Thursday, January 29, 2009


In Sunday School we continue to read through Bridges, The Practice of Godliness.....a great book. This past week we looked at the characteristic of "joy". I've heard, more than once, the difference between 'joy' and 'happiness'....the first being a result of our salvation and the latter being a result of our circumstances. I get that...and I see that in my life. My happiness is often effected by what is going on around my kids are behaving, what my husband is doing (or not doing), when I fall behind on my responsibilities, or even something as small as running out of hot water in the shower....all those things can easily affect my "happiness". But our joy should be something different. The joy of the Lord is something that shouldn't fluctuate with our should have it's foundation and stability in God and His steadfast love for us. And for the most part, I think I live that....although, my countenance and outward attitude may show frustration and irritability, deep down I am confident who God is and that He only wants the best for me.
Even in Sunday school, I listened as some people could not get their mind wrapped around that concept....asking how can we have "joy" when terrible, tragic things happen in our lives. I'm kind of a black and white type of person....I don't like 'gray' areas. In my mind I was saying, 'It's simple, just look at who God is and what He has done for us and continues to do for us...focus on that".....seems like a simple concept. UNTIL, I have a day like I had a couple days I been humbled. It wasn't a bad day as far as daily kids were doing ok, hubby was helpful, I was getting stuff done....even had enough hot water in the shower! On this day, there was 'inner' of those days where my weakness, my failures, my fears, my very own sin sat in front of me all day....never budging, never hidden from my sight, always before me. I found little rest that day, even though I brought it before the Lord all throughout the day. I don't doubt that He heard me....I was confident of that...but man it made for a long day and there came a point where I think my joy was wavering. I was 'downcast in my soul' and ugh, it was no fun! I was humbled because I was catching a real, and painful glimpse of not living in the joy of the Lord. I am so glad I didn't open my mouth in Sunday school and blurt out how easy it should be for us to have that joy! Lesson learned!
And just so you know, there was a 'joyful' ending to that story....the Lord has been gracious and kind to walk with me through that difficult day, and although I will still continue to struggle those areas, I saw small growth and progress toward victory! And, I am even enjoying parts of the progress too....who would have thought!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So, I'm on day 5 of not sleeping well....I did manage to get about 5 hours last night, so that is a praise....but I'm ready for this to pass! But until then, I will try to find some good in it....that's why I thought this would be a good time to continue on in my quest of "thankfulness". I don't remember when I started my list of 1000 things to be thankful for, but i know that I have enjoyed the journey. Although there are some days that were harder than others to bring up that heart of thankfulness.....ha....:)

a solid 5 hours of sleep......(772)
early morning episodes of I Love Lucy.....(773)
watching my girls enjoy friends and a new craft.....(774)
listening to my son "giggle" down the hall....(775)
"alone" time driving......(776)
a good week of school.....(777)
time at the piano......(778)
dinner out with friends.....(779)
warmer days....(780)
3 little girls who accepted Christ at Ft Wingate.....(781)
the book of Genesis and the lessons learned there.....(782)
an upcoming trip.....(783)
a good book.....(784)
my new planner coming in the mail.....(785)
time to scrapbook.....(786)
all the laundry is finished.........(787)
plenty of wood for the stove.....(788)
cinnamon rolls in the oven......(789)
a new friend.....(790)
answered prayer......(791)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Honoring God

In Sunday School we are reading The Practice of Godliness", by Jerry Bridges.....this particular passage stood out to me....

"To fail to be thankful to God is a most grievous sin. When Paul recounts the tragic moral downfall of mankind in Romans 1, he begins with the statement, 'although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish heart were darkened.' To glorify God is to acknowledge the majesty and dignity of his person. To thank God is to acknowledge the bountifulness of his hand in providing and caring for us. And when mankind in their pride failed to give God the glory and thanks due him. God gave them up to ever-increasing immorality and wickedness. God's judgement came because man failed to honor him and to thank him. If failure to give thanks is such a grievous sin, then, it behoves us to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness that permeates our entire lives.
One of the most instructive passages on the subject of thankfulness is Luke 17:11-19, the account of the healing of the 10 lepers. Here were ten men in the most pitiful of all human misery. Not only were they afflicted with a terrible and loathsome disease they were outcasts from society because of their disease. They had no one to relieve either their physical or emotional suffering. And then Jesus healed them.
As these men went to show themselves to the priest and thus be restored to their families and friends, only one of them, realizing what had happened, turned back to give thanks to Jesus. Ten men were healed, but only one gave thanks. How prone we are to be like the other nine. We are anxious to receive but too careless to give thanks. We pray for God's intervention in our lives, then congratulate ourselves rather than God for the results. When one of the American lunar missions was in serious trouble some years ago, the American people were asked to pray for the safe return of the astronauts. When they were safely back on earth, credit was given to the technological achievements and skill of the American space industry. No thanks or credit was publicly given to God. This is not unusual. It is the natural tendency of mankind.
In addition to instructing us about human nature, the account of the 10 lepers also instructs us about God. thanking him for blessings we receive is very important to him. Jesus asked, 'Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?' Jesus was very much aware that only one returned to give him thanks. And God is very much aware today when we fail to thank him for the ordinary as well as the unusual blessings that come to us daily from his hand.

Unfortunately, this stood out to me because it was convicting.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Still crossing things off my list.....

Well, after only a couple of weeks, I am still moving through my 'goals' step at a time, one day at a time.....that's pretty good for me. Usually I get bored after about a week and start making up new stuff :)

My goal to lose 3 pounds may actually be a reality....that is WAY cool! Usually that is one that always falls through the cracks....I'm halfway there this time. I'll be so excited if I get to cross that one off my list! I'm doing well on my exercising (some days better than others)....I've been doing the crunches and have been on a few walks, done a couple of exercise dvds, and even went for a nice long bike ride.....still haven't done any jump rope yet....ask me some time this week (but I won't complain if you don't!!)
I'm still plowing through my CS Lewis biography.....haven't even picked up my guitar yet though! (Jamie, I wish you were here to continue my lessons!!)
I'm doing well with my 'social' goals (which is weird for me)....I'm having dinner with R on Wednesday and K on Thursday (probably won't help my 'losing 3 pounds' goal!). I've been blogging pretty regularly (duh!) and have even sent out MORE emails....what has gotten into me???
I haven't been able to really have alone time with each kid so far....but the girls and I did spend some time with our horse (couldn't ride because of the ice). Still working on thank you notes (ugh!)....we did get about half of them written the other night...progress, right?
I am continuing in my inductive Bible study, but haven't picked up my Ephesians one is quite time consuming....not an excuse, I know!
I haven't done so well with my "camp" goals.....really need to focus on those this week.

But on a positive note, we have done LOTS of school this week and I personally have seen the Lord work in my life is really awesome ways this week. As much as I want to complete my goals and cross things off my list, I am loving the time with my kids and the time with my Lord. Nothing takes the place of that!

I hope you all are accomplishing much in this new year so far and I pray even more so that you are seeing the hand of God in those accomplishments and victories!......Press on!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Better Place to Be

"Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. Jeremiah 29:7

Have you ever been somewhere you didn't want to be? Maybe it was a job, a town, or a marriage. Maybe it was a stage in life, like singlehood, or a state in life, like a disability. It's a very possible that as you read this, you're wishing you were somewhere else - anywhere else - living a different life, but you know it's not likely that anything is going to change any time soon.
God has a word for you. It's the same word he gave a group of people when they were stuck in another country, exiled from their homeland. They'd folded their arms and said, 'We're going to wait this thing out, and when we get home, we'll start living our lives.'
Through the prophet Jeremiah, God told them, 'You're not going home any time soon, so start making your lives here. Plant gardens, buy homes, let your children get married, and pray for the peace and prosperity of the place where you're currently living because, by doing that, you too will be blessed with peace and prosperity' (Jeremiah 29:5-7).
Don't invest your energy in hopes of leaving; instead invest your energy in the people around you. Don't be physically present but mentally somewhere else, thinking of the future or the past, thinking of someplace else. Our journey with Jesus requires we be fully present in the present.

You may feel like you're in exile too, but God is still working in your life; and his message to you is: Dig in and fully embrace the life around you."

(provided by Jon Walker)

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Fresh Monday

I hear all the time that people hate Mondays....I must be weird, because I really like Mondays! I love the freshness and newness of a new week. There is something invigorating about it and I feel ready and rested, even if it were a crazy weekend.

I posted a few of my goals for this month, and so far so good.....I'm plugging away at them and I am feeling much more "victorious" these days. And I think my family runs smoother and they seem more relaxed now that we are back on schedule and "Mom" is on the ball!

As far as my physical goals, I have already lost 1 pound (small, but a victory nonetheless!) and I just finished a round of crunches. I have plans for going on a nice long walk this afternoon....hold me to it! :)
I am well into my C.S. Lewis Biography....already learning lots that I didn't know about this accomplished writer. Sometimes just getting the big picture about someone, helps to see them in a clearer light. And as far as reading one fiction book, that is hardly ever a problem for me.....I'm more than halfway through that one!
In the area of being "social", I have already sent out well more than 3 emails (I was feeling friendly!!) and I have attempted to make plans with some of my friends I haven't seen in a while.
I have accomplished nothing in the area of my family goals....but the month is young!! :)
I have been tackling my inductive Bible study (in Genesis right now) and loving it! So many truths and lessons to be learned....a new one every day!
And as far as my camp duties, I am daily working on the snack shop (a little at a time) and I wrote my weekly report last night (ugh!...that takes motivation to do!). And I am in the process of confirming some staff for next summer. Pray I get my prayer letter done soon!!

I know that may not be the most interesting thing you have read today, but it helps me to write it all success and my I can keep a good account of it all.
I have worked hard on not wasting my time and trying to be productive for a large part of the day. I am trying to be careful with my "down time" and not let it end up taking the bigger portion of my easy to do, right!??

Hope your day is a productive one as well!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Heartfelt Chris Tiegreen

"The Pharisee took his stand and was praying like this: 'God, I thank You that I'm not like other people - greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector'" (Luke 18:11).

Be careful what you thank God for. Not that we shouldn't be thankful for everything He has given us, and for every circumstances of our lives, or even for life itself; of course we should have grateful hearts. But often we thank God for privilege, not realizing that our awareness of it was meant to prompt our sensitivity to others. Thankfulness for what God has blessed us with is not enough. knowledge of the blessing is granted us that we might extend the blessing to others.
The Pharisee's assumption of his place of privilege, in this parable, caused him to be insensitive to others. He thought God's blessing on his life - if being a Pharisee can be considered a blessing - meant that God favored him and had passed over others. Nothing could have been further from the truth. God's favor comes to those who know their need. Abundance and status are deceitful, often blinding us to the very need God wants us to acknowledge.
Our gratitude often contains a tragic irony. We think we are being spiritual by thanking Him for our own idols. Are we really grateful in God for material blessings? Or are we just thankful to have them, regardless of how we got them? The difference is subtle. How can we tell?
Ask yourself this question: If God took the blessings away, would I still love Him? If so, you were truly thanking God. If not, you only saw Him as a means to another end.
So today, thank God for all Hi has blessed you with. But be aware of spiritual pitfalls in the blessings H has given. Do not let them mask your deeper needs.

"Some people always sigh in thanking God."
Elizabeth Barrett Browing

.....quiet mornings (750)
......enough money for groceries (751)
......a spontaneous mid afternoon cookout in the snow (752)
.....more visiting time with a new friend (753)
.....having friends over for dinner and laughs (754)
.....plans for improvement (755) having fun at the Geography quiz (756)
.....rewards (757)
.....working toward goals (758)
.....teaching my children (759)
.....a warm coat (760)
..... late night tv with hubby (761)
.....more time to think (762)
.....good reading (763)
.....the expectation of a good read ( a new book on order) (764) inductive study (765)
.....the knowledge I get from my time with the Lord (766)
.....the comfort I get from my time with the Lord (767)
.....someone to defend me (768)
.....a small weight loss victory (769)
.....pain....because it's an opportunity for God's healing and comfort (770)
.....His faithfulness....which means I can rest (771)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Goals (Jan)

Well, the New Year is here and as usual, it's full of resolution and goals. Every year I set new goals...some are accomplished, some die along the way. But my real effort is put into my monthly goals, which usually bring me to my yearly ones....I've found that is the only way I can even come close to seeing them realized....
This year I've only made a few overall goals.....some including books I will read (going through the C.S. Lewis books), losing some weight (ugh!! goal is 25 pounds for the whole year), learning the guitar (that was a goal last year that I never finished), and then there are some spiritual goals I have set for myself.
I thought I would try to post my monthly goals here, in hopes that would spur me on and provide some accountability....we'll see....


physical (i'm more limited with what I can do because of all the snow here)
1. lose 3 pounds
2. do an exercise DVD once a week
3. jump rope 2x a week
4. go for a walk 2x a week
5. crunches 2x a week
6. relax in a nice bath at least once a week

1. read CS Lewis biography and start one of his books by the end of the month
2. read 1 fiction
3. start my guitar lessons (dvd)

1. lunch with R and K
2. send 3 emails (not replies, but initiate an email...i'm really bad at that!)
3. have R and A over for dinner and a movie
4. blog at least 2x a week

1. alone time with each kid at least once this month
2. take the girls horseback riding 2x this month (the snow has hindered that lately)
3. get all Christmas thank you notes done (from the kids)
4. 2 game nights/ 1 movie night

spiritual (wont' list all of these...but here are a few)
1. memorize 5 verses
2. do one week of my Ephesians bible study
3. begin my inductive study again

1. finish cleaning craft shop
2. Campfire News
3. confirm with 10 staff about working this summer
4. weekly reports
5. prayer letter
6. inventory camp t-shirts

I know it seems like a lot, but really it's not....I know I CAN do it, if I prioritize well and stay focused. Please pray for me as I strive to accomplish these things.....I have not chose them randomly, but hopefully all of them will improve my family life, my ministry and my walk with the Lord.
Here we go.......

Monday, January 5, 2009

.....another beautiful snowfall (733)
.....a day to stay home (734)
.....a fire in the wood stove (735)
.....a growing friendship (736)
.....a new book (737)
......a fresh new week, full of goals and plans (738)
.....fresh baked bread (739)
.....being able to share it with needy neighbors (740)
.....having One who knows my every thought, hurt, and joy (741)
.....a good time of prayer with fellow workers (742)
.....a peaceful walk to the barn {knee deep in snow, but peaceful nonetheless} (743)
.....knowing my sine are as 'white as snow' (744)
.....ministry opportunities (745)
.....the fact that the Lord still gives me those opportunities, despite my own flaws and screw ups (746)
.....mercies that are new every morning (747)
.....sleepy headed kids in the morning (748)
.....the Word, my chair and my favorite blanket (749)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Brokenness is God's requirement for maximum usefulness

{taken from Charles Stanley's Life Principles Bible}

Life Principle 15

"It has been said that a soul is converted in a moment of time, but becoming a 'saint' takes a lifetime. In other words, our conversion to faith happens instantly; however, in order to bring us to maturity, the Lord must break us over and over again.
All too often I see Christians struggling to amass a long list of accomplishments - perhaps they hope to hand the Lord their resume someday, saying 'See what I've done for You?'
However, God oftentimes works through our brokenness by discarding rather than accumulating. He calls us to shed this, toss that, purge ourselves of a particular trait or habit, and repent of certain desires or goals. He want us to dispose of all 'self' until we can truly say, 'All that I am and all that I have is God's.'
What comes to mind when you think of being broken? Ask yourself, What is the Father stripping away from my life? What's blocking my total surrender to Him? What do I trust or love more than Him? The Lord's breaking process will eventually produce spiritual maturity - and we aren't useful in ministry until some of our fleshly 'rough edges' have been worn off through suffering. In that way, we become a valuable tool in God's hand to bring others to wholeness.
Remember, the Lord didn't remove the 'thorn' from Paul's life, yet He did help his servant understand why the trial was allowed to persist. After receiving an amazing revelation, the apostle was given a difficult hindrance to keep him from developing pride - the purpose of the 'thorn' was to humble him and make him rely solely on Christ (2 Cor. 12:1-10).
Brokenness is a sign of the Lord's love and activity in your life. He will break your self-reliance because He loves you deeply and knows that, left on your own, you would yield to pride and selfishness. Any discipline experienced in such hard times in God's way of preparing you for future service. While none of us enjoy going through heartache or adversity, it helps to know that God has one purpose in mind for such seasons: spiritual victory (Heb 12:11). Only Jesus Christ can take your weakness and turn it into strength, hope, and honor. Will you trust Him to change your life?"

This was an encouragement to me....especially the last part, where I was reminded that God wants only 'victory' for us.....that helps me to rest in difficult times, knowing that as long as I surrender to Him and His Word, then the victory will eventually come.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

the burden of sin

"In weighing our sins let us not use a deceitful balance, weighing at our own discretion what we will, and how we will, calling this heavy and that light: but let us use the divine balance of the holy Scriptures, as taken from the treasury of the Lord, and by it weigh every offense, nay, not weigh, but rather recognize what has been already weighed by the Lord."
Augustine of Hippo

"Sin is not a weakness, it is a disease; it is red-handed rebellion against God and the magnitude of that rebellion is expressed by Calvary's cross."
Oswald Chambers

"We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin.....But mere time does nothing either to the fact or the guilt of sin. The guilt is washed out not by time but by repentance and the blood of Christ."

C.S. Lewis

"Looking at the wound of sin will never save anyone. What you must do is look at the remedy."
DL Moody

"By nature I was too blind to know Him, too proud to trust Him, too obstinate to serve Him, too base-minded to love Him."
John Newton

"Any time we attempt to meet our own needs or accomplish anything without God, we sin and set ourselves up for failure."
Charles Stanley

Friday, January 2, 2009

More devotions....

"Yesterday we learned about brokenness as a tool the Lord uses to mold us into His likeness. As believers, we should desire this outcome, and yet the process is a painful one. That's why our heavenly Father gives encouragement in a number of ways.
First, the Lord breaks us in love. Believers are His children; as parents lovingly redirect their sons and daughters, God does so with us. He never allows suffering out of anger.
*Second, He sets a limit on our suffering, controlling the pressure to be sure it's never more than we can bear (2 Corinthians 4:8......"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair...").Our Father knows exactly what is needed to break our stubbornness, rebellion, and selfishness, but He will never break our spirit.
*Third, God brings clarity through difficult times. As we learn that His ways are higher than ours, we gain greater understanding of His amazing attributes. At the same time, our self-awareness starts to sharpen, and old, unproductive thought patterns begin to fade.
*Fourth, God promises that He will never desert us. Brokenness can feel lonely and empty, as we are losing the things that once captured our loyalty. But our Father replaces those with Himself - and He is vastly more satisfying and dependable.
*Fifth, the Lord is always patient. He knows our background and deeply rooted thought patterns. Yet He also sees the end result and knows that the journey is worth it. "

"For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

That is a great reminder if you are going through a painful time.....knowing all the beautiful characteristics of God.....His faithfulness, His love, grace and mercy, His dependability, His great intimate knowledge of us. There is great comfort that comes from that....comfort that can only come from Him. No one else knows your deepest thoughts, fears, joys, private victories, and personal failures.....and because of that, He is the only one who can truly give perfect wisdom, comfort and guidance. So turn to Him for all that you need.....and then 'allow' Him to give you exactly what you need....


I was hoping to be done with my list of "1000" things to be thankful for by the end of the year, but didn't quite make it! But it wasn't for lack of things to be thankful for, only a lack of time and energy to get here and share them! Maybe better management of my time should be a New Year's resolution :)

.....a wonderful Christmas, we were truly blessed (712)
.....LOTS of snow (713)
...enjoying all that snow with my kids and friends (714) friendships (715)
.....private worship and chats with my Savior (716)
.....fellowship with friends and neighbors (717)
.....warm clothes (718)
.....Christmas goodies (719)
.....laughter late at night (720)
.....confidence, even in times of "not knowing" (721)
.....God's provisions, way beyond our expectations (722)
..... plenty of firewood (723)
.....opportunities to feed the hungry (724)
.....a great winter retreat (725)
.....being able to lessen the loads of others (726)
.....then taking that load to my Father (727)
.....sharing life lessons (728)
.....seeing my children enjoy their visit from "Gia" (729)
.....desire for change (730)
.....praise that Ruthie came home from the hospital (731)
.....a new year, a fresh start (732)