Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall Ministries, up and running

Well, after a couple weeks of 'downtime', we are back in full swing. Fall ministries are up and running again....Bible studies, AWANA, Zuni youth group, Ft Wingate, etc. I love this time of year! I love the summer, too, with the hectic schedule of camp....but I also love the fall 'busyness' too. It's so good to see all the sweet girls at Ft Wingate (176 to be exact!).....it's good to see my kids re-unite with their AWANA friends.....I love hearing my husband tell stories of his Zuni kids (2 accepted Christ last week!).....and I love, love, love to dive back into studying the Scriptures. I know I have probably over-extended myself with how many Bible studies I am teaching/attending, but I just love it. I love to learn! And I especially love to learn about my God and Savior! But I was reminded of something tonight....that although I learn so much through actually studying, word for word, the Bible....I learn just as much, if not more by walking daily with Christ. I can read the promises of God over and over again....but when I experience them, they become more real to me than ever. I can study all the different types of 'love' described in the Bible, but it's only when I feel His love firsthand that I really start to wrap my mind around it. I learn more about forgiveness when I have to extend it....I learn more about comfort when I am the one being comforted.....I understand my Creator when I stop and really take appreciate creation.
Like I said, I love to study and learn about God.....but more than that, I love my daily walk and journey with my God.

Lord, thank you for never leaving or forsaking me.....for your mercies that are new every morning....for your patience and forebearance....for allowing me to see glimpses of You in the midst of both pain and joy. Help me never take these things for granted.

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

Glad you are back blogging. I check it daily. It is a life of learning, isn't it? Glad we are on the journey together. :)