Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Well, I'm not sure if i noticed a real difference in my sleep...I was up for a couple hours in the middle of the night, but I slept in some, so that helped. My mind continues to be full, and I continue to ask the Lord to filter through what is Truth and what is not.
**As I focus more on my parenting skills, I am thankful that the Lord is bringing situations to mind....occasions where I can make the 'better' choice, instead of just 'good' ones. It will take time, but I am encouraged as I remember His everlasting love for me and His faithful patience in my progress. Regardless of how I fail and how often I miss the mark, my heart's true desire is to please the Lord in this role He has placed me in. My children are a daily joy to me, but that was not their sole purpose....they have been placed here to teach me so many wonderful characteristics of God, to teach me to obey Him in every area, and especially to bring me to a deeper understanding of who He is and His amazing love for me!
**I did not get to Job today....I spent my time in the Word on another study, but I hope to continue that journey in some quiet time this afternoon. "Lord, teach me how to teach others"
**We continue to wait on word from UIM.....I find myself checking email often, but focusing on "exhaling" often. I'm seeking ways to relax these days.....not always going out, finding time for some quiet reading, taking a couple showers in one day if i feel like it. The only thing I can't seem to make time for is exercise.....but the Lord knows all that I am able to do in a I will be patient in that as well.
**There are other things that make me weary these days....weary, but not always discouraged...I think there is a difference, and I need to constantly be defining that in my life. I am mostly tired, weary, and wanting to withdraw....but I am not without hope, joy, or promise. But unfortunately, I am without much sleep!! But I'm not fearful that it will last forever.....only a season! I look forward to heading to bed early tonight and sleeping soundly, rising bright and (somewhat) early, ready to face the day! We need to live with great expectations, right!?

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