Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A good, slightly productive week so far

Well, I managed to get some stuff done this weekend....even though I told myself I wasn't going to do anything! I just couldn't help myself!
But now we are back to "normal"....hubby is back from his trip, we are doing school full force now, piano lessons have started, library time is on the schedule again, the MANY Bible studies will begin in the next week or so, AWANA is on the horizon, Ft Wingate starts tonight, and on and on the list goes. The time of productivity is upon me more "taking days off" or catching up on rest. It's fall and that means busy!!

But I wanted to take the time to still find things that make me smile......
.....a fun game time with the family last night
.....tucking my kids into bed
.....waking them up in the morning (they are all cuddly and warm)
.....a few minutes of quiet this morning
.....listening to the twins singing while they do their chores hubby making pancakes this morning
.....the taste of sweet grapes
.....a shower with good water pressure (finally!!)
.....a song in my heart

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