Every now and then, I get a couple minutes to sit and read (literally, sometimes it's just a couple!). I have a little devotional I carry around with me sometimes just for those rare opportunities....thought I would share a couple that stuck out to me :)
Experiencing Loneliness....
Acts 4:10-12
All of us feel alone from time to time. Ill health, an extra busy work schedule, or trying circumstances can make it difficult to stay connected. Moving to a new location, job, or school can also bring a sense of isolation. Once this "season" passes or we adjust to the new place, the feeling goes away.
Loneliness is different from aloneness: it involves a sense of separation from people and can intensify over time. In this state, we find it harder to reach out and easier to be by ourself. When our mind starts telling us that no one's interested in what we have to say or do, we build a wall around our heart and allow few individuals access. The more we withdraw, the worse we feel. Peace of mind eludes us, and loneliness weighs us down.
Cod never intended for us to live disconnected from one another. From the beginning, He purposed that we should enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and each other. First, He established a personal relationship with Adam and then provided him with Eve. Our Creator knew it was not good for us to live in isolation.
Knowing God
Psalm 81:10-16
Most people want to be understood. We may have many acquaintances, but our need is to feel "known" by those we love most.
This also applies to how God views our relationship with Him. While He knows our every thought and can number the hairs on our head, we also should be learning His ways - on other words, how our Father thinks, what motivates Him, and what His plan and purpose are.
Yet, though we desire to know the Lord's mind. He makes it quite clear that, humanly speaking, this is impossible. In Isaiah 55:9 He tells us, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." This is why God gives us His Spirit - to teach us and reveal what we otherwise could not understand (1 Cor 2:11-13).
Growing in this spiritual understanding is necessary if we are to have a deep personal relationship with god (Jer 24:7). And we must know His ways before we can walk in them (Ex 33:13). Our obedience not only glorifies our heavenly Father; it is also best for us. Of course, following Jesus doesn't eliminate pain, nor does it ensure that everything will happen as we would choose. But we have assurance that the Lord loves us and has a plan for our lives (Rom 5:8, 8:28). He gives us strength and stability to follow Him, no matter where His path may lead us.
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