Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 3, day 2

I'm sick today.

Up all night with some kind of stomach bug.

I'm too busy to be sick....

at least that's my opinion....

guess God has a different opinion.

Although I was still 'around' all day and was mostly involved, I was not really 'into' it. But, even from a somewhat outsider perspective, I can see the week is going well so far. We have a pretty good group of campers. There have been a couple of small incidents, but overall, they seem excited to be here and interested to learn the things of God.

I'm home tonight, missing chapel, free time and the concert scheduled for later tonight. I don't really see the point in it, but for some reason it's where God wants me....I won't fight it, I'll just submit to it and wait for it to pass. Guess I should be thankful for the slower pace, right? I'll keep reminding myself of that, even while I can hear the massive rock concert going on in the chapel....breathe in, breathe out.....

Tomorrow is a new day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon. *hug*