Well, it's been very busy the past couple of weeks.....non stop work, ministry opportunities, projects, counseling, etc.....it's been so amazing to be part of the work here at the camp. We have had front row seats to see God change so many lives. Many campers have come (and continue to come) with much pain and hurt...some come with just doubts and questions, some come not even knowing what they are looking for....and many are finding life and love through Jesus Christ. I have literally watched the transformation happen as night after night kids stay after chapel to learn more about salvation and the freedom it brings. It has been exhausting to the highest degree, but more rewarding that words can express. It never ceases to amaze me!
I'm not sure about the actual numbers, but I think there have at least been 100+ campers who have accepted Christ as their Savior....and many, many more who have made commitments to follow Christ more diligently and passionately. We are looking forward to the opportunity to be here year round to be able to encourage some of these campers.
Our kids are loving it still...they spend their days outside in the fresh air, enjoying God's creation...mostly in the form of catching lizards, stumbling across rattlesnakes, playing in the dirt (mud, now that the monsoons are here!), carrying around buckets of horny toads and riding their bikes and horses...on a daily basis! It's fun to watch them enjoying the camp so much. Abby has been a camper twice this summer and it's been neat to see her "grow up" a little, although, i don't' want it to happen too quickly!
I have been sick this past week...not sure what it is....started off with a fever early in the week, then i got to feeling better, then turned into a stomach thing. I've missed out on lots this week which is hard....but I am praying that I will be back to 100% by next week, the last week of camp.
That is the brief overview of the past couple of weeks.....know that the Lord has been at work faithfully here all summer and we have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to be here. It is a great privilege and one we take very seriously. I will continue to keep you updated on the ministry here......in the few 'spare' moments i have!!
Hey Critty! I love the pics and I can't believe how long and lean Hannah and Peter are! They look like they've grown lots and lots! Abby was always so long and lean though. . . but they all look happy and healthy. I hope you are feeling 100% so very soon! Love you lots!
sorry to hear you were under the weather...hope you're on the mend.
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