Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

Usually I am beside myself with excitement for this time of year....I love a clean slate, list making, setting goals...all the things that come with a new year. But for some reason, this year, I am very low key about it. I'm thinking it's because over the past few years, I have been met with pretty significant failure in all my "goal setting" and the like. I have not had the usual success rate in this area since I've moved to the full time mission field. Not really sure why.....I do know that my plate is MUCH fuller than it has been in years past. I WANT to do things that will improve my life (lose weight, read more, spend more time with family), but when it comes down to it, basically all I can do is keep my head above water and just do the next thing. I'm tired.....

So this year I am hesitant to make my usual lists and goals....

Maybe I will get more motivated after a few days of rest....

I do have ideas....I do want to lose weight, exercise more, play more games with my kids, take time for friends, get more sleep, read more non-fiction, pray more, learn to play the guitar, etc.....Lord give me wisdom as I seek to do the things that glorify have given me 'time', help me to use it in the best way!

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