Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm back....maybe......

I've been able to get some rest.....

but i'm still not really up for being social.....yet I am feeling a little better. 

I am going to post a few things when I can....nothing deep or personal....

Before the summer I had lost about 40 pounds.....during the summer and since I have lost almost another 10 pounds.  It's been quite the journey.....ups and downs.  But I am still moving forward, regardless of the critics or weirdos. 

It's nice to not be under the tight schedule and scrutiny of the summer.....I am stepping up my running schedule....running 6 miles at a time lately.  I remember when 3 miles was a nice long run....now I feel like it's more of a warm up.  I've also gone back to strength training....crunches, push ups, weights.  I am wanting to lose another 10 pounds at least, by the time we leave for our deputation trip....although there is a part of me that is not even wanting to visit anyone.....

We are starting a new curriculum for our humanities this year....Tapestry of Grace.  I am working with another home school mom in this area....hoping it will help in keeping me accountable with my schooling and hoping the kids will enjoy having "classmates".  Our load will be heavy this year....my kids are involved in several activities outside the regular school load.  Praying the Lord will use these activities to grow my children into happy, well rounded kiddos......and that the time we spend in the car will be a time of growing closer together.  I'm trying to have a 'positive' outlook on the upcoming crazy busy year.

My ministry load will be kinda heavy also.  I will be doing a lot at Ft Wingate this year (taking a ot of the teaching load), and possibly doing some tutoring there.  I have committed to staying in touch with several of our staff, which will require quite a bit of traveling, as they are spread all over the reservation and surrounding areas.  I am looking forward to this part of my ministry....I like the one on one time. 
I've also been informed that I'm not carrying my weight around here at the camp, so I will be stepping that up, as well. 
Not sure where all the hours in the day will come from...but I'm going to be everything I'm supposed to be to everyone that has expectations of me.  This year I am striving to please everyone and do the work that is set before me. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'll be praying for you in this very busy season of your life! God will give you the strength to get through!

Have fun with the new curriculum! We're using some new stuff this year, too. I was tired of just picking and choosing stuff and not having a real direction with it.

Way to go on the weight loss! Wow! I've only made a few 3 mile runs and those are killer ones for me. :) Right now I'm waiting on my new Nike sensor, my other one died after 4 months.

Take care of yourself and rest up when you can!