Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well, it's been exactly 3 months since I have been here. I was just reading over the last few entries and I remembered why I stopped.......I hit the wall....physically and emotionally. I remember that time in the summer and all of a sudden I was just 'done'....exhausted. And I never seemed to bounce back. I went from tired, to exhausted, completely dead. I am just now starting to pick myself back up. It was a rough summer and it left me more tired than usual. I think the spiritual battle was more intense this summer....but in the end, the Lord was victorious and many, MANY children left here with the promise of eternal life.

The fall schedule started up right away, with little time to rest. We started school the very next Monday and our fall ministries started just a week or so after. The Lord has given us a bountiful ministry here, and the opportunities are endless....almost overwhelming at times. The work here will never be complete....there are always people in need, both physically and spiritually. Therefore, the need for me and the other missionaries here to be in top shape physically and spiritually is crucial. If I miss the opportunity to help someone gather their wood for the winter, I may have missed an even bigger opportunity to meet their spiritual need down the road. And obviously, if I'm not spiritually equipped to meet their spiritual need, the outcome is devastating.

I am currently failing in both areas.

I have had some health problems that have left me unable to do some of the things I need to. I am even supposed to be training for a half marathon but I am no where near ready. It's disappointing and sad.

I have also had some 'spiritual' problems that have left me in a place of discouragement and sadness....and as I look around at the people in my life that need encouragement and guidance, I find myself lacking and unable to help. Again, disappointing and sad....

But I know whom I have believed in, and He is able......

So I suppose there is hope....... :)


This old Spouse in this old House said...

I will be praying for you, that things will get better. you could probably use a game or two of scrabble, miss you on the boards!

Emily said...

I totally understand the spiritual slump, that's where I am right now. :( I hate it because I know better and yet I do nothing much about it. Even though I am in a slump, I am still praying and will be praying for you!

Take care!

Becky Arnold said...

Love you, friend. Praying for you, too, but I am soooo thankful that you are back. It might be therapy for ya. :)