Monday, June 16, 2008

.....little sleep, but feeling rested (402)
....memory verses (403)
....sweet time with the Lord this morning (404)
....seeing my sin, but focusing on His grace (405)
....a new day (406)
.....a quiet, slow morning (407)
....but the busy ministry facing me today (408)
.....forgiveness (409) children playing quietly...that's rare (410)
.....encouragement from friends (411)
.....great worship music (412)
.....the lives of Noah, Esther, David, Paul and many other great biblical leaders, that inspire me to continue on (413)
.....campers lined up outside the snack shop....ready to hear about their need for a Savior (414)
....supporters who lift us in prayer (415) heritage (416)
....tears of thankfulness (417)

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