Monday, June 16, 2008

What if...?

Every week here at BABR, we have a work team come and help us with our many needs here at the camp. At the beginning of the week, our staff spends time getting to know the work team....we get about 1 minute to talk to each member and gather as much info in that time as we can.
Well last week, while making my way through the line, I met a very interesting young girl. As I stood in front of her, trying to extract information out of her, I had an strange feeling I was looking in a mirror. Although we physically looked nothing alike, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were very similar. She had a "tough" girl attitude...she looked like she could take almost any of our guys in an arm wrestling match....she hardly said 2 words and I had to work to get those.....and trying to extract a smile seemed like an impossible task. I know few of you knew me as a young person, but i would have described myself very much like that.
But there was something about her that was very different from the younger me....she had a quiet, peaceful, yet confident spirit about her. And although most of our staff didn't really know how to approach her, I spent my time seeking her out, drawing her out. It took hardly no time before she was talking and smiling....and her love for the Lord became more and more evident as well. And that is when the question struck me: "What if I had become a Christian as a young person....what would that have looked like?"....."Would it have looked a lot like this young girl?" Although I am thankful for the life God gave me and I am confident of the path He led me down, meeting this young girl made me just wonder, what would it have looked like and where would I be today? Again, I wouldn't trade what I have today for anything, but there is a part of me that is sad I didn't begin my journey with the Lord earlier.
But if nothing else, it made my desire to spread the Gospel and disciple young women even stronger....
thank you, Lord.....for your perfect plan....and for the reminders of your faithfulness. Help me never to take it for granted....

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

Great post! Have a good day and keeping making a difference in lives!