Well, a new year is upon us.....I love "new" anything. I love the thought of a clean slate, a fresh start....and a new year is usually my favorite "new" of all. I usually spend a week or so, making lists, goals, plans for accomplishing much in the upcoming year.....I love it. But this year feels different. It has been such a busy year that I feel more like I am in 'survival mode'....making goals and actually accomplishing them seem right out of my reach. It doesn't seem as exciting or as motivating this year.....I'm beginning the year tired and weary. The discouragement of 'failing' in reaching those goals is not something I really want to deal with right now.
But, a fellow blogger reminded me that "if you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time".....so, I decided I better at least aim for something, even if it's smaller than years past. Maybe my first goal should be to not over extend myself and loosen up my schedule :)
So maybe I will spend a little time thinking about 2010 and what could possibly be accomplished in it. And if I've learned anything from 2009, it's that although I may not have crossed off much from my "list", the Lord still accomplished much.....souls were saved, mourning was turned to joy, lives were changed for the better.....guess it wasn't as unproductive as I thought.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Winter Retreat was a huge success....there were about 120 teens that showed up....it was pretty packed! We had a great time of sledding, skeet shooting, basketball (on ice), big ball volley ball, campfire and singing, roasting marshmallows, hay rides, mission impossible, games, worship, preaching, teaching and lots of late night 'fireside chats'.
I love this retreat....I love the "coziness" of it. The snowy landscape gives it that feeling. Everyone is content to just sit around in front of the fire, playing games, chatting and of course, laughing. I get to know the teens in this setting better than in the summer time. During the summer, the schedule is tighter and the exhaustion level is higher. This retreat is more relaxed and low key. Lots of opportunities to just get to know each other....I like it.
And although we had lots of time to chat and laugh, there was also plenty of time to listen to the teaching of the Word, discussion time on difficult issues, and great worship and praise through music. What a privilege to be an active part of such a ministry....to have front row seats to God working in the lives of young people....to have the opportunity to open the Scriptures and show them what God desires to give them, and what He wants from us in return.....to spend time on my knees in prayer with these hurting teens.....to try and answer the tough questions......to hear the testimonies of lives changed as a result of these few days that we've been tucked away in our snowy camp. There is nothing more rewarding and there is no better remedy to the weariness of ministry than to visibly see God intervene in the lives of hurting people and make Himself real to them.
I have spent most of today at home....most of the kids are gone (with the exception of a few kids who couldn't get home because of weather) and the camp is quiet again. I am tired, but content. We are snowed in....a fitting end to the "week". Thank you Lord for the opportunity to serve You.
I love this retreat....I love the "coziness" of it. The snowy landscape gives it that feeling. Everyone is content to just sit around in front of the fire, playing games, chatting and of course, laughing. I get to know the teens in this setting better than in the summer time. During the summer, the schedule is tighter and the exhaustion level is higher. This retreat is more relaxed and low key. Lots of opportunities to just get to know each other....I like it.
And although we had lots of time to chat and laugh, there was also plenty of time to listen to the teaching of the Word, discussion time on difficult issues, and great worship and praise through music. What a privilege to be an active part of such a ministry....to have front row seats to God working in the lives of young people....to have the opportunity to open the Scriptures and show them what God desires to give them, and what He wants from us in return.....to spend time on my knees in prayer with these hurting teens.....to try and answer the tough questions......to hear the testimonies of lives changed as a result of these few days that we've been tucked away in our snowy camp. There is nothing more rewarding and there is no better remedy to the weariness of ministry than to visibly see God intervene in the lives of hurting people and make Himself real to them.
I have spent most of today at home....most of the kids are gone (with the exception of a few kids who couldn't get home because of weather) and the camp is quiet again. I am tired, but content. We are snowed in....a fitting end to the "week". Thank you Lord for the opportunity to serve You.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ahhh, the long awaited Winter Retreat is here.....a few days of sledding, football, tournaments, skeet shooting, workshops, worship, and teaching.....all within the backdrop of fresh fallen snow (to come by tomorrow afternoon). I love this retreat, although I usually come into it somewhat tired. This year I actually had a few days of rest beforehand, but I am still tired....yet ready to minister. Most of the kids that come are already Christians and this is more of a time for them to grow, draw closer to God, refuel....I love being a part of that.
If you think about it, please pray for those that are coming to the retreat this week. Pray for all of us who have been given the opportunity to minister to these precious young people. Pray for safety (lots of silliness during sledding!) and a great time of fellowship.
When the retreat is over, I am looking forward to a time of rest and refueling myself. I'm heading out of town (the only real way to get away from it all) and am looking forward to going to bed early, sleeping late, and maybe even a nap (can you tell I'm tired!??)
If you think about it, please pray for those that are coming to the retreat this week. Pray for all of us who have been given the opportunity to minister to these precious young people. Pray for safety (lots of silliness during sledding!) and a great time of fellowship.
When the retreat is over, I am looking forward to a time of rest and refueling myself. I'm heading out of town (the only real way to get away from it all) and am looking forward to going to bed early, sleeping late, and maybe even a nap (can you tell I'm tired!??)
Friday, December 18, 2009
This is my 2nd Christmas here in New Mexico....praise the Lord! I love it!
But Christmases are very different out here than back home in WV. Out here there is ALWAYS snow on the ground at Christmas.....which makes for an amazing backdrop for Christmas morning. And it's much quieter out here....no one really drops in on Christmas day so we are able to enjoy at least one day out of the year with just our family.
But one difference that sticks out this time of year is the poverty and need among the people of this area. I see it all year long, but it seems to really show itself at Christmas. In every one of my ministries, we do a distribution of some kind.....we hand out goody bags at Ft Wingate to the young girls, we hand out food baskets to the families of our Monday night Bible study.....this weekend we are going out to the reservation to help a church to do a community wide distribution. We attended it last year and it was somewhat of an eye opener to what the people have (or don't have) out there. I knew we would be helping hand out toys to kids and supplies to adults. But as I bagged up toys and handed them to the children, I almost felt bad.....the toys we were handing out were definitely used....many were broken and just pieces of toys.....it was hard to hand those to the kids. But they really didn't seem to mind and were thankful for all of it. Little girls smiled when they pulled a baby doll out of their bag, even though it had marker all over it's face and matted hair....and boys didn't seem to mind that their figurines didn't have both arms or if the cars didn't have all their wheels. Grandmas were so thankful for the pound of ground beef they received and the sack of potatoes. No one seem to complain......
It opened my eyes even more to the reality of this area, and of course it made me thankful for what we have as a family. Although we are sometimes in need, and I spend plenty of time each week standing in line at the food pantry for free food, I know we are blessed materially in many ways.
My kids have to 'purge' their rooms about once every other month or so.....weeding through toys and taking out the stuff they don't play with anymore....this year, we made sure we took the toys that were still in really good condition and had all the pieces and put them in totes.....now we are slowly putting them in bags (some for girls, some for boys) and we will take them to the church this weekend. My kids will be an active part of handing out the bags, and hopefully they will see their 'giving' have an effect on other children.
Although seeing the need is sometimes hard on me, I am so thankful for this opportunity to work among Native Americans. And although the need seems greater at Christmas, the need for a Savior is there all year long.
Please pray for us as we continue our ministry out here......the Lord IS doing a work here and we are blessed to be a part of it.
But Christmases are very different out here than back home in WV. Out here there is ALWAYS snow on the ground at Christmas.....which makes for an amazing backdrop for Christmas morning. And it's much quieter out here....no one really drops in on Christmas day so we are able to enjoy at least one day out of the year with just our family.
But one difference that sticks out this time of year is the poverty and need among the people of this area. I see it all year long, but it seems to really show itself at Christmas. In every one of my ministries, we do a distribution of some kind.....we hand out goody bags at Ft Wingate to the young girls, we hand out food baskets to the families of our Monday night Bible study.....this weekend we are going out to the reservation to help a church to do a community wide distribution. We attended it last year and it was somewhat of an eye opener to what the people have (or don't have) out there. I knew we would be helping hand out toys to kids and supplies to adults. But as I bagged up toys and handed them to the children, I almost felt bad.....the toys we were handing out were definitely used....many were broken and just pieces of toys.....it was hard to hand those to the kids. But they really didn't seem to mind and were thankful for all of it. Little girls smiled when they pulled a baby doll out of their bag, even though it had marker all over it's face and matted hair....and boys didn't seem to mind that their figurines didn't have both arms or if the cars didn't have all their wheels. Grandmas were so thankful for the pound of ground beef they received and the sack of potatoes. No one seem to complain......
It opened my eyes even more to the reality of this area, and of course it made me thankful for what we have as a family. Although we are sometimes in need, and I spend plenty of time each week standing in line at the food pantry for free food, I know we are blessed materially in many ways.
My kids have to 'purge' their rooms about once every other month or so.....weeding through toys and taking out the stuff they don't play with anymore....this year, we made sure we took the toys that were still in really good condition and had all the pieces and put them in totes.....now we are slowly putting them in bags (some for girls, some for boys) and we will take them to the church this weekend. My kids will be an active part of handing out the bags, and hopefully they will see their 'giving' have an effect on other children.
Although seeing the need is sometimes hard on me, I am so thankful for this opportunity to work among Native Americans. And although the need seems greater at Christmas, the need for a Savior is there all year long.
Please pray for us as we continue our ministry out here......the Lord IS doing a work here and we are blessed to be a part of it.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Recently my girls and I flew home (GA) to visit family. It was their first time flying and it was my first time flying with someone in a long time....usually I fly alone. So when the stewardess did the 'safety' demonstration, it set differently with me. Usually my eyes kinda glaze over and I don't really listen...I've heard it so many times. But this time, I thought about it differently...it wasnt' just 'me' this time.
When she got to the part about the oxygen mask, something struck me differently there as well. I know most of you have flown and heard it many times....she said, "put your own mask on first, before helping someone with theirs". I know I have heard that before, but when I'm sitting there next to my little girls, it became a little more real to me as I briefly imagined really having to do that. If I were really in a crisis like that, would I be able to stop and put mine on first? I know my "mother" instinct would kick in and I would want to make sure they had theirs on....it's the natural way. But in reality, it would probably lead to failure. I would truly need to take care of myself first before I could attend to them.
Now, I'm not saying I am this selfless, righteous person....no way! On a daily basis I am selfish, even with my own family....which is a shame to admit. But when it came to life or death, I think I would be able to, without a second thought, sacrifice for them.
Then why don't I do it as a first thought in the home? Why do I daily put my own needs above the needs of others? Just tonight my son asked if I would come tuck him in...my response, although said lovingly, was, "not tonight, Mommy has a headache". Now it wasn't a life or death situation, but it was something that was still important to him....just not important enough to me. I can be a pretty pathetic parent sometimes!
But aside from that conviction, I realized something else on the plane that day.....about my ministries....that is contrary to what I want to do. I need to make sure that I am "ok" spiritually before I can get out there and help others in that area. And again, not to say that I am a selfless person....I'm not! But when it comes to ministry opportunities, I tend to just jump in and do it, regardless of where I am that day spiritually. I often jump in and try to deal with it in my own strength instead of seeking His.....and that only leads to spiritual and physical fatigue....which is where I am today.
I am extremely proud (another one of my charming characteristics!) and I hate to even write that here (glad I have a small following on this blog!)...but spiritually and physically exhausted is where I am right now. And I've decided I dont' like it! I'm wasting so much energy daily trying to get myself going and motivated and in a forward motion, that I think I am failing others because of it. I have a feeling that is why several areas of my life are starting to show the stress and strain that comes as a result of that fatigue.
Although in many ways things seem to be thriving (my Bible studies, my one-on-one times with ladies, my own expansion of knowledge of the Word, etc)....I feel myself slowly sinking. I have GOT to put my own oxygen mask on first before I can truly deal with the needs of others. How wise that little stewardess is!
So I am going to take some time for myself. And although I can't physically leave here and go be by myself somewhere and deal with it, I am going to try and take some 'small' breaks and get some things dealt with. I think then, I will be better equipped to help others with their masks.
When she got to the part about the oxygen mask, something struck me differently there as well. I know most of you have flown and heard it many times....she said, "put your own mask on first, before helping someone with theirs". I know I have heard that before, but when I'm sitting there next to my little girls, it became a little more real to me as I briefly imagined really having to do that. If I were really in a crisis like that, would I be able to stop and put mine on first? I know my "mother" instinct would kick in and I would want to make sure they had theirs on....it's the natural way. But in reality, it would probably lead to failure. I would truly need to take care of myself first before I could attend to them.
Now, I'm not saying I am this selfless, righteous person....no way! On a daily basis I am selfish, even with my own family....which is a shame to admit. But when it came to life or death, I think I would be able to, without a second thought, sacrifice for them.
Then why don't I do it as a first thought in the home? Why do I daily put my own needs above the needs of others? Just tonight my son asked if I would come tuck him in...my response, although said lovingly, was, "not tonight, Mommy has a headache". Now it wasn't a life or death situation, but it was something that was still important to him....just not important enough to me. I can be a pretty pathetic parent sometimes!
But aside from that conviction, I realized something else on the plane that day.....about my ministries....that is contrary to what I want to do. I need to make sure that I am "ok" spiritually before I can get out there and help others in that area. And again, not to say that I am a selfless person....I'm not! But when it comes to ministry opportunities, I tend to just jump in and do it, regardless of where I am that day spiritually. I often jump in and try to deal with it in my own strength instead of seeking His.....and that only leads to spiritual and physical fatigue....which is where I am today.
I am extremely proud (another one of my charming characteristics!) and I hate to even write that here (glad I have a small following on this blog!)...but spiritually and physically exhausted is where I am right now. And I've decided I dont' like it! I'm wasting so much energy daily trying to get myself going and motivated and in a forward motion, that I think I am failing others because of it. I have a feeling that is why several areas of my life are starting to show the stress and strain that comes as a result of that fatigue.
Although in many ways things seem to be thriving (my Bible studies, my one-on-one times with ladies, my own expansion of knowledge of the Word, etc)....I feel myself slowly sinking. I have GOT to put my own oxygen mask on first before I can truly deal with the needs of others. How wise that little stewardess is!
So I am going to take some time for myself. And although I can't physically leave here and go be by myself somewhere and deal with it, I am going to try and take some 'small' breaks and get some things dealt with. I think then, I will be better equipped to help others with their masks.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Lots to be thankful for and lots of things have made me smile.....
....a relaxing day at the horses
.....meeting new people
.....the view from the TOP of the barn
....a good ministry at Ft Wingate
....hearing the rain on the roof
.....good songs on the radio
.....tucking my kids into bed
.....the way they smell after a bath
.....getting a package in the mail
.....the feeling of brand new socks on my feet
.....pancakes and bacon for breakfast
......a helpful husband
.....good discussion on the Bible
.....many quiet moments lately
.....catching lizards and toads with my kids
.....helping build "homes" for the lizards and toads
.....chatting with the bff
....wearing a warm hoodie
.....feeding my horses
.....a nice long run
.....studying the Word....1 Peter, Jude, Revelation, Psalms
....the opportunity to pray
.....future plans
....a relaxing day at the horses
.....meeting new people
.....the view from the TOP of the barn
....a good ministry at Ft Wingate
....hearing the rain on the roof
.....good songs on the radio
.....tucking my kids into bed
.....the way they smell after a bath
.....getting a package in the mail
.....the feeling of brand new socks on my feet
.....pancakes and bacon for breakfast
......a helpful husband
.....good discussion on the Bible
.....many quiet moments lately
.....catching lizards and toads with my kids
.....helping build "homes" for the lizards and toads
.....chatting with the bff
....wearing a warm hoodie
.....feeding my horses
.....a nice long run
.....studying the Word....1 Peter, Jude, Revelation, Psalms
....the opportunity to pray
.....future plans
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The word I have been focusing on the past couple of weeks is "productive". I have really been striving to be productive each day....get things done, mark things off my 'to do' list. It has become my goal each day. But yesterday was different. I pretty much wasted my day yesterday.....or so I thought.
I woke up (again) with a backache. I could hardly roll out of bed. So, my sweet husband said he would do my "duties" for the day (take the girls to piano lessons, take the kids to the library for their homeschool class, and run errands). I was to stay home and rest. I was in so much pain, I just agreed to it. But after being home for about an hour by myself, I realized that I was not very good at just sitting and resting. I watched a little tv, read, even played on the computer (yes, Vicki, you busted me playing pathwords!)....but eventually, I grew restless. Even though I had plenty I could do at home, I decided to go outside. I took a nice long walk (I was heavily medicated with ipubrofen!) and ended up at the horses. My neighbors (the director and his wife) were out there saddling up the horses. They had some friends coming out (one of them did not know the Lord) to go horseback riding. I helped (but did not lift a saddle....only fetched and groomed the horses) for a while, then did some mild cleaning while they went out for their ride......what a peaceful hour....just me, and the horses, and a the dogs. I can't believe how much thinking I got done with just a few minutes of peace and quiet! It was amazing! I was able to just talk to the Lord and then actually LISTEN and HEAR what He had to say. There were no distractions to cloud out His voice. I feel a little more directed now. So, in that way, it was a very productive day.
I ended up staying at the barn for a couple more hours after that...helping put the horses away, talking to my neighbors and their friends, building relationships, laughing lots. It was a good day. A very productive day. :)
I woke up (again) with a backache. I could hardly roll out of bed. So, my sweet husband said he would do my "duties" for the day (take the girls to piano lessons, take the kids to the library for their homeschool class, and run errands). I was to stay home and rest. I was in so much pain, I just agreed to it. But after being home for about an hour by myself, I realized that I was not very good at just sitting and resting. I watched a little tv, read, even played on the computer (yes, Vicki, you busted me playing pathwords!)....but eventually, I grew restless. Even though I had plenty I could do at home, I decided to go outside. I took a nice long walk (I was heavily medicated with ipubrofen!) and ended up at the horses. My neighbors (the director and his wife) were out there saddling up the horses. They had some friends coming out (one of them did not know the Lord) to go horseback riding. I helped (but did not lift a saddle....only fetched and groomed the horses) for a while, then did some mild cleaning while they went out for their ride......what a peaceful hour....just me, and the horses, and a the dogs. I can't believe how much thinking I got done with just a few minutes of peace and quiet! It was amazing! I was able to just talk to the Lord and then actually LISTEN and HEAR what He had to say. There were no distractions to cloud out His voice. I feel a little more directed now. So, in that way, it was a very productive day.
I ended up staying at the barn for a couple more hours after that...helping put the horses away, talking to my neighbors and their friends, building relationships, laughing lots. It was a good day. A very productive day. :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Fall Ministries, up and running
Well, after a couple weeks of 'downtime', we are back in full swing. Fall ministries are up and running again....Bible studies, AWANA, Zuni youth group, Ft Wingate, etc. I love this time of year! I love the summer, too, with the hectic schedule of camp....but I also love the fall 'busyness' too. It's so good to see all the sweet girls at Ft Wingate (176 to be exact!).....it's good to see my kids re-unite with their AWANA friends.....I love hearing my husband tell stories of his Zuni kids (2 accepted Christ last week!).....and I love, love, love to dive back into studying the Scriptures. I know I have probably over-extended myself with how many Bible studies I am teaching/attending, but I just love it. I love to learn! And I especially love to learn about my God and Savior! But I was reminded of something tonight....that although I learn so much through actually studying, word for word, the Bible....I learn just as much, if not more by walking daily with Christ. I can read the promises of God over and over again....but when I experience them, they become more real to me than ever. I can study all the different types of 'love' described in the Bible, but it's only when I feel His love firsthand that I really start to wrap my mind around it. I learn more about forgiveness when I have to extend it....I learn more about comfort when I am the one being comforted.....I understand my Creator when I stop and really take appreciate creation.
Like I said, I love to study and learn about God.....but more than that, I love my daily walk and journey with my God.
Lord, thank you for never leaving or forsaking me.....for your mercies that are new every morning....for your patience and forebearance....for allowing me to see glimpses of You in the midst of both pain and joy. Help me never take these things for granted.
Like I said, I love to study and learn about God.....but more than that, I love my daily walk and journey with my God.
Lord, thank you for never leaving or forsaking me.....for your mercies that are new every morning....for your patience and forebearance....for allowing me to see glimpses of You in the midst of both pain and joy. Help me never take these things for granted.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A good, slightly productive week so far
Well, I managed to get some stuff done this weekend....even though I told myself I wasn't going to do anything! I just couldn't help myself!
But now we are back to "normal"....hubby is back from his trip, we are doing school full force now, piano lessons have started, library time is on the schedule again, the MANY Bible studies will begin in the next week or so, AWANA is on the horizon, Ft Wingate starts tonight, and on and on the list goes. The time of productivity is upon me again....no more "taking days off" or catching up on rest. It's fall and that means busy!!
But I wanted to take the time to still find things that make me smile......
.....a fun game time with the family last night
.....tucking my kids into bed
.....waking them up in the morning (they are all cuddly and warm)
.....a few minutes of quiet this morning
.....listening to the twins singing while they do their chores
.....my hubby making pancakes this morning
.....the taste of sweet grapes
.....a shower with good water pressure (finally!!)
.....a song in my heart
But now we are back to "normal"....hubby is back from his trip, we are doing school full force now, piano lessons have started, library time is on the schedule again, the MANY Bible studies will begin in the next week or so, AWANA is on the horizon, Ft Wingate starts tonight, and on and on the list goes. The time of productivity is upon me again....no more "taking days off" or catching up on rest. It's fall and that means busy!!
But I wanted to take the time to still find things that make me smile......
.....a fun game time with the family last night
.....tucking my kids into bed
.....waking them up in the morning (they are all cuddly and warm)
.....a few minutes of quiet this morning
.....listening to the twins singing while they do their chores
.....my hubby making pancakes this morning
.....the taste of sweet grapes
.....a shower with good water pressure (finally!!)
.....a song in my heart
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thankful list
Last year I started a "1000 things to be thankful for" list. I think I made it into the 700's....and then I kinda lost track (story of my life....I'm good at starting, terrible at finishing!). Really, I haven't blogged anything in quite some time. The summers are so busy for me and I am just now getting to the point where I feel rested and ready to get back into "life" again.
So, I thought I would start blogging again AND do a 'thankful' list....but with less pressure and no commitment to reach a certain number. I am going to write down the things I am thankful for, along with just things that make me smile.....it's good for me to put them on "pen and paper", and I've enjoyed going back and reading my past lists....does a heart good!
....a quiet walk this morning
...Hezzie, the neighbor's dog that faithfully follows me to the horses every morning
...the smell of hay
....the way my horse looks clean and white in the sunlight (from a distance!)
...crunching pinecones
....a quick chat with a neighbor, and the promise of a racquetball game soon
...seeing new growth on my bushes
...the 2 roly poly puppies from next door that kept me company while I watered plants
....prayer time in my backyard
....the "ultimate bagel", that reminds me of my sweet California friend
....Saturday morning cartoons
....an unexpected trip to the Zuni reservation to watch a parade
...a Savior who gives me these things, even when I don't deserve them
....visiting with one of our dearest Navajo families
....an afternoon nap
....watching my husband's excitement about going to a Bears game with a friend
....quietly being productive
....seeing a sweet Navajo friend...haven't seen her since camp....plans to study the Bible together this fall
....standing in a light, misty rain
....a quiet house (for the moment)
....scrabble (welcome, Vicki!)
....freshly washed bathroom rugs (I like clean things!)
...having no plans ;)
So, I thought I would start blogging again AND do a 'thankful' list....but with less pressure and no commitment to reach a certain number. I am going to write down the things I am thankful for, along with just things that make me smile.....it's good for me to put them on "pen and paper", and I've enjoyed going back and reading my past lists....does a heart good!
....a quiet walk this morning
...Hezzie, the neighbor's dog that faithfully follows me to the horses every morning
...the smell of hay
....the way my horse looks clean and white in the sunlight (from a distance!)
...crunching pinecones
....a quick chat with a neighbor, and the promise of a racquetball game soon
...seeing new growth on my bushes
...the 2 roly poly puppies from next door that kept me company while I watered plants
....prayer time in my backyard
....the "ultimate bagel", that reminds me of my sweet California friend
....Saturday morning cartoons
....an unexpected trip to the Zuni reservation to watch a parade
...a Savior who gives me these things, even when I don't deserve them
....visiting with one of our dearest Navajo families
....an afternoon nap
....watching my husband's excitement about going to a Bears game with a friend
....quietly being productive
....seeing a sweet Navajo friend...haven't seen her since camp....plans to study the Bible together this fall
....standing in a light, misty rain
....a quiet house (for the moment)
....scrabble (welcome, Vicki!)
....freshly washed bathroom rugs (I like clean things!)
...having no plans ;)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Over half way through....
Well, so much for keeping this blog updated! I have many things I have wanted to write here, but both lack of time and energy have kept me away. Things will happen and I will think, 'I should blog that!"...but then I come home and the thoughts get scrambled and my focus moves to "get sleep!". But today I decided to no longer let the lack of sleep rule me...ha! And it's funny, because yesterday, I hit the wall.....where I physically felt like I couldn't take another step or speak another word. I even came home and slept during dinner and the evening game.....I was exhausted! And although today I am up and about, I really am just going through the motions....not really feeling much today. So, it's funny that I'm choosing to blog NOW! And although I have "deeper" stuff I would like to share here, today will be simple......
Earlier today, I had just dismissed the campers to their morning activity classes (which is usually described as controlled chaos). It had already been a long morning.....not much sleep, a situation at breakfast that almost caused me to lose my cool, complaining staff, a disappointing 'spouse' moment, and far away family issues that kept me on the verge of tears.....I was ready for a nap by 9:30!! So, as the campers disappeared to head out to their classes, there was one lone little boy left standing in the A-frame.....sweet little Caleb Butler....the youngest son of my dear friends Dino and Nanette. He is all of 3 years old and not even as high as my waist......and oh, so very cute! His parents had been looking for him but he was hidden among the the 170+ campers, and it was only after the left the A-frame, that he was even visible. Dino was, of course, glad to have found him, but was in the dilemma of how to get him home to the babysitter.....he needed to get to a meeting and Nanette was already in a meeting of her own. So, in part to avoid having to deal with people, I volunteered to walk him home.
My job requires that I am constantly on the move....I am always walking quickly, or even running, from one place to the other......mostly because I am often called to be in two places at once. I rush from place to place, often getting delayed because people need something or have an issue that needs to be dealt with. I barely start a thought in my head before it's interrupted (and lost!). My world is always loud........ campers are always yelling my name, often kids are mooching piggy back rides off me......I often have a microphone in my hand, and even my keyboard playing in the worship band is loud. So I guess that is why this particular walk across the camp stuck out to me. It was strikingly quiet. It was just me and Caleb. Me and this tiny little chatter box, who didn't even come up to my waist. It has been a LONG time since I had walked that slow.....a long time that I didn't have to "fix" something.....a long time since I talked about something as 'unimportant' as the sticks we were each carrying and the legos waiting for him at home. That was the depth of our conversation, but it was by far the most precious chat I have had in a long time. It took almost 15 minutes to walk a few hundred yards to his tiny house.....but I needed that 15 minutes more than anything else today. I needed to slow down, focus on the simple things, and just enjoy the walk.
As I dropped him off at his house where the babysitter was anxiously waiting for him, I was quickly forgotten as he settled down on the floor with his brother and became engrossed in a cartoon on tv. But as for me, I will not forget our sweet few minutes together.....it will remind me to slow down, don't hurry past all that God is doing around me....the summer goes by so quickly, although at times it seems like it will never end.
So, thank you Caleb, for allowing me to walk you home......and thank you Lord, for walking with us, too.
Earlier today, I had just dismissed the campers to their morning activity classes (which is usually described as controlled chaos). It had already been a long morning.....not much sleep, a situation at breakfast that almost caused me to lose my cool, complaining staff, a disappointing 'spouse' moment, and far away family issues that kept me on the verge of tears.....I was ready for a nap by 9:30!! So, as the campers disappeared to head out to their classes, there was one lone little boy left standing in the A-frame.....sweet little Caleb Butler....the youngest son of my dear friends Dino and Nanette. He is all of 3 years old and not even as high as my waist......and oh, so very cute! His parents had been looking for him but he was hidden among the the 170+ campers, and it was only after the left the A-frame, that he was even visible. Dino was, of course, glad to have found him, but was in the dilemma of how to get him home to the babysitter.....he needed to get to a meeting and Nanette was already in a meeting of her own. So, in part to avoid having to deal with people, I volunteered to walk him home.
My job requires that I am constantly on the move....I am always walking quickly, or even running, from one place to the other......mostly because I am often called to be in two places at once. I rush from place to place, often getting delayed because people need something or have an issue that needs to be dealt with. I barely start a thought in my head before it's interrupted (and lost!). My world is always loud........ campers are always yelling my name, often kids are mooching piggy back rides off me......I often have a microphone in my hand, and even my keyboard playing in the worship band is loud. So I guess that is why this particular walk across the camp stuck out to me. It was strikingly quiet. It was just me and Caleb. Me and this tiny little chatter box, who didn't even come up to my waist. It has been a LONG time since I had walked that slow.....a long time that I didn't have to "fix" something.....a long time since I talked about something as 'unimportant' as the sticks we were each carrying and the legos waiting for him at home. That was the depth of our conversation, but it was by far the most precious chat I have had in a long time. It took almost 15 minutes to walk a few hundred yards to his tiny house.....but I needed that 15 minutes more than anything else today. I needed to slow down, focus on the simple things, and just enjoy the walk.
As I dropped him off at his house where the babysitter was anxiously waiting for him, I was quickly forgotten as he settled down on the floor with his brother and became engrossed in a cartoon on tv. But as for me, I will not forget our sweet few minutes together.....it will remind me to slow down, don't hurry past all that God is doing around me....the summer goes by so quickly, although at times it seems like it will never end.
So, thank you Caleb, for allowing me to walk you home......and thank you Lord, for walking with us, too.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Well, it's official.....camp has finally begun! We have started out the summer with a good sized week....123 campers! But praise the Lord, even better than that: enough staff to open all the cabins! Although we had a record number at orientation this year, we were lacking in guy staff....not enough counselors. Wes, Steve (our camp director) and even our sound guy (David) were going to have to step in and be counselors for the week.....but the Lord had other plans and sent 4 AWESOME guys( that have served here in the past) right at the last minute...literally! We called them (on Sunday afternoon, the day before camp) just to see if they thought they could do it, and sure enough, they got their stuff together, jumped into the car and drove all night to get here. That was a HUGE answer to prayer!
So, with a full staff and a nearly full camp, this place is busy and alive. The go-carts are running, the horses are back on the trial, and gun shots can be heard from the rifle range. I love the sounds of camp! There are lots of smiles on the faces of campers and that is always a good sign!
And it's always interesting to see how the new staff really react to the campers finally getting here....some surprise you...where they were a little quiet and reserved during orientation week, they step out of their shell and turn into the "fun" counselor. Then there are some that surprise you in a different way.....they end up not having the work ethic you thought they would, or you see them already distracted from the task at hand. We need MUCH prayer for our staff....they have an exhausting and stressful job....one that requires the strength, wisdom and endurance of the Lord on a day to day basis.....really, on a moment to moment basis. But I am confident that the Lord will bring about His individual will for each staff member here.....some will learn hard lessons about themselves and about God....others will flourish and grow leaps and bounds. This camp is just as much a ministry to the staff as it is to the campers. (I end up learning a few things myself!!)
Overall, it's been a great start....a few bumps in the road but nothing that (so far) has hindered the Gospel being preached, heard and received!
Please continue to pray for us out here!!!
The theme for the week: "God is good, all the time.....All the time, God is good!" GREAT reminder!!!!
So, with a full staff and a nearly full camp, this place is busy and alive. The go-carts are running, the horses are back on the trial, and gun shots can be heard from the rifle range. I love the sounds of camp! There are lots of smiles on the faces of campers and that is always a good sign!
And it's always interesting to see how the new staff really react to the campers finally getting here....some surprise you...where they were a little quiet and reserved during orientation week, they step out of their shell and turn into the "fun" counselor. Then there are some that surprise you in a different way.....they end up not having the work ethic you thought they would, or you see them already distracted from the task at hand. We need MUCH prayer for our staff....they have an exhausting and stressful job....one that requires the strength, wisdom and endurance of the Lord on a day to day basis.....really, on a moment to moment basis. But I am confident that the Lord will bring about His individual will for each staff member here.....some will learn hard lessons about themselves and about God....others will flourish and grow leaps and bounds. This camp is just as much a ministry to the staff as it is to the campers. (I end up learning a few things myself!!)
Overall, it's been a great start....a few bumps in the road but nothing that (so far) has hindered the Gospel being preached, heard and received!
Please continue to pray for us out here!!!
The theme for the week: "God is good, all the time.....All the time, God is good!" GREAT reminder!!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A day of celebration!
Well, 12 years ago today, I was running around all flustered and nervous, about to walk down the aisle to marry my college sweetheart! Although some of it is a vague memory, there are parts that stand out clearly....
....deciding to dye my hair a "slightly red" the night before
....how it was raining that morning and we even picked up a woman hitch hiking on our way to the church
....getting my dress on and then immediately having to pee
....ALL of my bridesmaids helping me pee!!
....5 minutes before walking down the aisle, my "girls" and I sang (in pretty amazing harmony) "Going To The Chapel"
....my dad walking me down the aisle
....how nervous Wesley was
....my father in law giving the Gospel message very plainly and bluntly
....walking out of the church "married"!
....the great reception
....a punch fountain (that was fun!)
....being surrounded by great friends
....driving away in our little red (very decorated) car....twice! (one for the photo, one for real!)
....turning on the air conditioner in the car and TONS of rice blowing out! (for months after that too!)
It was an amazing day....and 'most' of the days afterwards have been great. Ha! We have had some tough times, but we have also had many more wonderful times, lots of laughs, and sweet memories. I am so blessed to have such an awesome family....and it all started 12 years ago, in a church down in south Georgia. Looking forward to 12 more...at least!!
....deciding to dye my hair a "slightly red" the night before
....how it was raining that morning and we even picked up a woman hitch hiking on our way to the church
....getting my dress on and then immediately having to pee
....ALL of my bridesmaids helping me pee!!
....5 minutes before walking down the aisle, my "girls" and I sang (in pretty amazing harmony) "Going To The Chapel"
....my dad walking me down the aisle
....how nervous Wesley was
....my father in law giving the Gospel message very plainly and bluntly
....walking out of the church "married"!
....the great reception
....a punch fountain (that was fun!)
....being surrounded by great friends
....driving away in our little red (very decorated) car....twice! (one for the photo, one for real!)
....turning on the air conditioner in the car and TONS of rice blowing out! (for months after that too!)
It was an amazing day....and 'most' of the days afterwards have been great. Ha! We have had some tough times, but we have also had many more wonderful times, lots of laughs, and sweet memories. I am so blessed to have such an awesome family....and it all started 12 years ago, in a church down in south Georgia. Looking forward to 12 more...at least!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Well, we are home from our camping trip and I'm tired....it was one of those trips where you are just as tired when you get home as you were when you left! And, to top it off, my hubby is sick (flu-like symptoms). But it was still a profitable trip....I could tell the staff really bonded and enjoyed themselves. I wish I could have 'bonded' more, but with my responsibilities and my 'needy' kids, there was only so much I could do. And I wish I could blame it all on my job and my kids, but there is a part of me that struggles with 'bonding'.....but i did what I could and hopefully it's a start.
So camp starts in less than 48 hours....the 'to do' list is still long but we will just get done what we can, and then focus on the task at hand.....give the Gospel and show them the love of Christ! I enjoy that WAY more than all the projects! I am motivated and ready to begin.....it's something that I spend so much time praying for and preparing for, that I'm really anxious for it to actually start. I know the rewards will be great....every summer I am amazed to see the hand of God at work in these young lives....I know I say it often but what a privilege to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.
Yet, although it's so rewarding, there are parts that are difficult, and I usually end up feeling the 'cost' of this ministry, especially in the summer. This will be my 9th summer working here (my 7th as program director) and I know how difficult it can be. I pretty much kiss my husband good bye on the first day of camp.....we pass each other a couple times a day, once or twice we share a meal together....I'm up early before him and then he is out late, usually coming home after I am in bed. And then there are my children. Although they are pretty self sufficient, they are still at the age where they need their Mom....and it's a daily battle for me, knowing I can't be there every time. They still want someone to hold them when they fall off their bike, help them with a craft, find a stamp when they want to mail a letter, tuck them in at night, etc.....in the summer I can't always do those things.....and it makes me sad everytime they tell me (afterwards) that they hurt themselves, but managed to crawl up and get a bandaid out of the cabinet themselves....or when I come in at night and they are already asleep, even though they said they wanted to me to come kiss them good night.....there is a price, and it goes further than even what I mentioned here. There are times of lonliness, issues rarely get resolved because of busyness, I lose touch with friends, etc....but in the end, I wouldn't trade it because the rewards always outweigh the sacrifices. That is something I am learning in other areas of my life as well....it's a slow process at times!!
So, if you think about it, pray for our staff as they are about to embark on a busy/stressful 8 weeks....there will be times of frustration (that camper that pees in his bunk for the 4th time that week), times of sadness (when a friend or peer says something hurtful), times of laughter (when Dino does the "dream skit", throwing his hair around like a girl), and there will also be times of great joy (praying with a child as they make the decision to trust in the love of Christ). There will be ups and downs....but I am praying that they will remember that God never changes. Something I need to remember too....
Well, I will try to keep things updated here as much as possible...I haven't been very faithful to this blog lately, and I'm not sure why I think I'll be able to do it during the busiest season of the year, but it doesn't hurt to try!
So camp starts in less than 48 hours....the 'to do' list is still long but we will just get done what we can, and then focus on the task at hand.....give the Gospel and show them the love of Christ! I enjoy that WAY more than all the projects! I am motivated and ready to begin.....it's something that I spend so much time praying for and preparing for, that I'm really anxious for it to actually start. I know the rewards will be great....every summer I am amazed to see the hand of God at work in these young lives....I know I say it often but what a privilege to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.
Yet, although it's so rewarding, there are parts that are difficult, and I usually end up feeling the 'cost' of this ministry, especially in the summer. This will be my 9th summer working here (my 7th as program director) and I know how difficult it can be. I pretty much kiss my husband good bye on the first day of camp.....we pass each other a couple times a day, once or twice we share a meal together....I'm up early before him and then he is out late, usually coming home after I am in bed. And then there are my children. Although they are pretty self sufficient, they are still at the age where they need their Mom....and it's a daily battle for me, knowing I can't be there every time. They still want someone to hold them when they fall off their bike, help them with a craft, find a stamp when they want to mail a letter, tuck them in at night, etc.....in the summer I can't always do those things.....and it makes me sad everytime they tell me (afterwards) that they hurt themselves, but managed to crawl up and get a bandaid out of the cabinet themselves....or when I come in at night and they are already asleep, even though they said they wanted to me to come kiss them good night.....there is a price, and it goes further than even what I mentioned here. There are times of lonliness, issues rarely get resolved because of busyness, I lose touch with friends, etc....but in the end, I wouldn't trade it because the rewards always outweigh the sacrifices. That is something I am learning in other areas of my life as well....it's a slow process at times!!
So, if you think about it, pray for our staff as they are about to embark on a busy/stressful 8 weeks....there will be times of frustration (that camper that pees in his bunk for the 4th time that week), times of sadness (when a friend or peer says something hurtful), times of laughter (when Dino does the "dream skit", throwing his hair around like a girl), and there will also be times of great joy (praying with a child as they make the decision to trust in the love of Christ). There will be ups and downs....but I am praying that they will remember that God never changes. Something I need to remember too....
Well, I will try to keep things updated here as much as possible...I haven't been very faithful to this blog lately, and I'm not sure why I think I'll be able to do it during the busiest season of the year, but it doesn't hurt to try!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Staff Campout

Blog (Wednesday)
Well, we made it….we are in beautiful, colorful Colorado. We take the staff camping every year before camp starts to get some rest and spend time together…..it’s one of my favorite parts of the summer! This year, there was some question if I would even go or not…..there are so many things still to do at the camp to get ready for Monday (the first day of camp), that I felt like I should stay back and work. I’m so glad I left the decision to my husband and he said we should just go….yay hubby!
So although it’s cold this morning, it’s so beautiful and awesome! We usually ‘seriously’ camp (out in the middle of nowhere, no bathrooms, no showers, etc), but this year, because of the threat of rain, we are staying in Cortez, CO at the Christian Discipleship Center (friends of our mission and somewhere I would LOVE to try to minister). They have a huge, beautiful GREEN lawn area where our staff pitched tents…..but hubby and I, and a couple other staff are staying inside, in the gym (where it’s warm!). But our adventurous daughters wanted to sleep in the tents with friends. I slept somewhat restlessly, waiting for them to come in and tell me they were scared or it was too cold….but surprisingly, they stayed out all night (they are STILL asleep, cuddled up together, I’m sure!).
Last night was great…..it was lazy and relaxing. Several staff played soccer….others passed the Frisbee around….others sat around in groups and chatted. The kids had lots of room to run around….they had a blast! I stretched out on the grass with some other ladies and we chatted and took pictures….I could have sat there for hours, but finally the sound of the guitar drew us over to the fire pit, and we spent time singing and sharing. And also, with great sadness, my dear friend Nanette shared with us that her sweet sister, who had been struggling with a brain tumor for some time, had finally passed away and was in the presence of the Lord. My heart went out to my dear friend….my beautiful, Godly, amazingly strong friend. We prayed together, we wept together, but then, in a wonderful way, we praised the Lord together. It was an amazing time of fellowship as she then shared with the rest of the staff her news…..there were tears, a time of prayer and then more singing and praising God. My heart is still in a state of praise this morning and I can’t wait to have my time in the Word and fellowship with my loving, sweet, all-knowing, perfect Savior.
And I’m looking forward to today also, because this weekend the staff have been challenged to reach out the people in the community….whatever community we are in at the time. For those that are new to ‘evangelism’, they were simply asked to just approach someone, converse with them, maybe share about the camp, find out something about them, etc…..now today, they are to move on to more…..they are to actually get to the point in the conversation where they can ask, “Do you have any spiritual beliefs?”. For many, when they were presented with that task, looked outright terrified. But after hearing about Nanette’s sister, after just hearing that someone had just passed into eternity within the hour and how different our reaction to that news would have been if she had NOT been a believer, I challenged them to approach people with that in mind…..to try to find boldness because of that. I know that even for myself it created a spirit of necessity, to get out there quickly and share the Gospel. I am looking forward to what today will bring. And tonight, when we sit around and discuss our “adventures”, that many will be able to say they experienced the strength and power of the Lord and maybe there will be stories of salvation and joy, too!
“This is the day that the Lord has made, we will be rejoice and be glad in it!”
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
We are well into our 2nd day of training and it's going well. There is good team spirit and there seems be a sweet unity. We are moving through our "day at camp" to give them an idea of what it's like...but it almost makes me laugh because once you add 150 campers to the mix, there is NOTHING that will prepare you for it! But we try!
It has been neat to get to know the staff.....really, what I am doing at this point is just observing them. I can see the "types" forming now.....the music types all sit around in the lodge with their guitars or on the piano......the athletic types are stretching out in the morning, ready for a nice long run.....then there are the worker types who are busy doing extra jobs......there are the prissy types (both girls and guys) who are spending most of their mornings in the bathroom in front of the mirror.....there are the tired types who are just laying around on the couches, watching everyone else.....mostly everyone has fallen into one of those groups. But it's good to see them come together in one common group.....a group of believers, committed to serving the Lord for the next couple of months. It's a neat thing to witness and to be a part of. I am so very privileged to have this ministry and be a part of something much bigger than myself. And it's so great to see God ALREADY at work here at the camp, even before a camper sets foot on the property.
I am already aware of some potential problems.....you see that too as you observe people. But I am not worried about that....God is already there, in the future, making preparations for it....preparing the situation AND preparing me! There is alot of "putting out fires" here at camp....it's a daily interruption for me....at least that is the way I used to see it. But now I see those moments as opportunities to minister to others, to depend on God, to seek Him, to watch Him work, to even love Him more. They are just part of the journey!
I'm looking forward to walk this road for the summer....if I keep myself focused on my Savior, keep my "self" under the control of the Holy Spirit, and continually draw closer to Him, then walking this road will eventually put me at a place that is closer to my Savior!!!
It has been neat to get to know the staff.....really, what I am doing at this point is just observing them. I can see the "types" forming now.....the music types all sit around in the lodge with their guitars or on the piano......the athletic types are stretching out in the morning, ready for a nice long run.....then there are the worker types who are busy doing extra jobs......there are the prissy types (both girls and guys) who are spending most of their mornings in the bathroom in front of the mirror.....there are the tired types who are just laying around on the couches, watching everyone else.....mostly everyone has fallen into one of those groups. But it's good to see them come together in one common group.....a group of believers, committed to serving the Lord for the next couple of months. It's a neat thing to witness and to be a part of. I am so very privileged to have this ministry and be a part of something much bigger than myself. And it's so great to see God ALREADY at work here at the camp, even before a camper sets foot on the property.
I am already aware of some potential problems.....you see that too as you observe people. But I am not worried about that....God is already there, in the future, making preparations for it....preparing the situation AND preparing me! There is alot of "putting out fires" here at camp....it's a daily interruption for me....at least that is the way I used to see it. But now I see those moments as opportunities to minister to others, to depend on God, to seek Him, to watch Him work, to even love Him more. They are just part of the journey!
I'm looking forward to walk this road for the summer....if I keep myself focused on my Savior, keep my "self" under the control of the Holy Spirit, and continually draw closer to Him, then walking this road will eventually put me at a place that is closer to my Savior!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Well, since my last post I have:
.....finished up several ministries for the year
.....had a new deck built
.....got a new storage shed built (by an awesome WV work team!)
......landscaped the backyard (finally)
.....marked MANY things off my 'to do' list
..... finished up homeschooling
.....turned a year older
...... finished a couple good books
.....had family come and visit
..... played lots of racquetball
..... found out my bff is expecting baby #2
..... planted lots of bushes and even some GRASS!
..... dealt with over 45 staff applications
..... learned lots about myself and my GOD!!!!!
It's been a good month or so and those are just the highlights....the Lord is good!
Tomorrow starts our staff orientation.....and then a week from that camp begins! Wow, where did the time go? There is a mad rush to get everything done...and in the end, it will NOT all get done.....but that is just the way it is. "The laborers are few...." :)
I am so excited about camp starting....it is such a busy and fruitful time of year. I would like to say that I will blog throughout the next couple of months, but we all know how well I do with that....but I will do what I can to keep you all updated on the progress and all that the Lord is doing...I am confident there will be much to write....just not sure if I'll have time to write them all!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
New Mexico Easter

"Praise the Lord for a sweet Easter day, with friends and family!"
Before the day began, I wasn't sure how I would feel about it. Although I love the holiday as a whole, I new this one would be different. It was our first Easter in New Mexico. And we go to a very small Native church....therefore, there was no Easter cantata, no special music, no drama, no Hallelujah chorus....all the things I loved about our Easters back home. I was wondering how this day was going to be "special" or different from all the other church services we attend every week. But of course, the Lord, in His incredible patience and love, showed me!
The day started a little heavy for me.....it had been a long week. But after a lot of 'giving over the Lord', I was able to focus on the the beauty of the day and the sweet reminder of His love for me. And as I opened my front door to catch a glimpse of the sunrise (I have an amazing view from my front porch), I was surprised to see the ground covered with snow. At first it was a little 'annoying' because you want this day to be bright and sunny...but it didn't take long to see the reminder of how are sins were washed white as snow on an 'Easter' morning so many years ago. I enjoyed a few minutes of peace and quiet, watching the snow quietly fall....before the kids woke up! Then everyone was scurrying to get their 'sunday best' on, while I began making the homemade tortillas and sausage I was to bring to the church breakfast. We managed to make it out the door only 15 minutes late, and arrived to our first church breakfast (we were attending 2 because we go to Sunday school at one church and then we attend service at our home church). It was a good time of fellowship and the kids enjoyed seeing all their friends dressed up. We ate light (since we had 2 meals that morning) and sat with good friends and shared much laughter. Then we headed across the street to our church and ate again! This breakfast was much different than the first. The earlier breakfast was very traditional in the "american" sense....our second breakfast was very traditional in the "navajo" way, with tortillas, an enchilada dish, blue corn mush pancakes, beef stew with green chilis, and lots of pastries! Although our conversation there was full of laughter, it was also quite different from the previous meal....here, we talked of upcoming crops and the sheep castration they had had over the weekend, along with exchanging of recipes for the blue corn mush. I love my church, I love the people there....things are simple, slow paced and everyone is happy to just sit and talk. There was no rushing to practice for a cantata, no worrying about getting a new easter outfit dirty.....it is a simple life and I really do love it!
We leisurely headed upstairs where we fellowshipped a little longer and relaxed. This was one of the first years that I have not done some special music or been involved in a play.....it was nice to just sit and enjoy the day. We had several visitors and the place was filling up. Finally we started the service and it was an amazing blessing to have a baptismal service the same day....so we began our time by watching 3 young people obey the Lord in baptism....what a sweet sight. I decided it was better than any special music or drama I could have witnessed! We began with baptism and ended with communion.....what a great way to focus on the life of Christ!
We skipped our usually Sunday lunch out and just headed home....desiring to just hang out with the family. We opened the Easter baskets my mom sent then settled down for an afternoon rest. It wasn't long before a neighbor kid came by to announce it was time for the Easter egg hunt. The weather had been 'iffy' all day, but when the time came, the sun was shining and the temp had gone up enough so that it was comfortable. The adults went down first to hide the 250+ eggs, and the kids followed shortly after. They had a great time looking for the eggs and seeing who found the gold coins inside. Afterwards, we sat around and talked about our day watching the kids indulge in the many jellybeans and chocolate.
And although the day ended heavy, I am so thankful for the sweet day of praise and worship He gave me....it just looked different than I expected and anything I was used to.....but a beautiful Easter day, nonetheless!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
We've been BLESSED by the MESS
I shared with you a few days ago about the tree that fell on one of the camp's storage sheds/bunk house. We are now in the process of cleaning up the huge mess that is the result of that tree falling. I would have much rather just set fire to it and call it a day...BUT....that was not reality :)
So instead of doing it my way (which is a GOOD thing!), the Lord sent us 'angels'. There was a workteam that came to spend a week in the area and work at our church (Native Bible Fellowship). They heard about the mess out here and decided to focus their attention and any leftover time to help us out....and wow, what a huge help they have been! They have managed to give us a large portion of THREE days and we are finishing the clean up today! All that is left is to remove the concrete slab that the shed was sitting on. They will even be moving on to other projects today....the Lord is so good to give us what we 'need' and then above that! I know I fail to recognize that sometimes.....I often miss the 'blessing' in the midst of the 'mess'. And then to see Him give beyond that is such a sweet reminder of His never-ending provisions and His promised love for us.
And the huge mess that once covered the site where the shed once sat is now cleaned up and the wood shed by the lodge is completely full of wood for next winter. He took a 'mess' and used it to 'bless' us....again, giving us much needed provisions out of an unexpected place.
He often works like that, you know? Surprising us, leaving us in a sense of wonder and amazement. Not sure why I am surprised or amazed each time.....you think I would be used to it and even expect it by now, since He does it so often. Even just last night I was surprised at where I received a blessing.....it was a big mess and as I started to begin to clear away some of the mess, started to see the glimpse of a blessing.....something I needed, and didn't even know that I needed. Now the "mess" doesn't seem as overwhelming....there is hope.
Thank you, Lord, for the beautiful people you have provided to help clear away the debris and mess here at the camp....your timing is (no surprise) perfect! Thank you for their sweet attitudes and willing hearts.....may they be blessed for their sacrifice and may you be pleased and glorified by their desire to serve You. Thank you for the simple provision of firewood for next year. ....that although something had to be destroyed first, there was good that came from it. Thank you for letting me see Your provision, Your hand, Your love in this situation. May I see all those things in other areas of my life as well......amen
So instead of doing it my way (which is a GOOD thing!), the Lord sent us 'angels'. There was a workteam that came to spend a week in the area and work at our church (Native Bible Fellowship). They heard about the mess out here and decided to focus their attention and any leftover time to help us out....and wow, what a huge help they have been! They have managed to give us a large portion of THREE days and we are finishing the clean up today! All that is left is to remove the concrete slab that the shed was sitting on. They will even be moving on to other projects today....the Lord is so good to give us what we 'need' and then above that! I know I fail to recognize that sometimes.....I often miss the 'blessing' in the midst of the 'mess'. And then to see Him give beyond that is such a sweet reminder of His never-ending provisions and His promised love for us.
And the huge mess that once covered the site where the shed once sat is now cleaned up and the wood shed by the lodge is completely full of wood for next winter. He took a 'mess' and used it to 'bless' us....again, giving us much needed provisions out of an unexpected place.
He often works like that, you know? Surprising us, leaving us in a sense of wonder and amazement. Not sure why I am surprised or amazed each time.....you think I would be used to it and even expect it by now, since He does it so often. Even just last night I was surprised at where I received a blessing.....it was a big mess and as I started to begin to clear away some of the mess, started to see the glimpse of a blessing.....something I needed, and didn't even know that I needed. Now the "mess" doesn't seem as overwhelming....there is hope.
Thank you, Lord, for the beautiful people you have provided to help clear away the debris and mess here at the camp....your timing is (no surprise) perfect! Thank you for their sweet attitudes and willing hearts.....may they be blessed for their sacrifice and may you be pleased and glorified by their desire to serve You. Thank you for the simple provision of firewood for next year. ....that although something had to be destroyed first, there was good that came from it. Thank you for letting me see Your provision, Your hand, Your love in this situation. May I see all those things in other areas of my life as well......amen
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
April Goals
* lose 5 pounds
* continue with my workout program (run 3x a week, swim 2x a week, aerobics 2x a week, basketball/racquetball at least 3x a week, etc)
* more CS Lewis
* 2 more chapters in the Holiness book (we can do it Heather!)
* finish "attitude" book
* dinner with R
* mom's night out and/or ladies movie night
* date night w/ hubby
* movie night with kids
* catch up on emails!
* plan CA trip (MUCH needed)
* continue with Romans 8
* inductive Bible study (Genesis)
* we have a HUGE project list.....just keep chipping away at it
* lose 5 pounds
* continue with my workout program (run 3x a week, swim 2x a week, aerobics 2x a week, basketball/racquetball at least 3x a week, etc)
* more CS Lewis
* 2 more chapters in the Holiness book (we can do it Heather!)
* finish "attitude" book
* dinner with R
* mom's night out and/or ladies movie night
* date night w/ hubby
* movie night with kids
* catch up on emails!
* plan CA trip (MUCH needed)
* continue with Romans 8
* inductive Bible study (Genesis)
* we have a HUGE project list.....just keep chipping away at it
Sunday, April 5, 2009
What a great day of worship! I love this time of year.....Palm Sunday, Easter, etc.....what a great reminder of what a wonderful Savior we have! As we sang songs that spoke of His amazing love and His sacrifice on the cross, my heart was brought to a sweet place of worship and I felt like it was just me and my Savior, alone in that room.....I loved it!
As a kid, growing up in a very 'anti-christian' home, Easter was all about the candy, gifts, chocolate and hiding eggs. It was one of my favorites back then (as you can guess, I was a pretty chubby kid, so candy was a HUGE part of my life!).....and it's one of my favorites now....but for a much different reason. I never get used to the amazing sacrifice Christ made for me...it never grows old and I never tire of celebrating it. Easter is such a different thing to me now......ever since I have given my life to Christ and as I have grown in my relationship with Him, this time of year is one of the sweetest. It's no longer about chocolate, hiding eggs and lots of candy....it's about Someone who loved me more than I can ever comprehend, Someone who thinks I am worth it, Someone who knows me intimately, and Someone who will never leave me or forsake me.....I am reminded of all those things when I remember and honor His death on the cross.
I am very much looking forward to next Sunday, spending time doing just that!
As a kid, growing up in a very 'anti-christian' home, Easter was all about the candy, gifts, chocolate and hiding eggs. It was one of my favorites back then (as you can guess, I was a pretty chubby kid, so candy was a HUGE part of my life!).....and it's one of my favorites now....but for a much different reason. I never get used to the amazing sacrifice Christ made for me...it never grows old and I never tire of celebrating it. Easter is such a different thing to me now......ever since I have given my life to Christ and as I have grown in my relationship with Him, this time of year is one of the sweetest. It's no longer about chocolate, hiding eggs and lots of candy....it's about Someone who loved me more than I can ever comprehend, Someone who thinks I am worth it, Someone who knows me intimately, and Someone who will never leave me or forsake me.....I am reminded of all those things when I remember and honor His death on the cross.
I am very much looking forward to next Sunday, spending time doing just that!
Saturday, April 4, 2009

The winds here have been CRAZY! It's difficult to even walk around camp and it's brutal on someone who wears contacts! It was even so bad last night that it knocked over a rather large tree here at the camp.....it landed right on top of one of our storage shed/bunk house, completely destroying it. Most of the time, this building is just used for storage, but other times one of our faithful volunteers stays in it. It's equipped with a bunk bed, small fridge, etc and Chuck(the volunteer) likes the "rustic" living condition it provides for him. He is simple guy with a huge love for the Lord and a great work ethic.....a real blessing to our camp. He has been away for a couple months to help others and was supposed to be back by now....unfortunately (or at least it SEEMED unfortunate) he has been delayed because he is getting a biopsy done on a tumor they found. That has been a sad blow to us here and we have been praying often for him and this trial. But as you can guess, we have found the "blessing" in all of it because obviously, if Chuck had been here and in his beloved bunk house, he would have very likely been killed.
Of course, the "lesson" I see here is how God is in control of everything and His hand is touching every aspect of our life..... the wind that blows right past us as we are out walking, the delays and interruptions that often fill our lives, even the tumor that showed up on the MRI. I am reading a book about "attitudes" right now and just finished up the chapter on thankfulness....and was challenged to really ask myself if I am thankful for ALL things. If I'm not, it's usually because I don't understand it, I disagree with it, or I'm fearful of it. Watching that tree fall and seeing the results have reminded me of the "perfectness" of God's plan and His complete control of ALL things.
Thank you Lord, for your protection of Chuck, for your faithfulness to us every day, for the wind, that now reminds me of your promise to work all things for good.....amen
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April.....a new start....again!
Well, here we are at the beginning of a new month......my chances for completing last month's goals are over....time to make new ones.
Ok, we all know I did a TERRIBLE job on the 'blogging 2x a week' goal.....BUT I kicked butt on the physical goals.....I worked out all but about 7 days this month and lost the 8 pounds! FINALLY (i know you are all thinking that exact same word!)! I did pretty well on my reading goals, fell short by a chapter on each one I think.....my 'social' goals were a joke, but the Lord allowed opportunities for new relationships and ministries, so that was still a success in a sense. Same thing with the 'spiritual' goals......i didn't accomplish exactly what I thought I would, but man, the Lord has given me much to chew on this month and He has been so good to teach me new and wonderful things! ...and brought along some really neat people to help do that......it's been a great month in that area. And I am learning through this that the plans (goals) that I set out for myself are not always His plans, and I'm learning to be ok with that! HIS are ALWAYS better than mine anyways! Things are moving along here at the camp the season for "getting ready" is upon us. We have made out an overwhelming to do list and will be chopping away at it for the next 2 months. But it's an exciting thing.....camp is always the highlight of our year and such an amazing time to see God working in the lives of Native people every day!!!! Thank you Lord for the ministry you have given my family and I......what a wonderful opportunity!
So, as usual, there were some successes and some failures.....but both are great because God was in the midst of each of them.
I'll be putting my April goals up soon.....but until then I'm going to just daily take what the Lord gives me and accomplish what I can in each day. Even the smallest victory is still a victory, right!??
Ok, we all know I did a TERRIBLE job on the 'blogging 2x a week' goal.....BUT I kicked butt on the physical goals.....I worked out all but about 7 days this month and lost the 8 pounds! FINALLY (i know you are all thinking that exact same word!)! I did pretty well on my reading goals, fell short by a chapter on each one I think.....my 'social' goals were a joke, but the Lord allowed opportunities for new relationships and ministries, so that was still a success in a sense. Same thing with the 'spiritual' goals......i didn't accomplish exactly what I thought I would, but man, the Lord has given me much to chew on this month and He has been so good to teach me new and wonderful things! ...and brought along some really neat people to help do that......it's been a great month in that area. And I am learning through this that the plans (goals) that I set out for myself are not always His plans, and I'm learning to be ok with that! HIS are ALWAYS better than mine anyways! Things are moving along here at the camp the season for "getting ready" is upon us. We have made out an overwhelming to do list and will be chopping away at it for the next 2 months. But it's an exciting thing.....camp is always the highlight of our year and such an amazing time to see God working in the lives of Native people every day!!!! Thank you Lord for the ministry you have given my family and I......what a wonderful opportunity!
So, as usual, there were some successes and some failures.....but both are great because God was in the midst of each of them.
I'll be putting my April goals up soon.....but until then I'm going to just daily take what the Lord gives me and accomplish what I can in each day. Even the smallest victory is still a victory, right!??
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Getting things done

Well, I have to say, things are going better this month. I have more energy and am able to get more things done. I'm moving right through my list of "goals"....except I'm not blogging very much. It's still hard for me get here at times, but I'm making the effort. I think I've lost most of my readers because they are tired of looking and seeing the same post for months!! I'm sorry.....if I actually succeeded in ALL areas it would be scary.
In the midst of 'getting things done', we were able to take a quick vacation to Phoenix. We were supposed to be there for other reasons, but they all fell through so we just decided to go anyways and make it a family getaway.....I am so glad we did. The kids really needed some time to just 'play'. Although we did a little school while we were there, the majority of our time was spent hanging out together, going to baseball games, museums, visiting friends, etc. It was a good time away and the weather was amazing! The kids would go outside before breakfast and climb around in the lemon trees or go exploring through the grapefruit grove. They loved it and I enjoyed just sitting and watching them.
One particular morning they were armed with "weapons" (which included a tree limb and an old feather duster) and they were in a battle with an busy couple of bees that were flying around the flowering orange trees. They would "sneak" up on it, surround it, then attack it....getting it all stirred up and then running (screaming) to me for protection. They would crouch down behind my lawn chair, waiting til the coast was clear. It was amusing to see my "army" of children and their fake bravery. And of course, as I watched them, I was reminded of my own disillusioned courage that I sometimes have.....thinking I can face the enemy and take him head on. But as soon as he actually turns and looks at me, I run away, seeking the safety of my Father. Now, I don't intentionally go around poking at sin (I hope not at least) and trying to stir it up....no, it's much more subtle for us 'mature' ones (I say that sarcastically). Often times, I think I'm just fine and then all of a sudden I look up and I'm looking straight into the face of danger, or an obstacle, or a fear (yes, i have a few...wink!). Then I realize, I'm standing there, waving something as useless as a worn out feather duster at the oncoming enemy. It's then that I go darting to hide behind my Protector, my Savior. And there is such comfort when I do, knowing that I am completely safe.....not a fake kind of security I find when I seek refuge in other things, but a real sense of peace and rest.....the kind only He can give.
I learned many other things while watching my children last week.....I hope to be able to share a few more here as time allows. If not, just pray that I will remember them in a way that will cause me to grow closer to God and learn more about Him.
But as for now, we are back home, it was VERY cold last night and this morning and I was sad to have left my sunny, warm Arizona....but later today it warmed up enough to go outside for a nice run and some other exercise. Back to the crazy, unpredictable weather of New Mexico!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Fresh new month
Ok.....i'm wiping the slate clean. Last month was a complete flop concerning my goals. No real excuse except I felt like poop every day! But I am feeling somewhat better now and motivated to be productive, instead of a permanent fixture of the living room!
I'm through discussing it...moving on......
1. run 4x a week
2. swim 2x a week
3. aerobics class OR workout video 2x a week
4. weights and crunches 4x a week
5. basketball 2x this month (Sundays)
Lose 8 pounds for the month.....ugh! for ONCE I would love to meet this goal!
1. cut out snacking
2. no eating after 9pm
3. only 3 pepsi's a week....Lord, help me!
1. finish 3 chapters in Holiness book (and swap notes)
2. finish 3 chapters in Attitude book (and swap notes)
3. 1 fiction :)
1. blog 2x a week
2. dinner with R, and T
3. organize mom's night out
4. organize ladies movie night
5. answer emails
6. game time with the kids once a week
7. one family movie night (chapel)
1. re-memorize Romans 8
2. Inductive Bible study (10 chapters in Genesis)
3. create 'organized' prayer journal
(pretty much same goals as last time since I didn't do ANYTHING in this area!)
1. lost and found
2. inventory t-shirts
3. Campfire News
4. prayer letter
5. write supporters
I'm through discussing it...moving on......
1. run 4x a week
2. swim 2x a week
3. aerobics class OR workout video 2x a week
4. weights and crunches 4x a week
5. basketball 2x this month (Sundays)
Lose 8 pounds for the month.....ugh! for ONCE I would love to meet this goal!
1. cut out snacking
2. no eating after 9pm
3. only 3 pepsi's a week....Lord, help me!
1. finish 3 chapters in Holiness book (and swap notes)
2. finish 3 chapters in Attitude book (and swap notes)
3. 1 fiction :)
1. blog 2x a week
2. dinner with R, and T
3. organize mom's night out
4. organize ladies movie night
5. answer emails
6. game time with the kids once a week
7. one family movie night (chapel)
1. re-memorize Romans 8
2. Inductive Bible study (10 chapters in Genesis)
3. create 'organized' prayer journal
(pretty much same goals as last time since I didn't do ANYTHING in this area!)
1. lost and found
2. inventory t-shirts
3. Campfire News
4. prayer letter
5. write supporters
Friday, February 13, 2009
It's been a fairly productive week, despite some "obstacles". It feels so good to get things crossed off my list....I've actually been able to see my list physically shrinking! So there is that much to be thankful for :)
But I'm sure I can find other things to be thankful for.......
.....for a nice trip to Phoenix (792)
.....for time in warmer weather (793)
.....the possibility of feeling better soon (794)
.....watching my children work hard and see good results (795)
.....making plans for a visit with a faraway friend (796)
.....care packages in the mail from "moms" (797)
.....the opportunity to teach (798)
.....financial blessings (799)
.....a long distance friend to "study" with (800)
.....accomplishments (801)
.....quiet early mornings (802)
.....upcoming Bible studies (803)
....a wonderful, Godly mechanic (804)
.....the most amazing full moon last night (805)
.... continuing education (806)
.... safety in many travels (807)
.... phone calls from WV (808)
....that my kids like to "snuggle" (809)
.... time alone at the barn, quietly cleaning (810)
.... the minor prophets (811)
....the faithfulness of God all through the ages (812)
.....His promises to ME (813)
But I'm sure I can find other things to be thankful for.......
.....for a nice trip to Phoenix (792)
.....for time in warmer weather (793)
.....the possibility of feeling better soon (794)
.....watching my children work hard and see good results (795)
.....making plans for a visit with a faraway friend (796)
.....care packages in the mail from "moms" (797)
.....the opportunity to teach (798)
.....financial blessings (799)
.....a long distance friend to "study" with (800)
.....accomplishments (801)
.....quiet early mornings (802)
.....upcoming Bible studies (803)
....a wonderful, Godly mechanic (804)
.....the most amazing full moon last night (805)
.... continuing education (806)
.... safety in many travels (807)
.... phone calls from WV (808)
....that my kids like to "snuggle" (809)
.... time alone at the barn, quietly cleaning (810)
.... the minor prophets (811)
....the faithfulness of God all through the ages (812)
.....His promises to ME (813)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
February Goals
Well, it's a new month and a new opportunity to get much accomplished! Last month ended well....there were a few things I couldn't seem to find time to do, but for the most part I am pleased with the outcome.
I did manage to lose 'almost' 3 pounds for the month....2.5.....so close! I could have done better with my exercising....jump roping never made it into the daily schedule, but I really enjoyed the aerobics class I joined and I started working out with weights regularly. And I have hopes of training for another race this spring (if the ground would ever thaw out enough here to be able to run without all the mud!!).
I haven't finished my CS Lewis biography but making progress....and the guitar dvds never found their way out of the cabinet.....sadness! One day......
I accomplished all my "social" goals and had great fellowship with many friends.
I did not get "alone" time with each kid and that is inexcusable....that needs to be a bigger prioritiy.
I did get most of my 'spiritual' goals accomplished and have really enjoyed my Inductive Bible study.....God's Word is so full of amazing truths and lessons just for me (or so it feels sometimes!).
And minus getting the first edition of "campfire news" done, I completed all my "camp" tasks, and then some!
So overall, a fairly successful month......some victories, some defeats....but God is still good through it all~
February goals
lose another 3 pounds
aerobics 1x a week
crunches and weights 10 days on/2 days off/10 days on
jog 2x a week/walk 2x a week
swim 1x a week ?
floss every day!!
finish CS Lewis biography
finish 6 chapters in "Holiness" book (2-7)
1 fiction
4 hours of piano a week
blog 2x a week
dinner with R, K, and N
1 movie night with Wes
email 3 people (not replies!)
@ least 15 days of inductive Bible study
1 week of Ephesians
5 memory verses
lost and found
inventory t-shirts
bi-monthly reports
Campfire News
confirm 10 more staff for summer
Looking forward to seeing all that God is going to accomplish through me this month....hopefully these things, and some 'unexpected' things as well!
I did manage to lose 'almost' 3 pounds for the month....2.5.....so close! I could have done better with my exercising....jump roping never made it into the daily schedule, but I really enjoyed the aerobics class I joined and I started working out with weights regularly. And I have hopes of training for another race this spring (if the ground would ever thaw out enough here to be able to run without all the mud!!).
I haven't finished my CS Lewis biography but making progress....and the guitar dvds never found their way out of the cabinet.....sadness! One day......
I accomplished all my "social" goals and had great fellowship with many friends.
I did not get "alone" time with each kid and that is inexcusable....that needs to be a bigger prioritiy.
I did get most of my 'spiritual' goals accomplished and have really enjoyed my Inductive Bible study.....God's Word is so full of amazing truths and lessons just for me (or so it feels sometimes!).
And minus getting the first edition of "campfire news" done, I completed all my "camp" tasks, and then some!
So overall, a fairly successful month......some victories, some defeats....but God is still good through it all~
February goals
lose another 3 pounds
aerobics 1x a week
crunches and weights 10 days on/2 days off/10 days on
jog 2x a week/walk 2x a week
swim 1x a week ?
floss every day!!
finish CS Lewis biography
finish 6 chapters in "Holiness" book (2-7)
1 fiction
4 hours of piano a week
blog 2x a week
dinner with R, K, and N
1 movie night with Wes
email 3 people (not replies!)
@ least 15 days of inductive Bible study
1 week of Ephesians
5 memory verses
lost and found
inventory t-shirts
bi-monthly reports
Campfire News
confirm 10 more staff for summer
Looking forward to seeing all that God is going to accomplish through me this month....hopefully these things, and some 'unexpected' things as well!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
In Sunday School we continue to read through Bridges, The Practice of Godliness.....a great book. This past week we looked at the characteristic of "joy". I've heard, more than once, the difference between 'joy' and 'happiness'....the first being a result of our salvation and the latter being a result of our circumstances. I get that...and I see that in my life. My happiness is often effected by what is going on around me.....how my kids are behaving, what my husband is doing (or not doing), when I fall behind on my responsibilities, or even something as small as running out of hot water in the shower....all those things can easily affect my "happiness". But our joy should be something different. The joy of the Lord is something that shouldn't fluctuate with our circumstances....it should have it's foundation and stability in God and His steadfast love for us. And for the most part, I think I live that....although, my countenance and outward attitude may show frustration and irritability, deep down I am confident who God is and that He only wants the best for me.
Even in Sunday school, I listened as some people could not get their mind wrapped around that concept....asking how can we have "joy" when terrible, tragic things happen in our lives. I'm kind of a black and white type of person....I don't like 'gray' areas. In my mind I was saying, 'It's simple, just look at who God is and what He has done for us and continues to do for us...focus on that".....seems like a simple concept. UNTIL, I have a day like I had a couple days ago....wow....have I been humbled. It wasn't a bad day as far as daily circumstances....my kids were doing ok, hubby was helpful, I was getting stuff done....even had enough hot water in the shower! On this day, there was 'inner' stress....one of those days where my weakness, my failures, my fears, my very own sin sat in front of me all day....never budging, never hidden from my sight, always before me. I found little rest that day, even though I brought it before the Lord all throughout the day. I don't doubt that He heard me....I was confident of that...but man it made for a long day and there came a point where I think my joy was wavering. I was 'downcast in my soul' and ugh, it was no fun! I was humbled because I was catching a real, and painful glimpse of not living in the joy of the Lord. I am so glad I didn't open my mouth in Sunday school and blurt out how easy it should be for us to have that joy! Lesson learned!
And just so you know, there was a 'joyful' ending to that story....the Lord has been gracious and kind to walk with me through that difficult day, and although I will still continue to struggle those areas, I saw small growth and progress toward victory! And, I am even enjoying parts of the progress too....who would have thought!
Even in Sunday school, I listened as some people could not get their mind wrapped around that concept....asking how can we have "joy" when terrible, tragic things happen in our lives. I'm kind of a black and white type of person....I don't like 'gray' areas. In my mind I was saying, 'It's simple, just look at who God is and what He has done for us and continues to do for us...focus on that".....seems like a simple concept. UNTIL, I have a day like I had a couple days ago....wow....have I been humbled. It wasn't a bad day as far as daily circumstances....my kids were doing ok, hubby was helpful, I was getting stuff done....even had enough hot water in the shower! On this day, there was 'inner' stress....one of those days where my weakness, my failures, my fears, my very own sin sat in front of me all day....never budging, never hidden from my sight, always before me. I found little rest that day, even though I brought it before the Lord all throughout the day. I don't doubt that He heard me....I was confident of that...but man it made for a long day and there came a point where I think my joy was wavering. I was 'downcast in my soul' and ugh, it was no fun! I was humbled because I was catching a real, and painful glimpse of not living in the joy of the Lord. I am so glad I didn't open my mouth in Sunday school and blurt out how easy it should be for us to have that joy! Lesson learned!
And just so you know, there was a 'joyful' ending to that story....the Lord has been gracious and kind to walk with me through that difficult day, and although I will still continue to struggle those areas, I saw small growth and progress toward victory! And, I am even enjoying parts of the progress too....who would have thought!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
So, I'm on day 5 of not sleeping well....I did manage to get about 5 hours last night, so that is a praise....but I'm ready for this to pass! But until then, I will try to find some good in it....that's why I thought this would be a good time to continue on in my quest of "thankfulness". I don't remember when I started my list of 1000 things to be thankful for, but i know that I have enjoyed the journey. Although there are some days that were harder than others to bring up that heart of thankfulness.....ha....:)
a solid 5 hours of sleep......(772)
early morning episodes of I Love Lucy.....(773)
watching my girls enjoy friends and a new craft.....(774)
listening to my son "giggle" down the hall....(775)
"alone" time driving......(776)
a good week of school.....(777)
time at the piano......(778)
dinner out with friends.....(779)
warmer days....(780)
3 little girls who accepted Christ at Ft Wingate.....(781)
the book of Genesis and the lessons learned there.....(782)
an upcoming trip.....(783)
a good book.....(784)
my new planner coming in the mail.....(785)
time to scrapbook.....(786)
all the laundry is finished.........(787)
plenty of wood for the stove.....(788)
cinnamon rolls in the oven......(789)
a new friend.....(790)
answered prayer......(791)
a solid 5 hours of sleep......(772)
early morning episodes of I Love Lucy.....(773)
watching my girls enjoy friends and a new craft.....(774)
listening to my son "giggle" down the hall....(775)
"alone" time driving......(776)
a good week of school.....(777)
time at the piano......(778)
dinner out with friends.....(779)
warmer days....(780)
3 little girls who accepted Christ at Ft Wingate.....(781)
the book of Genesis and the lessons learned there.....(782)
an upcoming trip.....(783)
a good book.....(784)
my new planner coming in the mail.....(785)
time to scrapbook.....(786)
all the laundry is finished.........(787)
plenty of wood for the stove.....(788)
cinnamon rolls in the oven......(789)
a new friend.....(790)
answered prayer......(791)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Honoring God
In Sunday School we are reading The Practice of Godliness", by Jerry Bridges.....this particular passage stood out to me....
"To fail to be thankful to God is a most grievous sin. When Paul recounts the tragic moral downfall of mankind in Romans 1, he begins with the statement, 'although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish heart were darkened.' To glorify God is to acknowledge the majesty and dignity of his person. To thank God is to acknowledge the bountifulness of his hand in providing and caring for us. And when mankind in their pride failed to give God the glory and thanks due him. God gave them up to ever-increasing immorality and wickedness. God's judgement came because man failed to honor him and to thank him. If failure to give thanks is such a grievous sin, then, it behoves us to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness that permeates our entire lives.
One of the most instructive passages on the subject of thankfulness is Luke 17:11-19, the account of the healing of the 10 lepers. Here were ten men in the most pitiful of all human misery. Not only were they afflicted with a terrible and loathsome disease they were outcasts from society because of their disease. They had no one to relieve either their physical or emotional suffering. And then Jesus healed them.
As these men went to show themselves to the priest and thus be restored to their families and friends, only one of them, realizing what had happened, turned back to give thanks to Jesus. Ten men were healed, but only one gave thanks. How prone we are to be like the other nine. We are anxious to receive but too careless to give thanks. We pray for God's intervention in our lives, then congratulate ourselves rather than God for the results. When one of the American lunar missions was in serious trouble some years ago, the American people were asked to pray for the safe return of the astronauts. When they were safely back on earth, credit was given to the technological achievements and skill of the American space industry. No thanks or credit was publicly given to God. This is not unusual. It is the natural tendency of mankind.
In addition to instructing us about human nature, the account of the 10 lepers also instructs us about God. thanking him for blessings we receive is very important to him. Jesus asked, 'Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?' Jesus was very much aware that only one returned to give him thanks. And God is very much aware today when we fail to thank him for the ordinary as well as the unusual blessings that come to us daily from his hand.
Unfortunately, this stood out to me because it was convicting.
"To fail to be thankful to God is a most grievous sin. When Paul recounts the tragic moral downfall of mankind in Romans 1, he begins with the statement, 'although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish heart were darkened.' To glorify God is to acknowledge the majesty and dignity of his person. To thank God is to acknowledge the bountifulness of his hand in providing and caring for us. And when mankind in their pride failed to give God the glory and thanks due him. God gave them up to ever-increasing immorality and wickedness. God's judgement came because man failed to honor him and to thank him. If failure to give thanks is such a grievous sin, then, it behoves us to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness that permeates our entire lives.
One of the most instructive passages on the subject of thankfulness is Luke 17:11-19, the account of the healing of the 10 lepers. Here were ten men in the most pitiful of all human misery. Not only were they afflicted with a terrible and loathsome disease they were outcasts from society because of their disease. They had no one to relieve either their physical or emotional suffering. And then Jesus healed them.
As these men went to show themselves to the priest and thus be restored to their families and friends, only one of them, realizing what had happened, turned back to give thanks to Jesus. Ten men were healed, but only one gave thanks. How prone we are to be like the other nine. We are anxious to receive but too careless to give thanks. We pray for God's intervention in our lives, then congratulate ourselves rather than God for the results. When one of the American lunar missions was in serious trouble some years ago, the American people were asked to pray for the safe return of the astronauts. When they were safely back on earth, credit was given to the technological achievements and skill of the American space industry. No thanks or credit was publicly given to God. This is not unusual. It is the natural tendency of mankind.
In addition to instructing us about human nature, the account of the 10 lepers also instructs us about God. thanking him for blessings we receive is very important to him. Jesus asked, 'Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?' Jesus was very much aware that only one returned to give him thanks. And God is very much aware today when we fail to thank him for the ordinary as well as the unusual blessings that come to us daily from his hand.
Unfortunately, this stood out to me because it was convicting.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Still crossing things off my list.....
Well, after only a couple of weeks, I am still moving through my 'goals'.....one step at a time, one day at a time.....that's pretty good for me. Usually I get bored after about a week and start making up new stuff :)
My goal to lose 3 pounds may actually be a reality....that is WAY cool! Usually that is one that always falls through the cracks....I'm halfway there this time. I'll be so excited if I get to cross that one off my list! I'm doing well on my exercising (some days better than others)....I've been doing the crunches and have been on a few walks, done a couple of exercise dvds, and even went for a nice long bike ride.....still haven't done any jump rope yet....ask me some time this week (but I won't complain if you don't!!)
I'm still plowing through my CS Lewis biography.....haven't even picked up my guitar yet though! (Jamie, I wish you were here to continue my lessons!!)
I'm doing well with my 'social' goals (which is weird for me)....I'm having dinner with R on Wednesday and K on Thursday (probably won't help my 'losing 3 pounds' goal!). I've been blogging pretty regularly (duh!) and have even sent out MORE emails....what has gotten into me???
I haven't been able to really have alone time with each kid so far....but the girls and I did spend some time with our horse (couldn't ride because of the ice). Still working on thank you notes (ugh!)....we did get about half of them written the other night...progress, right?
I am continuing in my inductive Bible study, but haven't picked up my Ephesians one yet.....it is quite time consuming....not an excuse, I know!
I haven't done so well with my "camp" goals.....really need to focus on those this week.
But on a positive note, we have done LOTS of school this week and I personally have seen the Lord work in my life is really awesome ways this week. As much as I want to complete my goals and cross things off my list, I am loving the time with my kids and the time with my Lord. Nothing takes the place of that!
I hope you all are accomplishing much in this new year so far and I pray even more so that you are seeing the hand of God in those accomplishments and victories!......Press on!!
My goal to lose 3 pounds may actually be a reality....that is WAY cool! Usually that is one that always falls through the cracks....I'm halfway there this time. I'll be so excited if I get to cross that one off my list! I'm doing well on my exercising (some days better than others)....I've been doing the crunches and have been on a few walks, done a couple of exercise dvds, and even went for a nice long bike ride.....still haven't done any jump rope yet....ask me some time this week (but I won't complain if you don't!!)
I'm still plowing through my CS Lewis biography.....haven't even picked up my guitar yet though! (Jamie, I wish you were here to continue my lessons!!)
I'm doing well with my 'social' goals (which is weird for me)....I'm having dinner with R on Wednesday and K on Thursday (probably won't help my 'losing 3 pounds' goal!). I've been blogging pretty regularly (duh!) and have even sent out MORE emails....what has gotten into me???
I haven't been able to really have alone time with each kid so far....but the girls and I did spend some time with our horse (couldn't ride because of the ice). Still working on thank you notes (ugh!)....we did get about half of them written the other night...progress, right?
I am continuing in my inductive Bible study, but haven't picked up my Ephesians one yet.....it is quite time consuming....not an excuse, I know!
I haven't done so well with my "camp" goals.....really need to focus on those this week.
But on a positive note, we have done LOTS of school this week and I personally have seen the Lord work in my life is really awesome ways this week. As much as I want to complete my goals and cross things off my list, I am loving the time with my kids and the time with my Lord. Nothing takes the place of that!
I hope you all are accomplishing much in this new year so far and I pray even more so that you are seeing the hand of God in those accomplishments and victories!......Press on!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Better Place to Be
"Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. Jeremiah 29:7
Have you ever been somewhere you didn't want to be? Maybe it was a job, a town, or a marriage. Maybe it was a stage in life, like singlehood, or a state in life, like a disability. It's a very possible that as you read this, you're wishing you were somewhere else - anywhere else - living a different life, but you know it's not likely that anything is going to change any time soon.
God has a word for you. It's the same word he gave a group of people when they were stuck in another country, exiled from their homeland. They'd folded their arms and said, 'We're going to wait this thing out, and when we get home, we'll start living our lives.'
Through the prophet Jeremiah, God told them, 'You're not going home any time soon, so start making your lives here. Plant gardens, buy homes, let your children get married, and pray for the peace and prosperity of the place where you're currently living because, by doing that, you too will be blessed with peace and prosperity' (Jeremiah 29:5-7).
Don't invest your energy in hopes of leaving; instead invest your energy in the people around you. Don't be physically present but mentally somewhere else, thinking of the future or the past, thinking of someplace else. Our journey with Jesus requires we be fully present in the present.
You may feel like you're in exile too, but God is still working in your life; and his message to you is: Dig in and fully embrace the life around you."
(provided by Jon Walker)
Have you ever been somewhere you didn't want to be? Maybe it was a job, a town, or a marriage. Maybe it was a stage in life, like singlehood, or a state in life, like a disability. It's a very possible that as you read this, you're wishing you were somewhere else - anywhere else - living a different life, but you know it's not likely that anything is going to change any time soon.
God has a word for you. It's the same word he gave a group of people when they were stuck in another country, exiled from their homeland. They'd folded their arms and said, 'We're going to wait this thing out, and when we get home, we'll start living our lives.'
Through the prophet Jeremiah, God told them, 'You're not going home any time soon, so start making your lives here. Plant gardens, buy homes, let your children get married, and pray for the peace and prosperity of the place where you're currently living because, by doing that, you too will be blessed with peace and prosperity' (Jeremiah 29:5-7).
Don't invest your energy in hopes of leaving; instead invest your energy in the people around you. Don't be physically present but mentally somewhere else, thinking of the future or the past, thinking of someplace else. Our journey with Jesus requires we be fully present in the present.
You may feel like you're in exile too, but God is still working in your life; and his message to you is: Dig in and fully embrace the life around you."
(provided by Jon Walker)
Monday, January 12, 2009
A Fresh Monday
I hear all the time that people hate Mondays....I must be weird, because I really like Mondays! I love the freshness and newness of a new week. There is something invigorating about it and I feel ready and rested, even if it were a crazy weekend.
I posted a few of my goals for this month, and so far so good.....I'm plugging away at them and I am feeling much more "victorious" these days. And I think my family runs smoother and they seem more relaxed now that we are back on schedule and "Mom" is on the ball!
As far as my physical goals, I have already lost 1 pound (small, but a victory nonetheless!) and I just finished a round of crunches. I have plans for going on a nice long walk this afternoon....hold me to it! :)
I am well into my C.S. Lewis Biography....already learning lots that I didn't know about this accomplished writer. Sometimes just getting the big picture about someone, helps to see them in a clearer light. And as far as reading one fiction book, that is hardly ever a problem for me.....I'm more than halfway through that one!
In the area of being "social", I have already sent out well more than 3 emails (I was feeling friendly!!) and I have attempted to make plans with some of my friends I haven't seen in a while.
I have accomplished nothing in the area of my family goals....but the month is young!! :)
I have been tackling my inductive Bible study (in Genesis right now) and loving it! So many truths and lessons to be learned....a new one every day!
And as far as my camp duties, I am daily working on the snack shop (a little at a time) and I wrote my weekly report last night (ugh!...that takes motivation to do!). And I am in the process of confirming some staff for next summer. Pray I get my prayer letter done soon!!
I know that may not be the most interesting thing you have read today, but it helps me to write it all out....my success and my failures.....so I can keep a good account of it all.
I have worked hard on not wasting my time and trying to be productive for a large part of the day. I am trying to be careful with my "down time" and not let it end up taking the bigger portion of my day.....so easy to do, right!??
Hope your day is a productive one as well!!!
I posted a few of my goals for this month, and so far so good.....I'm plugging away at them and I am feeling much more "victorious" these days. And I think my family runs smoother and they seem more relaxed now that we are back on schedule and "Mom" is on the ball!
As far as my physical goals, I have already lost 1 pound (small, but a victory nonetheless!) and I just finished a round of crunches. I have plans for going on a nice long walk this afternoon....hold me to it! :)
I am well into my C.S. Lewis Biography....already learning lots that I didn't know about this accomplished writer. Sometimes just getting the big picture about someone, helps to see them in a clearer light. And as far as reading one fiction book, that is hardly ever a problem for me.....I'm more than halfway through that one!
In the area of being "social", I have already sent out well more than 3 emails (I was feeling friendly!!) and I have attempted to make plans with some of my friends I haven't seen in a while.
I have accomplished nothing in the area of my family goals....but the month is young!! :)
I have been tackling my inductive Bible study (in Genesis right now) and loving it! So many truths and lessons to be learned....a new one every day!
And as far as my camp duties, I am daily working on the snack shop (a little at a time) and I wrote my weekly report last night (ugh!...that takes motivation to do!). And I am in the process of confirming some staff for next summer. Pray I get my prayer letter done soon!!
I know that may not be the most interesting thing you have read today, but it helps me to write it all out....my success and my failures.....so I can keep a good account of it all.
I have worked hard on not wasting my time and trying to be productive for a large part of the day. I am trying to be careful with my "down time" and not let it end up taking the bigger portion of my day.....so easy to do, right!??
Hope your day is a productive one as well!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Heartfelt Gratitude....by Chris Tiegreen
"The Pharisee took his stand and was praying like this: 'God, I thank You that I'm not like other people - greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector'" (Luke 18:11).
Be careful what you thank God for. Not that we shouldn't be thankful for everything He has given us, and for every circumstances of our lives, or even for life itself; of course we should have grateful hearts. But often we thank God for privilege, not realizing that our awareness of it was meant to prompt our sensitivity to others. Thankfulness for what God has blessed us with is not enough. knowledge of the blessing is granted us that we might extend the blessing to others.
The Pharisee's assumption of his place of privilege, in this parable, caused him to be insensitive to others. He thought God's blessing on his life - if being a Pharisee can be considered a blessing - meant that God favored him and had passed over others. Nothing could have been further from the truth. God's favor comes to those who know their need. Abundance and status are deceitful, often blinding us to the very need God wants us to acknowledge.
Our gratitude often contains a tragic irony. We think we are being spiritual by thanking Him for our own idols. Are we really grateful in God for material blessings? Or are we just thankful to have them, regardless of how we got them? The difference is subtle. How can we tell?
Ask yourself this question: If God took the blessings away, would I still love Him? If so, you were truly thanking God. If not, you only saw Him as a means to another end.
So today, thank God for all Hi has blessed you with. But be aware of spiritual pitfalls in the blessings H has given. Do not let them mask your deeper needs.
"Some people always sigh in thanking God."
Elizabeth Barrett Browing
.....quiet mornings (750)
......enough money for groceries (751)
......a spontaneous mid afternoon cookout in the snow (752)
.....more visiting time with a new friend (753)
.....having friends over for dinner and laughs (754)
.....plans for improvement (755)
.....kids having fun at the Geography quiz (756)
.....rewards (757)
.....working toward goals (758)
.....teaching my children (759)
.....a warm coat (760)
..... late night tv with hubby (761)
.....more time to think (762)
.....good reading (763)
.....the expectation of a good read ( a new book on order) (764)
.....my inductive study (765)
.....the knowledge I get from my time with the Lord (766)
.....the comfort I get from my time with the Lord (767)
.....someone to defend me (768)
.....a small weight loss victory (769)
.....pain....because it's an opportunity for God's healing and comfort (770)
.....His faithfulness....which means I can rest (771)
"The Pharisee took his stand and was praying like this: 'God, I thank You that I'm not like other people - greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector'" (Luke 18:11).
Be careful what you thank God for. Not that we shouldn't be thankful for everything He has given us, and for every circumstances of our lives, or even for life itself; of course we should have grateful hearts. But often we thank God for privilege, not realizing that our awareness of it was meant to prompt our sensitivity to others. Thankfulness for what God has blessed us with is not enough. knowledge of the blessing is granted us that we might extend the blessing to others.
The Pharisee's assumption of his place of privilege, in this parable, caused him to be insensitive to others. He thought God's blessing on his life - if being a Pharisee can be considered a blessing - meant that God favored him and had passed over others. Nothing could have been further from the truth. God's favor comes to those who know their need. Abundance and status are deceitful, often blinding us to the very need God wants us to acknowledge.
Our gratitude often contains a tragic irony. We think we are being spiritual by thanking Him for our own idols. Are we really grateful in God for material blessings? Or are we just thankful to have them, regardless of how we got them? The difference is subtle. How can we tell?
Ask yourself this question: If God took the blessings away, would I still love Him? If so, you were truly thanking God. If not, you only saw Him as a means to another end.
So today, thank God for all Hi has blessed you with. But be aware of spiritual pitfalls in the blessings H has given. Do not let them mask your deeper needs.
"Some people always sigh in thanking God."
Elizabeth Barrett Browing
.....quiet mornings (750)
......enough money for groceries (751)
......a spontaneous mid afternoon cookout in the snow (752)
.....more visiting time with a new friend (753)
.....having friends over for dinner and laughs (754)
.....plans for improvement (755)
.....kids having fun at the Geography quiz (756)
.....rewards (757)
.....working toward goals (758)
.....teaching my children (759)
.....a warm coat (760)
..... late night tv with hubby (761)
.....more time to think (762)
.....good reading (763)
.....the expectation of a good read ( a new book on order) (764)
.....my inductive study (765)
.....the knowledge I get from my time with the Lord (766)
.....the comfort I get from my time with the Lord (767)
.....someone to defend me (768)
.....a small weight loss victory (769)
.....pain....because it's an opportunity for God's healing and comfort (770)
.....His faithfulness....which means I can rest (771)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Goals (Jan)
Well, the New Year is here and as usual, it's full of resolution and goals. Every year I set new goals...some are accomplished, some die along the way. But my real effort is put into my monthly goals, which usually bring me to my yearly ones....I've found that is the only way I can even come close to seeing them realized....
This year I've only made a few overall goals.....some including books I will read (going through the C.S. Lewis books), losing some weight (ugh!!....my goal is 25 pounds for the whole year), learning the guitar (that was a goal last year that I never finished), and then there are some spiritual goals I have set for myself.
I thought I would try to post my monthly goals here, in hopes that would spur me on and provide some accountability....we'll see....
physical (i'm more limited with what I can do because of all the snow here)
1. lose 3 pounds
2. do an exercise DVD once a week
3. jump rope 2x a week
4. go for a walk 2x a week
5. crunches 2x a week
6. relax in a nice bath at least once a week
1. read CS Lewis biography and start one of his books by the end of the month
2. read 1 fiction
3. start my guitar lessons (dvd)
1. lunch with R and K
2. send 3 emails (not replies, but initiate an email...i'm really bad at that!)
3. have R and A over for dinner and a movie
4. blog at least 2x a week
1. alone time with each kid at least once this month
2. take the girls horseback riding 2x this month (the snow has hindered that lately)
3. get all Christmas thank you notes done (from the kids)
4. 2 game nights/ 1 movie night
spiritual (wont' list all of these...but here are a few)
1. memorize 5 verses
2. do one week of my Ephesians bible study
3. begin my inductive study again
1. finish cleaning craft shop
2. Campfire News
3. confirm with 10 staff about working this summer
4. weekly reports
5. prayer letter
6. inventory camp t-shirts
I know it seems like a lot, but really it's not....I know I CAN do it, if I prioritize well and stay focused. Please pray for me as I strive to accomplish these things.....I have not chose them randomly, but hopefully all of them will improve my family life, my ministry and my walk with the Lord.
Here we go.......
This year I've only made a few overall goals.....some including books I will read (going through the C.S. Lewis books), losing some weight (ugh!!....my goal is 25 pounds for the whole year), learning the guitar (that was a goal last year that I never finished), and then there are some spiritual goals I have set for myself.
I thought I would try to post my monthly goals here, in hopes that would spur me on and provide some accountability....we'll see....
physical (i'm more limited with what I can do because of all the snow here)
1. lose 3 pounds
2. do an exercise DVD once a week
3. jump rope 2x a week
4. go for a walk 2x a week
5. crunches 2x a week
6. relax in a nice bath at least once a week
1. read CS Lewis biography and start one of his books by the end of the month
2. read 1 fiction
3. start my guitar lessons (dvd)
1. lunch with R and K
2. send 3 emails (not replies, but initiate an email...i'm really bad at that!)
3. have R and A over for dinner and a movie
4. blog at least 2x a week
1. alone time with each kid at least once this month
2. take the girls horseback riding 2x this month (the snow has hindered that lately)
3. get all Christmas thank you notes done (from the kids)
4. 2 game nights/ 1 movie night
spiritual (wont' list all of these...but here are a few)
1. memorize 5 verses
2. do one week of my Ephesians bible study
3. begin my inductive study again
1. finish cleaning craft shop
2. Campfire News
3. confirm with 10 staff about working this summer
4. weekly reports
5. prayer letter
6. inventory camp t-shirts
I know it seems like a lot, but really it's not....I know I CAN do it, if I prioritize well and stay focused. Please pray for me as I strive to accomplish these things.....I have not chose them randomly, but hopefully all of them will improve my family life, my ministry and my walk with the Lord.
Here we go.......
Monday, January 5, 2009
.....another beautiful snowfall (733)
.....a day to stay home (734)
.....a fire in the wood stove (735)
.....a growing friendship (736)
.....a new book (737)
......a fresh new week, full of goals and plans (738)
.....fresh baked bread (739)
.....being able to share it with needy neighbors (740)
.....having One who knows my every thought, hurt, and joy (741)
.....a good time of prayer with fellow workers (742)
.....a peaceful walk to the barn {knee deep in snow, but peaceful nonetheless} (743)
.....knowing my sine are as 'white as snow' (744)
.....ministry opportunities (745)
.....the fact that the Lord still gives me those opportunities, despite my own flaws and screw ups (746)
.....mercies that are new every morning (747)
.....sleepy headed kids in the morning (748)
.....the Word, my chair and my favorite blanket (749)
.....a day to stay home (734)
.....a fire in the wood stove (735)
.....a growing friendship (736)
.....a new book (737)
......a fresh new week, full of goals and plans (738)
.....fresh baked bread (739)
.....being able to share it with needy neighbors (740)
.....having One who knows my every thought, hurt, and joy (741)
.....a good time of prayer with fellow workers (742)
.....a peaceful walk to the barn {knee deep in snow, but peaceful nonetheless} (743)
.....knowing my sine are as 'white as snow' (744)
.....ministry opportunities (745)
.....the fact that the Lord still gives me those opportunities, despite my own flaws and screw ups (746)
.....mercies that are new every morning (747)
.....sleepy headed kids in the morning (748)
.....the Word, my chair and my favorite blanket (749)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Brokenness is God's requirement for maximum usefulness
{taken from Charles Stanley's Life Principles Bible}
Life Principle 15
"It has been said that a soul is converted in a moment of time, but becoming a 'saint' takes a lifetime. In other words, our conversion to faith happens instantly; however, in order to bring us to maturity, the Lord must break us over and over again.
All too often I see Christians struggling to amass a long list of accomplishments - perhaps they hope to hand the Lord their resume someday, saying 'See what I've done for You?'
However, God oftentimes works through our brokenness by discarding rather than accumulating. He calls us to shed this, toss that, purge ourselves of a particular trait or habit, and repent of certain desires or goals. He want us to dispose of all 'self' until we can truly say, 'All that I am and all that I have is God's.'
What comes to mind when you think of being broken? Ask yourself, What is the Father stripping away from my life? What's blocking my total surrender to Him? What do I trust or love more than Him? The Lord's breaking process will eventually produce spiritual maturity - and we aren't useful in ministry until some of our fleshly 'rough edges' have been worn off through suffering. In that way, we become a valuable tool in God's hand to bring others to wholeness.
Remember, the Lord didn't remove the 'thorn' from Paul's life, yet He did help his servant understand why the trial was allowed to persist. After receiving an amazing revelation, the apostle was given a difficult hindrance to keep him from developing pride - the purpose of the 'thorn' was to humble him and make him rely solely on Christ (2 Cor. 12:1-10).
Brokenness is a sign of the Lord's love and activity in your life. He will break your self-reliance because He loves you deeply and knows that, left on your own, you would yield to pride and selfishness. Any discipline experienced in such hard times in God's way of preparing you for future service. While none of us enjoy going through heartache or adversity, it helps to know that God has one purpose in mind for such seasons: spiritual victory (Heb 12:11). Only Jesus Christ can take your weakness and turn it into strength, hope, and honor. Will you trust Him to change your life?"
This was an encouragement to me....especially the last part, where I was reminded that God wants only 'victory' for us.....that helps me to rest in difficult times, knowing that as long as I surrender to Him and His Word, then the victory will eventually come.
Life Principle 15
"It has been said that a soul is converted in a moment of time, but becoming a 'saint' takes a lifetime. In other words, our conversion to faith happens instantly; however, in order to bring us to maturity, the Lord must break us over and over again.
All too often I see Christians struggling to amass a long list of accomplishments - perhaps they hope to hand the Lord their resume someday, saying 'See what I've done for You?'
However, God oftentimes works through our brokenness by discarding rather than accumulating. He calls us to shed this, toss that, purge ourselves of a particular trait or habit, and repent of certain desires or goals. He want us to dispose of all 'self' until we can truly say, 'All that I am and all that I have is God's.'
What comes to mind when you think of being broken? Ask yourself, What is the Father stripping away from my life? What's blocking my total surrender to Him? What do I trust or love more than Him? The Lord's breaking process will eventually produce spiritual maturity - and we aren't useful in ministry until some of our fleshly 'rough edges' have been worn off through suffering. In that way, we become a valuable tool in God's hand to bring others to wholeness.
Remember, the Lord didn't remove the 'thorn' from Paul's life, yet He did help his servant understand why the trial was allowed to persist. After receiving an amazing revelation, the apostle was given a difficult hindrance to keep him from developing pride - the purpose of the 'thorn' was to humble him and make him rely solely on Christ (2 Cor. 12:1-10).
Brokenness is a sign of the Lord's love and activity in your life. He will break your self-reliance because He loves you deeply and knows that, left on your own, you would yield to pride and selfishness. Any discipline experienced in such hard times in God's way of preparing you for future service. While none of us enjoy going through heartache or adversity, it helps to know that God has one purpose in mind for such seasons: spiritual victory (Heb 12:11). Only Jesus Christ can take your weakness and turn it into strength, hope, and honor. Will you trust Him to change your life?"
This was an encouragement to me....especially the last part, where I was reminded that God wants only 'victory' for us.....that helps me to rest in difficult times, knowing that as long as I surrender to Him and His Word, then the victory will eventually come.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
the burden of sin
"In weighing our sins let us not use a deceitful balance, weighing at our own discretion what we will, and how we will, calling this heavy and that light: but let us use the divine balance of the holy Scriptures, as taken from the treasury of the Lord, and by it weigh every offense, nay, not weigh, but rather recognize what has been already weighed by the Lord."
Augustine of Hippo
"Sin is not a weakness, it is a disease; it is red-handed rebellion against God and the magnitude of that rebellion is expressed by Calvary's cross."
Oswald Chambers
"We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin.....But mere time does nothing either to the fact or the guilt of sin. The guilt is washed out not by time but by repentance and the blood of Christ."
C.S. Lewis
"Looking at the wound of sin will never save anyone. What you must do is look at the remedy."
DL Moody
"By nature I was too blind to know Him, too proud to trust Him, too obstinate to serve Him, too base-minded to love Him."
John Newton
"Any time we attempt to meet our own needs or accomplish anything without God, we sin and set ourselves up for failure."
Charles Stanley
Augustine of Hippo
"Sin is not a weakness, it is a disease; it is red-handed rebellion against God and the magnitude of that rebellion is expressed by Calvary's cross."
Oswald Chambers
"We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin.....But mere time does nothing either to the fact or the guilt of sin. The guilt is washed out not by time but by repentance and the blood of Christ."
C.S. Lewis
"Looking at the wound of sin will never save anyone. What you must do is look at the remedy."
DL Moody
"By nature I was too blind to know Him, too proud to trust Him, too obstinate to serve Him, too base-minded to love Him."
John Newton
"Any time we attempt to meet our own needs or accomplish anything without God, we sin and set ourselves up for failure."
Charles Stanley
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