"In weighing our sins let us not use a deceitful balance, weighing at our own discretion what we will, and how we will, calling this heavy and that light: but let us use the divine balance of the holy Scriptures, as taken from the treasury of the Lord, and by it weigh every offense, nay, not weigh, but rather recognize what has been already weighed by the Lord."
Augustine of Hippo
"Sin is not a weakness, it is a disease; it is red-handed rebellion against God and the magnitude of that rebellion is expressed by Calvary's cross."
Oswald Chambers
"We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin.....But mere time does nothing either to the fact or the guilt of sin. The guilt is washed out not by time but by repentance and the blood of Christ."
C.S. Lewis
"Looking at the wound of sin will never save anyone. What you must do is look at the remedy."
DL Moody
"By nature I was too blind to know Him, too proud to trust Him, too obstinate to serve Him, too base-minded to love Him."
John Newton
"Any time we attempt to meet our own needs or accomplish anything without God, we sin and set ourselves up for failure."
Charles Stanley
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