Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thankful list

Last year I started a "1000 things to be thankful for" list. I think I made it into the 700's....and then I kinda lost track (story of my life....I'm good at starting, terrible at finishing!). Really, I haven't blogged anything in quite some time. The summers are so busy for me and I am just now getting to the point where I feel rested and ready to get back into "life" again.
So, I thought I would start blogging again AND do a 'thankful' list....but with less pressure and no commitment to reach a certain number. I am going to write down the things I am thankful for, along with just things that make me's good for me to put them on "pen and paper", and I've enjoyed going back and reading my past lists....does a heart good!

....a quiet walk this morning
...Hezzie, the neighbor's dog that faithfully follows me to the horses every morning
...the smell of hay
....the way my horse looks clean and white in the sunlight (from a distance!)
...crunching pinecones
....a quick chat with a neighbor, and the promise of a racquetball game soon
...seeing new growth on my bushes
...the 2 roly poly puppies from next door that kept me company while I watered plants
....prayer time in my backyard
....the "ultimate bagel", that reminds me of my sweet California friend
....Saturday morning cartoons unexpected trip to the Zuni reservation to watch a parade
...a Savior who gives me these things, even when I don't deserve them

....visiting with one of our dearest Navajo families afternoon nap
....watching my husband's excitement about going to a Bears game with a friend
....quietly being productive
....seeing a sweet Navajo friend...haven't seen her since camp....plans to study the Bible together this fall
....standing in a light, misty rain
....a quiet house (for the moment)
....scrabble (welcome, Vicki!)
....freshly washed bathroom rugs (I like clean things!)
...having no plans ;)

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

Glad you are back, girl!