding out my friend has internet way out in the ocean :) (566)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Some Light Reading.....
Every now and then, I get a couple minutes to sit and read (literally, sometimes it's just a couple!). I have a little devotional I carry around with me sometimes just for those rare opportunities....thought I would share a couple that stuck out to me :)
Experiencing Loneliness....
Acts 4:10-12
All of us feel alone from time to time. Ill health, an extra busy work schedule, or trying circumstances can make it difficult to stay connected. Moving to a new location, job, or school can also bring a sense of isolation. Once this "season" passes or we adjust to the new place, the feeling goes away.
Loneliness is different from aloneness: it involves a sense of separation from people and can intensify over time. In this state, we find it harder to reach out and easier to be by ourself. When our mind starts telling us that no one's interested in what we have to say or do, we build a wall around our heart and allow few individuals access. The more we withdraw, the worse we feel. Peace of mind eludes us, and loneliness weighs us down.
Cod never intended for us to live disconnected from one another. From the beginning, He purposed that we should enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and each other. First, He established a personal relationship with Adam and then provided him with Eve. Our Creator knew it was not good for us to live in isolation.
Knowing God
Psalm 81:10-16
Most people want to be understood. We may have many acquaintances, but our need is to feel "known" by those we love most.
This also applies to how God views our relationship with Him. While He knows our every thought and can number the hairs on our head, we also should be learning His ways - on other words, how our Father thinks, what motivates Him, and what His plan and purpose are.
Yet, though we desire to know the Lord's mind. He makes it quite clear that, humanly speaking, this is impossible. In Isaiah 55:9 He tells us, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." This is why God gives us His Spirit - to teach us and reveal what we otherwise could not understand (1 Cor 2:11-13).
Growing in this spiritual understanding is necessary if we are to have a deep personal relationship with god (Jer 24:7). And we must know His ways before we can walk in them (Ex 33:13). Our obedience not only glorifies our heavenly Father; it is also best for us. Of course, following Jesus doesn't eliminate pain, nor does it ensure that everything will happen as we would choose. But we have assurance that the Lord loves us and has a plan for our lives (Rom 5:8, 8:28). He gives us strength and stability to follow Him, no matter where His path may lead us.
Experiencing Loneliness....
Acts 4:10-12
All of us feel alone from time to time. Ill health, an extra busy work schedule, or trying circumstances can make it difficult to stay connected. Moving to a new location, job, or school can also bring a sense of isolation. Once this "season" passes or we adjust to the new place, the feeling goes away.
Loneliness is different from aloneness: it involves a sense of separation from people and can intensify over time. In this state, we find it harder to reach out and easier to be by ourself. When our mind starts telling us that no one's interested in what we have to say or do, we build a wall around our heart and allow few individuals access. The more we withdraw, the worse we feel. Peace of mind eludes us, and loneliness weighs us down.
Cod never intended for us to live disconnected from one another. From the beginning, He purposed that we should enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and each other. First, He established a personal relationship with Adam and then provided him with Eve. Our Creator knew it was not good for us to live in isolation.
Knowing God
Psalm 81:10-16
Most people want to be understood. We may have many acquaintances, but our need is to feel "known" by those we love most.
This also applies to how God views our relationship with Him. While He knows our every thought and can number the hairs on our head, we also should be learning His ways - on other words, how our Father thinks, what motivates Him, and what His plan and purpose are.
Yet, though we desire to know the Lord's mind. He makes it quite clear that, humanly speaking, this is impossible. In Isaiah 55:9 He tells us, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." This is why God gives us His Spirit - to teach us and reveal what we otherwise could not understand (1 Cor 2:11-13).
Growing in this spiritual understanding is necessary if we are to have a deep personal relationship with god (Jer 24:7). And we must know His ways before we can walk in them (Ex 33:13). Our obedience not only glorifies our heavenly Father; it is also best for us. Of course, following Jesus doesn't eliminate pain, nor does it ensure that everything will happen as we would choose. But we have assurance that the Lord loves us and has a plan for our lives (Rom 5:8, 8:28). He gives us strength and stability to follow Him, no matter where His path may lead us.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Camp is almost over....bittersweet

Well, it's been very busy the past couple of weeks.....non stop work, ministry opportunities, projects, counseling, etc.....it's been so amazing to be part of the work here at the camp. We have had front row seats to see God change so many lives. Many campers have come (and continue to come) with much pain and hurt...some come with just doubts and questions, some come not even knowing what they are looking for....and many are finding life and love through Jesus Christ. I have literally watched the transformation happen as night after night kids stay after chapel to learn more about salvation and the freedom it brings. It has been exhausting to the highest degree, but more rewarding that words can express. It never ceases to amaze me!
I'm not sure about the actual numbers, but I think there have at least been 100+ campers who have accepted Christ as their Savior....and many, many more who have made commitments to follow Christ more diligently and passionately. We are looking forward to the opportunity to be here year round to be able to encourage some of these campers.
Our kids are loving it still...they spend their days outside in the fresh air, enjoying God's creation...mostly in the form of catching lizards, stumbling across rattlesnakes, playing in the dirt (mud, now that the monsoons are here!), carrying around buckets of horny toads and riding their bikes and horses...on a daily basis! It's fun to watch them enjoying the camp so much. Abby has been a camper twice this summer and it's been neat to see her "grow up" a little, although, i don't' want it to happen too quickly!
I have been sick this past week...not sure what it is....started off with a fever early in the week, then i got to feeling better, then turned into a stomach thing. I've missed out on lots this week which is hard....but I am praying that I will be back to 100% by next week, the last week of camp.
That is the brief overview of the past couple of weeks.....know that the Lord has been at work faithfully here all summer and we have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to be here. It is a great privilege and one we take very seriously. I will continue to keep you updated on the ministry here......in the few 'spare' moments i have!!
here are a few things I've been grateful for over the past couple weeks.....
.....the AMAZING double rainbow over the A-frame last evening (515)
.....another great skit night where many kids opened their heart to Christ (516)
....much rest this week (517).....the Lord knowing I needed it (518)
.....the help of work teams (519)
....sweet fellowship, even if only for a brief time (520)
.....hearing how God changed lives (521)
.....good worship music (522)
....great times of prayer (523)
.....hearing the answers to those prayers (524)
....watching my oldest make new friends (525)....and smiling lots (526).....with fewer teeth!! (527)
.....Peter's new shaved head....good bye mohawk (528)
.....sharing in the joy of seeing kids come to Christ (529)
....a husband who steps in when I am sick (530)
...a great camp director whose passion for kids shows in everything he does (531)
....counselors who weep for their campers hurts (532)
.....my Hannah's love for wearing cowboy boots EVERY DAY, despite the facts that she is already wearing mismatched clothes (533)
....journaling (534)
.....a HUGE, wonderful care package from a friend (535)
.....my favorite Bath and Body smell :) (536)
....good books (537)
.....a little time to clean my house (538)
....phone calls from my BFF! (539)....and the 'almost pee in my pants' laughter that comes as a result!! (540)
.....the birth of my beautiful nephew, Corbin! (541)
.....the fact that my mother in law could be there for it....it's in another country!! (542)
......our many wonderful supporters that pray for us (543)
......feeling exhausted (544)
.....a passion for God's glory (545).....and a growing passion for MY joy in that glory (546)
....teachable moments (547)
.....having all that I need (548)
.....upcoming opportunities to serve (549)
.....upcoming opportunity to 'get away' soon :)....Colorado here we come!! (550)
.....the AMAZING double rainbow over the A-frame last evening (515)
.....another great skit night where many kids opened their heart to Christ (516)
....much rest this week (517).....the Lord knowing I needed it (518)
.....the help of work teams (519)
....sweet fellowship, even if only for a brief time (520)
.....hearing how God changed lives (521)
.....good worship music (522)
....great times of prayer (523)
.....hearing the answers to those prayers (524)
....watching my oldest make new friends (525)....and smiling lots (526).....with fewer teeth!! (527)
.....Peter's new shaved head....good bye mohawk (528)
.....sharing in the joy of seeing kids come to Christ (529)
....a husband who steps in when I am sick (530)
...a great camp director whose passion for kids shows in everything he does (531)
....counselors who weep for their campers hurts (532)
.....my Hannah's love for wearing cowboy boots EVERY DAY, despite the facts that she is already wearing mismatched clothes (533)
....journaling (534)
.....a HUGE, wonderful care package from a friend (535)
.....my favorite Bath and Body smell :) (536)
....good books (537)
.....a little time to clean my house (538)
....phone calls from my BFF! (539)....and the 'almost pee in my pants' laughter that comes as a result!! (540)
.....the birth of my beautiful nephew, Corbin! (541)
.....the fact that my mother in law could be there for it....it's in another country!! (542)
......our many wonderful supporters that pray for us (543)
......feeling exhausted (544)
.....a passion for God's glory (545).....and a growing passion for MY joy in that glory (546)
....teachable moments (547)
.....having all that I need (548)
.....upcoming opportunities to serve (549)
.....upcoming opportunity to 'get away' soon :)....Colorado here we come!! (550)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I know....it has been a LONG time since I've been here.....I can't believe how fast time flies! I WANT to get here and blog, but the schedule here is so hectic....and when I finally get here, i'm amazed at how long it's been!
I am going to get on here really soon.....this weekend should allow me some time to catch you all up on things here......camp is almost over and we are all exhausted...but through it all, we can say: THE LORD IS GOOD!!!
I'll be back soon with details!!
I am going to get on here really soon.....this weekend should allow me some time to catch you all up on things here......camp is almost over and we are all exhausted...but through it all, we can say: THE LORD IS GOOD!!!
I'll be back soon with details!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My Readings....lately
I thought I would highlight some of the things I have been reading lately.....it's brief, I know, but it hits the main points ;)
"All heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, all hell terribly afraid of it. While men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning."
Oswald Chambers
"You cannot say 'no Lord' and mean both words....one annuls the other. If you say no to Him, then He is not your Lord."
D. James Kennedy
"Does it grieve you my friends, that the name of God is being taken in vain and desecrated? Does it grieve you that we are living in a godless age?"
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"How many ovserve Christ's birthday! How few, His precepts! O! tis easier to keep holidays than commandments."
Benjamin Franklin
"If you will not have death unto sin, you shall have sin unto death. There is no alternative. If you do not die to sin you will die for sin...if you do not slay sin, sin will slay you."
Charles Spurgeon
"I am told that Christians do not love each other. I am very sorry if that be true, but I rather doubt it, for I suspect that those who do not love each other are not Christians."
Charles Spurgeon
"All heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, all hell terribly afraid of it. While men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning."
Oswald Chambers
"You cannot say 'no Lord' and mean both words....one annuls the other. If you say no to Him, then He is not your Lord."
D. James Kennedy
"Does it grieve you my friends, that the name of God is being taken in vain and desecrated? Does it grieve you that we are living in a godless age?"
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"How many ovserve Christ's birthday! How few, His precepts! O! tis easier to keep holidays than commandments."
Benjamin Franklin
"If you will not have death unto sin, you shall have sin unto death. There is no alternative. If you do not die to sin you will die for sin...if you do not slay sin, sin will slay you."
Charles Spurgeon
"I am told that Christians do not love each other. I am very sorry if that be true, but I rather doubt it, for I suspect that those who do not love each other are not Christians."
Charles Spurgeon
Monday, July 7, 2008
.....a short week of camp (481)
.....the opportunity to share the Gospel with hurting children (482)
.....blowing it, but knowing there is mercy and forgiveness (483)
....seeing my oldest enjoy her first 'camp' experience (484)
.....a lonliness that drives me closer to my Savior (485)
.....getting extra sleep this weekend (486)
.....having time to clean my house! (487)
....hugs (488)
....fellowship with church family (489)
....being ministered to by others (490)
....growth, in unlikely places (491)
.....watching others serve the Lord with grace and maturity (492)
....phone calls from home (493)
.....Cracker Barrel (494)
.....baking (495)
....having Abby home again (496)
....neat travel opportunities for hubby (497)
.....a new day (498)
....a new WEEK (499)
.....time in His Word (500)
....prayer (501)
....getting in touch with a friend (502)
....learning to forgive (503)
.....rain, finally! (504)
.....a new work team (505)
....more staff!! (506)
.....the most AMAZING sunset (507)
.....a quiet morning (508)
.....feeling rested, despite lack of sleep (509)
....a God who protects from the past (510)
....comforting my son after he wakes from a bad dream (511)
....a package from a friend (512)
...music that makes me laugh (and cry!) (513) ....thanks betc!!
.....a long day in front of me, but access to an endless supply of strength (514)
.....the opportunity to share the Gospel with hurting children (482)
.....blowing it, but knowing there is mercy and forgiveness (483)
....seeing my oldest enjoy her first 'camp' experience (484)
.....a lonliness that drives me closer to my Savior (485)
.....getting extra sleep this weekend (486)
.....having time to clean my house! (487)
....hugs (488)
....fellowship with church family (489)
....being ministered to by others (490)
....growth, in unlikely places (491)
.....watching others serve the Lord with grace and maturity (492)
....phone calls from home (493)
.....Cracker Barrel (494)
.....baking (495)
....having Abby home again (496)
....neat travel opportunities for hubby (497)
.....a new day (498)
....a new WEEK (499)
.....time in His Word (500)
....prayer (501)
....getting in touch with a friend (502)
....learning to forgive (503)
.....rain, finally! (504)
.....a new work team (505)
....more staff!! (506)
.....the most AMAZING sunset (507)
.....a quiet morning (508)
.....feeling rested, despite lack of sleep (509)
....a God who protects from the past (510)
....comforting my son after he wakes from a bad dream (511)
....a package from a friend (512)
...music that makes me laugh (and cry!) (513) ....thanks betc!!
.....a long day in front of me, but access to an endless supply of strength (514)
I know....it's been a while since I've been here. Last week was CRAZY busy and exhausting! It was a short week (because of the 4th), but it seemed like it would never end.....we had everything from runaways, lice, vomiting, to stealing and lots of discipline problems. It was a lot for one week....but the Lord was good and His timing was perfect. We were able to enjoy a long weekend at the end of that busy week....I almost got caught up on sleep!
And although it's hard to tell if we made any progress with the Gospel last week, I know seeds were planted and despite the distractions of Satan, I know a few campers actually made a decision for Christ. I'm not sure what the total was for last week, but over the first 3 weeks we have had over 40 kids accept Christ as their Savior....it has been a very fruitful summer already!! Praise the Lord!
We are halfway through our summer already....it has flown by! It always does....I am trying to live in the moment each day...not taking a single one for granted. Opportunities abound here on a daily basis and I want to available for each and every one. Although I have failed many times already, the Lord is using this weak, selfish, sinful servant of His....it's a miracle to me! And it's only just beginning! It hasn't really sunk in yet that we are here full time....it probably won't really hit me until the fall, when we don't pack everything back into the van and head back "home".....we will actually get to stay!! I am looking forward to that!....and to all the Lord has in store for me and my family as far as ministry. Often times the 'unknown' can be a little scary, but this time, it is nothing but exciting! I don't know yet what exactly we will be doing in the 'off' season, but I open to almost anything....I am praying that the Lord will make it known, in a very real way, exactly what He wants us to do. There are many ministries to choose from...I know He has one planned for us already.
My time here on the 'mission field' has been awesome so far....for the most part. Opportunities abound to spread the Gospel and share Christ with others and there have been been several chances to encourage fellow believers. But there have also been some difficult times.....actually, a better way to describe it could be devastating. I guess it was to be expected....it's all part of life...of the growth process. And although the "good" times (sharing Christ and encouraging others) bring us closer to Christ in so many ways, the more difficult times can do it even more....and if we allow it, those times can be even sweeter.....bittersweet.
So, with every new day, with every new opportunity, every new hurt...there is growth. That is where I am trying to keep my focus these days....on Him and my growth in my relationship with Him.
And although it's hard to tell if we made any progress with the Gospel last week, I know seeds were planted and despite the distractions of Satan, I know a few campers actually made a decision for Christ. I'm not sure what the total was for last week, but over the first 3 weeks we have had over 40 kids accept Christ as their Savior....it has been a very fruitful summer already!! Praise the Lord!
We are halfway through our summer already....it has flown by! It always does....I am trying to live in the moment each day...not taking a single one for granted. Opportunities abound here on a daily basis and I want to available for each and every one. Although I have failed many times already, the Lord is using this weak, selfish, sinful servant of His....it's a miracle to me! And it's only just beginning! It hasn't really sunk in yet that we are here full time....it probably won't really hit me until the fall, when we don't pack everything back into the van and head back "home".....we will actually get to stay!! I am looking forward to that!....and to all the Lord has in store for me and my family as far as ministry. Often times the 'unknown' can be a little scary, but this time, it is nothing but exciting! I don't know yet what exactly we will be doing in the 'off' season, but I open to almost anything....I am praying that the Lord will make it known, in a very real way, exactly what He wants us to do. There are many ministries to choose from...I know He has one planned for us already.
My time here on the 'mission field' has been awesome so far....for the most part. Opportunities abound to spread the Gospel and share Christ with others and there have been been several chances to encourage fellow believers. But there have also been some difficult times.....actually, a better way to describe it could be devastating. I guess it was to be expected....it's all part of life...of the growth process. And although the "good" times (sharing Christ and encouraging others) bring us closer to Christ in so many ways, the more difficult times can do it even more....and if we allow it, those times can be even sweeter.....bittersweet.
So, with every new day, with every new opportunity, every new hurt...there is growth. That is where I am trying to keep my focus these days....on Him and my growth in my relationship with Him.
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