Sunday, March 9, 2008

It was such a blessing to go to my church for both services today, am and rarely happens because of our deputation was a sweet day of fellowship. And I love to hear my pastor frills, no 'storytime'....just the Word of God and how it can be used to change our lives on a daily basis
This morning the message was out of Acts 20:17-38 (these are rough notes)....and it was an example of Paul's ministry, things the apostle did that can encourage us in our ministry....he impacted others by
--developing Godly relationships vs 17.....he had many "friends" throughout the area, and they supported him, prayed with him, and shared truth with him...and visa versa
--he denied self.....for the sake of others.."what does God expect from me in the this area?" If there is something that will hinder the other person, then I am to deny myself and instead "seek growth".
--Proclaim truth to ALL...vs one should be denied the truth of the Gospel and the truth of God
--serve with humility...vs 19...service is an attitude of the heart...period. without humility, I am simply serving myself..."what would the keep me from serving the Lord?"...."what would STOP me from serving Him?"
--have a discerning spirit...vs 22...being sensitive to the leading there....have to be right before the Lord
--determined to be faithful!...vs 24 = pleasing to God. living by faith = believing in God, knowing He has a plan for my life, and daily stepping out in that perfect will
--he defended the faith...vs29-30....don't let false doctrine creep's so easy and can happen quickly....stand ready to diligent in guarding your heart AND the flock!
--knowing the dangers of neglect....vs 31...if we fail to do those things mentioned...if we neglect being diligent about doctrine, the church will not represent the purpose of Christ...example of the many 'empty' churches, that are now museums even.
--his dependency on the Word of God...vs will edify you, build you up, give you an inheritance among the saints
--delight in prayer...vs's always a good time to pray....don't let the moment go by!

Like i said, rough notes....but it was an encouragement to me as I approach (quickly, i hope) my full time ministry....Lord protect me there, protect my ministry, help me every day to bring it before you with thankfulness and expectation....I CAN"T WAIT!!!!

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