Well, after only a couple of weeks, I am still moving through my 'goals'.....one step at a time, one day at a time.....that's pretty good for me. Usually I get bored after about a week and start making up new stuff :)
My goal to lose 3 pounds may actually be a reality....that is WAY cool! Usually that is one that always falls through the cracks....I'm halfway there this time. I'll be so excited if I get to cross that one off my list! I'm doing well on my exercising (some days better than others)....I've been doing the crunches and have been on a few walks, done a couple of exercise dvds, and even went for a nice long bike ride.....still haven't done any jump rope yet....ask me some time this week (but I won't complain if you don't!!)
I'm still plowing through my CS Lewis biography.....haven't even picked up my guitar yet though! (Jamie, I wish you were here to continue my lessons!!)
I'm doing well with my 'social' goals (which is weird for me)....I'm having dinner with R on Wednesday and K on Thursday (probably won't help my 'losing 3 pounds' goal!). I've been blogging pretty regularly (duh!) and have even sent out MORE emails....what has gotten into me???
I haven't been able to really have alone time with each kid so far....but the girls and I did spend some time with our horse (couldn't ride because of the ice). Still working on thank you notes (ugh!)....we did get about half of them written the other night...progress, right?
I am continuing in my inductive Bible study, but haven't picked up my Ephesians one yet.....it is quite time consuming....not an excuse, I know!
I haven't done so well with my "camp" goals.....really need to focus on those this week.
But on a positive note, we have done LOTS of school this week and I personally have seen the Lord work in my life is really awesome ways this week. As much as I want to complete my goals and cross things off my list, I am loving the time with my kids and the time with my Lord. Nothing takes the place of that!
I hope you all are accomplishing much in this new year so far and I pray even more so that you are seeing the hand of God in those accomplishments and victories!......Press on!!
Ooooh...I'm inspired to make a list for things I can do while slightly immobile...thanks for reminding me of your list skills you taught me!!! I will definitely get back to applying them to get things done! Okay, so what do I need Greg to get done...lol...just kiddin' - I'll make a list for me FIRST...then his.
Yay for you friend! Don't forget the jumpropes! Didn't I give you that jumprope? It better not be going to waste now. . . unless you got a new one, then you can do whatever you want with it ;-) We have a Ruby Tuesday here. . . reminds me of tall cake days. Don't give in though! Keep on trucking (like the huge truck in Tennessee!).
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