Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I just read my most recent post again (not the one to you Becky, the one before).....and I shared what a slow and not so good start I was having to the New Year. Well, I don't have too much more to share, except more of the same. We have still struggled with sickness (it seems never ending and I feel trapped in the house!), we've had car troubles, water leaks, broken sinks, etc.....and it's March! We are going on 3 months of this kind of stuff!
I know it's an old saying but for some reason it keeps coming to mind...."it could be worse"! So today, surrounded by coughing kids, sitting in a drafty house, knowing I'm behind in school, worried about paying off car repairs, and so on.....I can still say I am blessed and content. We are all together, we have a roof over our heads (no matter how many leaks it has), we have medicine to help with the illnesses, and enough wood to heat our little wood stove.....God is good. Sometimes we just have to look a little harder to see it :)

I am thankful for the time I've been 'forced' to spend at home......although I get a little cranky and grouchy and in need of some "alone" time, I am thankful for the time we have had as a family. We've watched movies, played games and just had some good heart to hearts. I know this time is fleeting and soon they will be out doing their own things, less interested in "family" time....so I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can!

BUT, it still would not hurt for you all to pray that we could be a HEALTHY family very soon! Then, this germ-a-phobic mom could once again relax!! :)


Emily said...

I'll be praying for you guys to feel better SOON! I didn't realize you were a germaphobic person. Aren't we all in some way or another? Well,except for those people on that Hoarders show.

Take care!!

PS. My bellybutton sure could use a good cleaning! Got a q-tip? ;)

missionarymomofthree said...

thanks...I hope we are the road to recovery!
And that Hoarder show always makes me want to get up and clean even more than I already do!!!

ps...and I would never subject a q-tip to that kind of torture!!!

Becky Arnold said...

Oh my word! I had quit checking daily! So glad you are back and you are in my prayers, girlfriend! Love ya!