Sunday, June 15, 2008

Officially the last transferred blog....I'm done!!

This is the last entry from my old blog (that nobody ever read..ha!) it's fresh new stuff from here on out :)

this is just a story someone wrote......the short version......thought it was interesting..... no biggie (MAY 2007)

For the most part, you lived a good life.....things went fairly smooth and you were reasonably happy. Then one day, for no reason, you are thrown into a dark, damp, cold basement. It's a horrible place....people come in and out.....they break your things that are precious to you, say and do mean things, seem to enjoy inflicting pain, etc. At first, you are constantly looking for a way of escape, you are consumed with the thought of getting away from it.....but eventually, you accept it as your life and you simply just exist.

But then one day, for no real reason, Someone opens the door and you are able to climb out, into the Light. It's amazing, refreshing, exhilerating! Your newfound freedom is wonderful and you flourish in it. A Rescuer has come, finally!

You begin to meet different people, even begin to enjoy people again.......some begin to ask about the basement you used to live are very reluctant at first, but eventually you agree to take them there.
Some people seem almost too soon as you open the door, they bound down the stairs and start looking around, kicking the debris around, digging through it, hoping to find something interesting, but usually leave bored and disappointed.......
Some people take a little more time entering in, trying to act careful and cautious....but they begin to ask lots of questions about 'how' things got broken, 'why' is it such a mess, 'who' did it all......they don't ask because the care, just because they want to know......and when they get their answers, they too leave disappointed.....only wanting to know what happened, not interested in helping clean it up.
But finally, someone comes along who asks to see those places of your life....the dark basement where you spent so many this time, you are almost numb to it... you don't even really care expect the hurtful result that is bound to come.
But instead of bounding down the stairs, she carefully starts to climb down, reaching back to take your hand, sensing your apprehension and fear of going back down there....she is the only one who ever noticed that.
You carefully follow her down the stairs and then watch her as she stands in the middle of the room, taking in all the disaster that surrounds her....... you quietly wait for the questions to begin, for the rummaging to start....but she says nothing. Instead, she quietly and carefully begins to touch things....not in the way that others did, so carelessly.....but in a very gentle way.....running her fingers over the once soft blanket that used to cover you at night, carefully picking up the broken pieces of your shattered keepsakes that were so viciously destroyed long ago......
You watch in amazement at the tender way she handles your 'mess' watch as her eyes well up with tears at the very slightest thought of your hurt...... there is something familiar about the way she has handles the things in your dark basement...... how she handles your fear, your hurt, your shame, your brokeness.....
then it hits you......your Rescuer had that same gentleness and tenderness when He first brought you out of the darkness and into the Light...... they are very similar.....

the dark doesn't seem so dark anymore, the fear is slowly being replaced with a small peace....there is even a soft breeze flowing through..... it doesn't seem as cold and damp as it did before....
it's a good thing..... the two of you often go back there to just sit and talk.....the Rescuer often joins you's no longer a scary place, but it is becoming a beautiful room, full of new keepsakes and lots of Light.

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