Sunday, January 2, 2011

WInter Retreat

Well, we just finished up a 5 day winter retreat here.....what a great ministry (and an exhausting one!). We started on Monday and what is usually an hour long registration ended up being a 4 1/2 hour long one....we had more kids (double!) than we have ever had....180 teens showed! At first we started a waiting list (some kids even decided to go home because of the long wait) but then we just decided to take everyone and trust in the Lord to provide the room, the food and the staff.....and of course, He provided. It was very cramped but "cozy" seemed to work for us! It was a blast!

And along with the large number of campers and the crowded dining room, there also came more ministry opportunities. I can't begin to tell all the talks I had with campers, all the struggles I heard about, all the pain that they carry. But the Lord was good and through lack of sleep, my foggy brain, and my many responsibilities, I loved every minute of it....and the promises and the Word of God are so powerful and amazing.

Although the retreat is over (although it was extended a day due to a huge snow storm), our work is not. I will be in touch with several of the girls I spent time with....some will just be accountability, some more intense (dealing with physical abuse issues, parental problems, etc)....I am praying for a GREAT deal of wisdom over these next days, weeks and months. It seems like I am never allowed to forget the many, many needs out here among the native american people....but that's a good thing, I keeps me from getting lazy or nonchalant in my responsibilities to share the love and power of Christ. I look forward to every opportunity!
(and I also look forward to catching up on sleep!!)

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

So glad you posted! Read both of them and it makes me know again how to pray for you. Love ya, friend!