Saturday, January 10, 2009

Heartfelt Chris Tiegreen

"The Pharisee took his stand and was praying like this: 'God, I thank You that I'm not like other people - greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector'" (Luke 18:11).

Be careful what you thank God for. Not that we shouldn't be thankful for everything He has given us, and for every circumstances of our lives, or even for life itself; of course we should have grateful hearts. But often we thank God for privilege, not realizing that our awareness of it was meant to prompt our sensitivity to others. Thankfulness for what God has blessed us with is not enough. knowledge of the blessing is granted us that we might extend the blessing to others.
The Pharisee's assumption of his place of privilege, in this parable, caused him to be insensitive to others. He thought God's blessing on his life - if being a Pharisee can be considered a blessing - meant that God favored him and had passed over others. Nothing could have been further from the truth. God's favor comes to those who know their need. Abundance and status are deceitful, often blinding us to the very need God wants us to acknowledge.
Our gratitude often contains a tragic irony. We think we are being spiritual by thanking Him for our own idols. Are we really grateful in God for material blessings? Or are we just thankful to have them, regardless of how we got them? The difference is subtle. How can we tell?
Ask yourself this question: If God took the blessings away, would I still love Him? If so, you were truly thanking God. If not, you only saw Him as a means to another end.
So today, thank God for all Hi has blessed you with. But be aware of spiritual pitfalls in the blessings H has given. Do not let them mask your deeper needs.

"Some people always sigh in thanking God."
Elizabeth Barrett Browing

.....quiet mornings (750)
......enough money for groceries (751)
......a spontaneous mid afternoon cookout in the snow (752)
.....more visiting time with a new friend (753)
.....having friends over for dinner and laughs (754)
.....plans for improvement (755) having fun at the Geography quiz (756)
.....rewards (757)
.....working toward goals (758)
.....teaching my children (759)
.....a warm coat (760)
..... late night tv with hubby (761)
.....more time to think (762)
.....good reading (763)
.....the expectation of a good read ( a new book on order) (764) inductive study (765)
.....the knowledge I get from my time with the Lord (766)
.....the comfort I get from my time with the Lord (767)
.....someone to defend me (768)
.....a small weight loss victory (769)
.....pain....because it's an opportunity for God's healing and comfort (770)
.....His faithfulness....which means I can rest (771)

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